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Everything posted by my2kidsmom

  1. I would find out what music the kids dance to. There is nothing grosser than see a group of 4 year olds dancing to "You Can't Touch This". Ask to look through last year's program.
  2. Oh...I forgot to add. You may want to look at driving a school bus. I know a lady that does this and she gets benefits and gets to have her kids on the bus with her. I posted some links in another thread of a couple of good forums where people talk about working from home.
  3. When I was looking at medical transcription, I was told by a guy that works for a company that hires MTs to look into Career Step. http://www.careerstep.com/ He said they hire graduates from there all the time.
  4. No one can be having fun all the time...everyone has stress. That shrink might need to talk to someone because he's bound to have some unresolved issues and is suppressing alot of anxiety that he's going to blow one dad!!! ;)
  5. Me too. I thought I had made more post that I have. I guess I just comment in my head and move on :tongue_smilie:
  6. Yesterday, DD and a few neighborhood kid took the boom box out to the carport and made a video. It was cute.
  7. What? No glitter? J/K I would ask one of the other dance moms. I would think someone would help you out. My dd takes dance and we use all the things you listed. I apply them. I use a base color that is tan. We have very fair skin and she is too pale in the pictures and on stage with the lights. I even use false eyelashes because they are easier to put on than mascarra IMO. For the Red lips, I used a body crayon (from a holloween kit) because it doesn't smear like lipstick does. Also, we wash our faces and then put on a moisturizer after the recitle (we don't have to put on faces for rehearsal). DD's skin is sensative too, but the make up is only on for a short period of time and we've not had any problems with just Cover Girl (and other cheap brands). good luck
  8. Gas is killing us. I spent 76.xx yesterday to fill up my SUV. I'm not driving anywhere other than what is necessary!!! If my parents want to see the kids, they'll have to come here. They have a PRIUS!!! That 52 mpg beats mine with a stick!
  9. Lovely idea...maybe we'll come too :) I can certainly relate to your situation.
  10. I make next week's menu based on the sales ads on Wed. I've also started using coupons. I look for freebies when I have extra time and only get stuff that I would actually use. (Here's a good one...it's a coupon for a free starter kit for a toilet scrubber) http://www.3m.com/us/home_leisure/scotchbrite/images/coupons/MSL_DTSCoupon_4-2008.pdf I also make my on 100 calorie snack bags. I found the 100 calorie packages to be expensive. I now buy snack size baggies and make my own. You would be surprised how much you can have. If you just go by the serving size, you can have a lot of Fritos, stick graham crackers, etc. So it's cheaper and you get a better variety. We limited our eating out to one family meal at a sit down restaurant once a month and fast food twice (including grabbing Little Ceasar's to bring home). I cook at home and we usually cook from scratch. I admit, I cut my dryer sheets in half (it works just the same), and I skimp on the amount of detergent called for (I'm swear our clothes are just as clean). Like someone else said, I never by ANYTHING full price. I am a savvy shopper and can find a deal on most anything. I buy clothes for the kids and myself at garage sale and when they go deep clearance at the stores. Like buying winter clothes in spring/summer.
  11. I agree. I was in the same situation. My dd missed the cut off. She's a November baby. She was already reading and fairly advanced at that age, except for coloring which I was sure she would learn in PS. If your child is already ahead most Kindergarten kids, she will most likely be bored in school. Does a Kindergarten student really need a "formal" homeschool. Also, like the other poster, what she would learn socially in a group setting without enough direct supervision may not be the best thing.
  12. Out test prep consist of a quick discussion of testing in general a couple of days before the test. The only other preparation we do is gather up some sharp pencils and eat a good breakfast. I let dd know I expect her to stay on task and answer the questions, be respectful to the other test takers, remain in her seat, etc. I encourage he to do the best she can. We don't do any work outside of your normal school schedule. If she gets it, good, if she doesn't, I'll know where her weakness are. Maybe this will change as she gets older (she's 9 and has been tested twice). I would think we would do some prep when she gets in high school and is getting ready to take the college entrance exams.
  13. another vote for homeschoolclassifieds between them and the WTM sale borad, I ususally find what I want at the right price. You also may want to sign up for the Timberdoodle newsletter. They will notify you when they are having their scratch and dent sale. They have some really good deals and the books are new and may have a bent corner or shelf wear.
  14. I would sign him up. Talk to the teacher of the class and let her know that he will most likely test some limits and that her tolerance level is going to determine if he does it once or five hundred times. Set very clear limits with him and discuss with him the exact consequence for any inappropriate behavior. You know from other activies that your child know how to interact in situations with other peers and an adult other than you in charge of the group. I'll bet that those adults have a low tolernace for misbehavior so your son does not misbehave. The teacher in the coop let it go on and on and he learned he can keep misbehaving and not get in trouble so he did. Even after he got in trouble, he knew he could push it again because he still got away with misbehaving X number of times before the teacher "drew the line".
  15. I've looked on and off for a couple of years. I have seriously thought about doing the LiveOps thing, but that would require me to get a phone. They don't allow cell phone use. There are other companies out there that do the same thing and you can work for more than one at a time. Here are two sites that have a good message boards about WAH jobs. http://www.workplacelikehome.com/forum/index.php and http://www.wahm.com/ I signed up with survey sites. In March, I got checks for 79.70, paypal for 7, Amazon gift certifictes for 55 and three really cool test products that I like but would have never bought for myself. If you want to know more about survey sites, let me know. As you can see, it's not much money, but it takes us out to eat a few times and I use the Amazon certifictes to buy gifts or homeschool books. I also resell books and other items. I'm bad about not taking the time to list on ebay. I hate that their rates (and paypal's) are getting so high. I've sold something on Criagslist with great success. Although I've never done this, I've looked around the freelance sites. I just don't know if I have the skill set most of those sites need. If you do, check out freelance jobs. good luck and keep us posted
  16. A journal at age 7...you've got to be kidding me. My dd is 9 and is still sloppy with her writing, but it has gotten better over the years. I wouldn't stress too much.
  17. We still do this when we come across helping verb. :)
  18. We use STOW. Next year dd with be in the 4th volumn. I am going to let my 1st grade ds "tag along". Then, we'll cover ancient when he is in 2nd and dd is in 5th (for her 2nd time in the rotation).
  19. I've been really happy with Latina Christiana. We have the set with the DVD's. DD goes in her room, watches the lesson and comes back to the table to complete the worksheet.
  20. I have my book buried out in the storage room and need a list of the memory work from FLL. Can anybody list them? It's been over a year since we finished and I can't remember anything except Hearts Like Doors and The Goops. HELP TIA
  21. We used Chemistry this year. It is a good first look at Chemistry. My dd is in 3rd. I would not suggest using it as the only text for kids older than 4th grade because I think they would get bored with it.
  22. I've been around for a while. If I had to guess I would say that I've been in and out for at least 3, maybe 4 years. Actually I lurked on the curriculum board for about a year or two. About 2 years ago I discovered the general discussion board.
  23. I do this...but only when I'm typing somthing that is more than one or two sentences. (Wait, no, I do it all the time.) Does that mean I've been using the internet for too long?:blink:
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