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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. I switched last year for ds and he went from a math loathing teen to saying it is now one of his favorite subjects. It was worth every penny because he does the work without any help from me AND he understands it.
  2. So this Inquisicorp/Brightflash/SL business is all of 40-50 people from what I can gather. SL has trouble getting the new IGs out on time when big changes take place, now this company is branching out to rewrite the SL IGs to remove anything relating to God and the Bible. How are they going ton handle all the changes to the SL IGs and the new Brightflash ones? And the more I read about SL and all, the more I am feeling mislead
  3. Depends, if you have children close in age then I would keep it. Just because what you decided to use with one child does not mean the next child will do well with it. If you are dealing with your youngest then I would get rid of whatever they are finished with or will not be used with them. Also if your children are very far apart (my last 2 are 8yrs apart) then I would get rid of things the older is using even if I am going to use it for younger because they will most likely come out with a new edition by the time the youngest uses it.
  4. I was just thinking of listening to this with dd. I don't have a problem with the AC books. DD has heard the Amelia Peabody mysteries on audio so the AC would be mild in comparison, also dd has no problems with sensitivity.
  5. I asked about the article on the SL board and was pleased to hear the response. https://forums.sonli...stian-material/ Also Luke responds to a question about this on their Facebook page.
  6. I just read Lukes response to this on SLs facebook page. Apparently SL has a parent company which is news to me, I thought SL was it's own company. Who is SL's parent company, I would like to see what they are about.
  7. No it is if you discuss what you believe with one group of friends and purposely omit those beliefs in conversation if the conversation is pertaining to those beliefs with others because you are ashamed or don't want them to know what you truly believe. That is what SL is doing here, changing it's views to please others. Either they believe their curriculum should be Bible based or they don't, they cannot have it both ways.
  8. I believe a company that claims to be Christian AND sell Christian material should keep that material Christian. Not change it's view to fit what the world wants. It needs to know what it believes and stand by that belief. And yes, to me it is selling out to others if you change that belief or omit it to sell something. I do not feel discriminated against if a Catholic curriculum company sells curriculum based on the Catholic faith, or a Jewish, or a wiccian (if one exists) or a whatever curriculum sells a curriculum that contains it's belief in it. I am buying it knowing that I will get their religious/non religious views in it. With what you said....maybe I am should feel discriminated against because the secular curriculum I purchased has omitted God from their curriculum.
  9. I think what the OP is getting at is a company that claims to sell Christian material but then alters that material is not a true Christian company. They are a company that sells Christian material....big difference. I have no problem buying secular and have, I have no problem with a company selling Christian and non Christian curriculum. BUT if a company claims to be Christian then all it's material, the material it personally creates (SL IGs) then they need to stick to their beliefs not change them to suit different people.
  10. I understand what you are saying and agree. It is life me acting/talking one way with my Christian friends and then acting/talking another way around my non-christian friends....it is being two faced, In SL's case it is selling out. This news is upsetting to me, I just returned to SL but this news has me questioning my purchase. I think I might ask SL about this, get their reply and go from there.
  11. Ds and I: read the same books play video games hike archery I have him help in the kitchen...usually cutting the veggies (he loves knives) have nerf gun fights fence (well, he fences and I flail about trying not to get hit) pick on each other get him involved in one of my projects bicker in a fun way
  12. Around 5th grade is when my kids started showing carelessness. They have the knowledge to basic math down as well as writing so they stop thinking the steps through and rush it. Careless errors abound from sloppy writing to mistakes in writing and math. After pointing out the careless work and giving them enough time to be more careful, I then make the corrections they need to do an after school thing. It now is something that is inhibiting their free time. I have also made them wake up a half hour or an hour earlier to deal with corrections. For a preteen/teen, messing with their sleep is big (at least for my boys). After a few weeks things get better, usually.
  13. The Spectrum books are good. If you look at the index it will show you all the skills discussed on the workpages.
  14. TOPS are wonderful units but beware, the TOPS come in 2 different forms, the ones like Radishes where you have a calendar and notepages and then there are TOPS with Task Cards. The Task Cards seem to be for the older age range. These are a little more difficult. The TOPS book should say Task Cards on the front. Just a heads up.
  15. We usually make Fridays the day we add new things to the lapbook, there is no wait dd could wait to the end to assemble it. This year we will be making lapbooks for science and history. For science we will be using a lapbook I got for Apologia Flying Creatures but we will not be making one big lapbook. instead I plan on using a file folder per chapter, inside the file folder will be the lapbooks creations and on the back I will attach with metal brads any paper generated from the chapter (notes, drawings, experiments). Then each folder will be 3 hole punched and put in a binder. As for the Time Traveler lapbook, there should be a tutorial on the cd that will walk show you how to make the lapbook. O plan on having this premade before school starts. I am aslo going to buy plastic see through sleeves you can put in a notebook so the lapbook can fit nicely in with all her other things she will write/draw for history. The lapbook you make with the TT looks daunting but it is not really overwhelming since you do a little at a time.
  16. Each 9yr old is different. MY children have free range to the HP books no matter the age but none of mine are sensitive readers. Last year my dd was 7 and we listened to all the HP audio cds and watched al the movies. She had no problem with the darkness since goodness prevailed. You know your child and know what has upset him in the past. Use that as a baseline. If you choose to let him read it, forewarn him that it gets dark and people die. Watch how hw is reacting to the reading and be open to discuss. One thing, I personally believe you should have some knowledge of the books if it is a series of books that are questionable in some form or fashion, this way you know what is in them and how to discuss it with your child.
  17. We have only used 3A as a supplement to BJU Math 3 and this was with a non mathy 8yr old. We worked together on the book and did not do the starred problems. With that said I have seen the benefits of BA in her regular math work. It is making her think differently, more logically. For my dd, using BA as the only math would not work but we will be doing books 3B and C next year (possibly D) as a supplement.
  18. We settled on ACE Paces for Chemistry. I read the first one this weekend and was very impressed. We used Apologia for some of the Biology and Abeka Health for the other part of Bio. Ds said he is really enjoying the health book, said learning about the human body seems so much more necessary then about the classification system and all those micro organisms.
  19. We used BJU for many years but that was not their only reading. We used the BJU for a reading lesson but then a book of my choosing for reading time. We also added in the Book Links from BJU to have a more detailed book discussion on 3 books a year or I used a prodginy press guide with a book or two.
  20. Snow! Heavy flakes and the ground is covered. Love it.

  21. We use this site a lot. It has a week by week review page for each week but the review pg is really a week of activities. http://mathlearnnc.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=4507283&pageId=5051238
  22. That seems about right. I budget around $1000 per child for curriculum. If I need lab supplies then it is more. I do sell my old curriculum so get somewhere between 25-50% back.
  23. I was little when this happened and I can remember food...tables and tables of food, lots of candles and statues. The food ranged from main foods to cookies and pastries to breads. Not sure what you are asking. For the alter, we went in, lit a candle, and then loaded up with food. Before we left we each got a St Joseph card and a bean. I know it took my grandmother and all my aunts days to prepare the food, one house was designated for breads, one sweets, one main dishes. It was a big family affair....think on the line of My Big Fat Greek Wedding only Italian. Some of the main dishes I remember: Stuffed peppers Stuffed artichoke Lasagna Breaded eggplant meatballs Italian sausage with potatoes
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