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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Whew, got my 4th book read, The Hunger Games. I also read Artist Journal Workshop, but not sure if these type of books count.
  2. I battled squirrels for almost 20 yrs and by accident now have a squirrel free feeder. The feeder is hanging from a branch far enough away from the trunk and hanging by a thin wire that drapes the branch and hangs down double like. Not sure why this keeps the squirrels from going down the wire...when it was single they slid down with out a problem. All I know is It is peaceful at our feeding station now. Everyone gets choice food and plenty. Suit, thistle feeder, corn feeder, and mixed seed feeders, plus mixed nuts tossed on the ground. My biggest problem now is the birds are getting demanding. If I don't get out there bright and early to fill everything some will peck at the window.
  3. Thanks for the link. I looked on this site recently (as per another posters suggestion) and found it extremely helpful.
  4. I found the writing projects in the upper levels fine. They had a good sampling of HS level writing projects, all types are presented over the course of 7th -12th. The teaching of writing is not there...most likely because it was done at the younger level. They will discus the type of paper written but if your student is not use to writing and you are looking for writing instruction then it is missing.
  5. I just paid ds $1 to feed the birds...too cold for this mama to go outside

  6. I think BJU is colorful at the upper levels. Their pages are not just black and white. Highlighting and even some drawings are throughout.
  7. Ruth :grouphug: I think between your recent posts and the link Faithr has given has got me thinking in the direction I want to go with this ds. There is a light at the end of this science tunnel and I think it will fit my ds perfectly.
  8. Never just ate an artichoke plain, we always stuffed it with breadcrumb, seasonings and pickled meat. If you have the stem, they are good to eat too.
  9. :grouphug: I knew it was out there somewhere...a usable list of books other then a textbook to get these sciences taught. The link is a treasure. Thank you.
  10. OhElizabeth, did you see this link http://www.motherofdivinegrace.org/curriculum/syllabus/36 I was clued into it on my thread in the High School forum and it looks promising.
  11. Thanks everyone. this has given me lots to think on as well as things to check out. Much appreciated.
  12. I had thought about this, adding in the actual scientists who developed the sciences, study them and what they did. I am sure their are lists out their for this....top 10 scientists that made Chemistry history...or something like it. This would not be the whole curriculum because a basic knowledge of the science would need to be under the students belt to have any idea of what is taking place, but this idea coupled with several others ...I think it would make a great curriculum.
  13. THIS looks very promising. Much thanks. I was thinking along the lines of taking the animal kingdom studies he has left in the textbook and do a nature study type thing (observe, record) along the way create a guide for the area we live in.
  14. Encouraging, thank you. How many hours of lab for each science subject would be needed towards a credit. Usually it is included with the course (or so I thought). He is taking labs for Biology through our Homeschool Program, but they are just once a month and are an hour and a half long. Each lab has required reading, videos to watch, and notes to take. I was hoping this would be enough lab for his Biology credit.
  15. Great blog post, thank you. I can use some of this now since we are shelving his Biology book after doing half of it.
  16. My ds has no plans for the SAT2, just the ACT and ASVAB. I will look into Spectrum Chemistry, thanks.
  17. But could you learn those things without an actual textbook? What if you have a list of things for let's say Biology that you know need to be learned...take that list and learn without a textbook. Chemistry math can be done this way (I would think)...you need to learn x, y, z and here is how to do it, now lets apply it to this problem.
  18. Is there anything out there like this? Any blogs about this? Curriculums? Moms who are doing this with their HS child and seeing great results (love of learning science returning sort of thing)? Anything?
  19. I want to sit in front of the heater, knit and listen to The Hobbit, but my dd wants to finish school, what have I created?

    1. Live2Ride


      a glorious beast :)

    2. Lizzie in Ma

      Lizzie in Ma

      I like your idea better. ;)

  20. No, dont appologize, I am hanging on every word. My youngest and oldest dss loved science until High School. I saw how it killed my oldest''s love of the subject and hated it, but I am repeating the process and I want it to stop.
  21. :party: I wanted to do this last year but life intervened and I want to do it this year...hopefully I will be able to but even if i do not get 52 books in a year I will still be putting time aside for personal reading. As of this weekend I have 3 books under my belt. These are not deep novels or even hard to read ones but they were on my list (or I came across) and now i can check them off. Listened to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and read Wild Days (a book about nature journaling), and Rebel Fire ( a Young Sherlock Holmes series book). Next up is the Hobbit (audio version) and Pocket Full of Pinecones. Like I said, these are not deep books but I will have time later in life for the deeper/harder books. Now it is my season of relaxing entertainment.
  22. please note...the military could be a cure but it could just be a band aid. So far my son has had 2 yrs of military interference and he has not changed one bit. Actually it is worse. Now he gets a paycheck to fund his care free ways, a paycheck that is all his because he has no bills to worry about (except a phone bill). The military pays for his cost of living expense so he is not learning to be responsible. It is giving him a false sense of maturity and when he leaves he will be be in the reality of the real world with out a clue (because he never listened to us and the military took care of his needs).
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