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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Many of those without access to health care are some of the hardest working people in this country. They don't have insurance because the system stinks, not because they are lazy.
  2. One pair each. They get a pair from their grandparents every Christmas, which get put in a drawer and not taken out again until they are replaced the following year with the new Christmas pj's. They sleep in camis and shorts (dds) and underwear (ds).
  3. Our HSA covered ANY medical expenses. We were told to put things like otc ibuprofen on the card.
  4. My 12 year old is very sensitive about her eyebrows. She's started tweezing them, but she isn't doing a very good job, and they don't look so great. I think I'm going to let her get them waxed, even though I am not thrilled with the idea.
  5. Iowa has a reputation for great schools. They aren't terrible, but they aren't great. At least the ones I've dealt with.
  6. I don't iron. If it isn't wash and wear, we don't buy it. I only do my and dh's laundry. The kids do their own. They also clean their own rooms and bathrooms. Dh and ds take care of the yard and the cars. I can't complain. I don't do that much. :D
  7. Are they going to have people in and out of their room constantly when the servers go down? That would annoy me.
  8. No, and I wouldn't want to. The kind of "food" you can get for that price isn't what I want to feed my family.
  9. I'm not going to look all these up, but the few I have are taken out of context and are misrepresented. One example: "Pg. 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesnt matter what specialty u have, you'll all be paid the same" What it actually says is this: What this means is that the doctor is paid the same amount for a procedure (like a colonoscopy, for instance) whether it's done by an internist or a surgeon. Currently, that isn't the case, and it doesn't make sense. It isn't talking about salary.
  10. I have 98,000 miles on my Honda Pilot and haven't had a single problem.
  11. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, by Alexander McCall Smith
  12. Perler beads! We love those. Parchment paper, or read here.
  13. Got ours last week. Use the instructions on the website to put it together, NOT the ones in the package. They are awful! We haven't had a clear night yet, so haven't used it.
  14. Many of these studies were looking at OTC preparations, not treatments they would receive from a practitioner. These OTC "remedies" are supposed to treat medical problems. The evidence shows that the claims are untrue.
  15. Article excerpt I haven't looked at the actual studies so I can't comment on how well done they were.
  16. Thanks. The author clearly meant for the friend to be heartbroken (the child committed suicide) but I interpreted it the same way you did. Maybe since the context makes it so obvious, it's acceptable.
  17. So who is heartbroken and mystified- the child or the friend? Thank you.
  18. I'm always looking for new ideas for bedding. Right now I'm using newspapers and Care Fresh. It's kind of a pain to clean. Can you describe your system a little more? How often do you change the towel and how do you keep it clean?
  19. Here's an article I found very helpful. Excerpt:
  20. Only peripherally, right now. That will probably change this fall. I hope you are still considering it. It's a great field!
  21. :grouphug: I'm sorry. I wish I had some concrete answers for you, but I don't. Is your son allergic to eggs? There is some new technology using human and caterpillar cells instead of eggs to grow the virus, and those might be an option for him. There may be other options for vaccine too, but you should discuss those with his doctor. It's so hard to know what to do. We can't lock them in a closet (tempting, sometimes) but there is no question that social distancing decreases rates of infection. Not everyone who gets the vaccine will get full immunity from it, so even vaccinated people would benefit from considering themselves susceptible and act accordingly. Probably some vaccinated people will get full immunity, most partial immunity, and some none. But you don't have any way of knowing which category you're in. My plan is to wait and see. It may turn out not to be any worse than seasonal flu, and we will carry on as usual. If it's severe, we will limit activities and avoid crowds when it's in full swing. I don't know how draconian I'll get. It will depend on the severity of the disease.
  22. I don't want to give the impression that I think the vaccine is a bad thing. I am cautious by nature, of everything, so it's just my personality to hang back a little and see where things are headed. We won't be first in line, but we won't be far behind. It's possible the flu will start off mild and then turn worse, and by then the vaccine may be gone. The most recent prediction I heard was 60-80 million doses (US) for the fall. If 2 doses are required, we are looking at 30-40 million people - about 10-15% of the population. Most vaccine is produced in Europe, not the US. So it may end up being a rare and valuable commodity. My point is, we won't wait long. I understand and agree with you about prevention. Handwashing, social distancing, sneezing and coughing into your sleeve are all helpful and important. If you (the generic "you") are sick, stay home. If the flu has a high case fatality rate, we may very well see some attempts at shutting down of public places. However, I would include vaccination as a very important preventive measure.
  23. I really don't know much about the adjuvants. Preliminary studies are suggesting the vaccine isn't "strong" enough to evoke a good immune response, so there is discussion of giving two doses or using adjuvants. Most of the adjuvants are proprietary so very little is known about them. Certainly using adjuvants increases the possibility of side effects, and if they're needed it may delay things, since they'll try to get additional safety data before licensing. Most vax preparations are premixed, but I believe one company is preparing separate vials for mixing at the site of administration. That shouldn't be a problem for clinics, but sounds like a logistical PITA for mass vax campaigns, like in schools. I don't know what the advantage of separate vials would be. I can only think of disadvantages.
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