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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. As far as writing and reading pure Latin, studying the whole grammar of it, I do not think there is a need. Studying the vocabulary of Latin and Greek, this is something you can use and important to add to your studies.
  2. I think so. We went this week end to shop for dd and bought: Sandles 1 dress 2 leggins 3 tops 1 capris and spent about $100 For what you bought $200 sounds good.
  3. I only go paypal when buying used and feel real uncomfortable when I am selling and they want to send a check. I have had to get refunded several times because the item was not as listed and paypal took care of it. I am also one that feels insurance should be part of the price, this way everyone is covered.
  4. Add us to the like group. Never liked the Bond girl additions anyway. We recently watched the Timothy D. and Pierce B. Bond movies and laughed so much at the cheesey-ness of them. The Daniel C. Bond movies are more dark but you are dealing with death and terrorism, it should not be a bunch of sexual innuendos anyway.
  5. it really depends on what you are looking at, the science supplies you will need and other things. This coming year I spent $1000 for ds, but last year it was only about $400. I do not need science supplies now so that helps, but one year I needed a Microscope which will add $200-400 to a budget. Another thing, have you looked for used curriculum? there are certain curriculum you can find by the boatload on ebay for very cheap...BJU, Apologia, Abeka are some I have bought from ebay for pennies on the dollar and they are in almost like new condition. An idea for your little one...you can buy real cheap workbooks at Barnes and Nobel or other places that can be used for preschool and meet her need for her own things. Sometimes I found them at the dollar store. ETA: For 4 children I have spent as much as $3500 and as little as $700.
  6. Loved it. We actually love all the Zoology books. The first time we did this we just used the free notebooking pages but we will be doing it again using the Lapbook from A Journey Through Learning. Depending on the ages of your children, this book can be done over the course of the year with you doing the reading or they can do it independently. When my son did it he was in 4th and covered the book in half a year. I found the experiments doable without breaking the bank. Common supplies for the most part. I will recommend doing the 1st chapter and then the insect ones followed by the rest because depending where you live the insect chapters might fall during winter or early spring where insects are not available.
  7. We used this web site along with the Children Just like Me book. You can do as much or as little as you want. The site has printables on it for the maps and other interesting add ons. http://homeschoolcreations.com/Geography.html (scroll down to the middle of the page for each continent)
  8. have you seen the Apologia Flying Creature's of the Fifth Day? The Half the book is on birds. My son learned quite a lot from it (still remembers most of it and that was 4 yrs ago).
  9. I do not consider him a stable person therefore I cannot take his threats lightly and say he is posturing. I am also concerned because I have a son who is in SK at the border right now.
  10. I have not come across (with SL science) what you are describing.
  11. It is a large chunk and makes you gulp. I still do every February when i place my order and I have done for a while now. I go through the second guessing because the total is eye popping. But when it is all paid for and the boxes start arriving I forget the cost. Just remember, if it is not a consumable you can use it for your other children and it could be resold. This makes the cost come down in the long run.
  12. We have used BJU in the past which is very meaty and hands on experiment wise. This coming year my ds will be using ACE Paces that I am very pleased with from what I have read over so far.
  13. Not much actually. I do more guiding then teaching. When they are still non readers I teach but the amount of time is very little because there class time is just an hour or two and that is filled with coloring, manipulative and other hands on things...actual teaching time might be half hour or an hour at most. As they begin to read they start doing things on their own. My teaching time might be an intro to a lesson they read or quick explanation on a math skill. My dd is ending 2nd and for the last month or two she has told me she wants to try and figure out these things on her own...so very little teaching there. We do read aloud her science and discuss...mainly it is me pointing out the things I want stressed. I would say total teaching time is again half an hour to an hour tops. High School I do not teach unless they come to me because they do not understand something or they need a quick reminder of grammar/writing rules. This might be once or twice a week with a total of an hour (unless it is a major math problem, then 2 hours tops). As I said, my role as a homeschool mom is more guidance then teaching. I want my children to learn to learn on their own.
  14. I am planning on adding in Beautiful Feet's Composers curriculum. We used their history of Science one and I really enjoyed it. Another option I am looking at is the one Homeschool in the Woods sells on Composers and Artist
  15. What about doing lap books for those topics, there are many free ones out there, and use library books. This would be the cheapest way but just as effective.
  16. We are working our way through Mystery of History (volume 1 was in 9th). It is a 4 yr plan but worth it since my ds is enjoying this format. I will also give him a credit in Geography and a half credit in computer (he does tons of research plus writing, making charts, and he did some power point presentations too) at the end of the 4 years. ETA: I forgot to mention the MOH books are not real expensive, binder and 8 divider tab pages, and that is all you would need to buy though. The rest is computer research and extra readings (there is a list in the back but are not necessary) can be gotten at the library.
  17. Update:, talked with the ped. about it and they had an ultra scan done to see if anything problematic was going on. They said there was nothing unordinary about it. Just a long lasting bruise. I feel better knowing it was nothing worse. Thanks for all the similar bruise stories, it helped sooth the worry.
  18. You can always make the lapbook pieces bigger or add extra pages to them. Another idea is add the lapbook piece to a notebook page and only add the bare minimum to the pieces, like a definition or list then write more about the topic on the notepage. I plan on making a lapbook but each chapter will have it's own folder and on the back of the folder add some loose paper so notes and longer writing can be added. I did lapbooking for the first time this year and dd did feel restricted in her writing because she had to just a little blurb for each thing.
  19. I usually let them sleep as long as they want. DD will get up between 5:30 or 6 and ds between 8;30 and 9:30.
  20. Next year is complete and all material is bought. I sat down last night and wrote out 3 different courses of study for dd for the rest of her school years(she is going in 3rd, I have 4th all planned out, but 5th through 12th is still unclear). I am one who has notebooks and notebooks of plannings for the children. I change it throughout the year. make notes, write out ideas and then add to it as the year goes on. I love to look back at the notebooks I made for the boys and see what actually happened that I planned out. Also I like to see all the silly ideas I had and am so glad i came to my senses.
  21. Why not see her before she dies? She might be in a position to forgive/forget all the past. I have seen this happen countless times. Family problems are laid to rest before the person is simply because one of the parties has decided to try one last time.
  22. Picnicing in the center of a fossil gorge while the kids explore all while enjoying the spring sun.

  23. IF it turns out to be a stress fracture or chipped bone or something else....what medical procedure would be done? I mean, what would the procedure be to heal it?
  24. Nope, not for a very long time. Hubby is not a fan of the stuff and he is the only one I would be trying to look good for. If he like me all natural why bother with it?
  25. No real advice, just a here is what my 10th grader did... Ds used Apologia Biology this year (10th). He did Physical Science in 9th and will do Chemistry and Physics for 11th and 12th. We did not do all of the Apologia Biology book. Jut up through cells and the DNA chapters. We then switched to Abeka Health so we could get the human body stuff. I felt the body info was more important then the classification of animals, that is something he has had in the past and can look at as he needs.
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