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Everything posted by zookeeper

  1. Didn't get a chance to read all the posts, but wanted to reply. When my happy go lucky, never stressed about anything dh started showing major stress, I convinced him to go to my dr who deals with hormones and adrenals. He was WAY low! After some thyroid and adrenal support, he is back to his old self again even though the circumstances haven't changed. He's so thankful he went even though he fought it hard at the time.
  2. Wouldn't bother me a bit. We make ice cream several times a year with raw eggs.Have been doing it that way for as long as I can remember. Nobody's ever had any problems.
  3. We've had a broody hen, but no fertile eggs. She wouldn't stop so I got some eggs from a friend. One didn't make it, one was a dud and one had to be helped out of the egg. At first she didn't want the one that made it but my ds had just put the chick in her box. I told him to put the chick UNDER her and she took to it just fine. It's so darn cute!! I just love baby chicks!
  4. We are in the process of replacing floors in our house. We put tile in the bathrooms, closets, hall, entryway, kitchen, dining and laundry. We're going to put it in the playroom after we put up bookshelves. We'll keep carpet in the bedrooms and are undecided about what to do in the living room. I'd kinda like wood floors, but there's a french door and I don't want to have to worry about water getting on the floor.
  5. My dh works outside. We recently bought a fixer-upper that had been vacant for a long time. The outside is VERY overgrown. We got chickens this summer which required a coop being built. Basically, he's outside every minute he possibly can. That's what he loves! It was more difficult when we lived in a neighborhood. Our yard was the size of a postage stamp. It didn't take very long to do the yard and what little upkeep there was on the outside. He's much happier in the country.
  6. I don't medicate unless there's a bad headache with it or extreme lethargy. If they're laying around and content to watch a video or such, I'll wait it out. If they're having trouble sleeping, I'll medicate at bed time. Basically I go by how they're acting. Sometimes a 101 degree fever can be miserable and sometimes I wouldn't even know they've got a fever if I didn't give them a hug. Just depends.
  7. My dh puts salsa/hot sauce on EVERYTHING. I sometimes joke that I'm going to start making the same thing everyday because it all tastes the same to him anyway!
  8. I've got a bantam that's broody right now. We tried to break her of it but she wasn't having anything to do with it. I got some fertile eggs from a friend and we'll see how it goes. They should hatch this week. Now ANOTHER hen is going broody. I really didn't want to deal with this over the winter. We're going to try to break her.
  9. I don't really fill it FULL, but I definitely don't want to worry about keeping too much food in there. If you have one, is it the biggest one they make (29cu ft)? That's the size we have. I just can't believe you'd need to be so careful about closing the door. I told the repair person they better not tell me I'm closing the door improperly. I've already had that class. lol!! Frankly, I just want my money back and am going to get a different brand. I love the french doors with the freezer on the bottom, but I don't know if I'll get another like that.
  10. I don't *think* I'm overfilling it. We have two other freezers in the garage so the only stuff inside is what we're currently using or what's open. There's plenty of space between the fridge and the wall. It appears to be sealed fine. Frustrating!!
  11. I'm hoping I can just get a store credit this time because I really don't want another Samsung. I love how big it is and how it's set up, but the frost issue is about to do me in!
  12. This is our second one. We had the first one replaced at about 4mths because of frost issues. Well, here we are at about the 4mth mark and the frost is back in full force! When I talk with them, they make it sound like I'm the only person in the world complaining of this but a quick google search brings up lots of forums with other people having the same problem. So, do you have trouble with frost in freezer? This was an expensive refrigerator. I shouldn't have to defrost it monthly!
  13. Now I might could go shopping with dh, but the ILs are ALWAYS here and I'm not shopping with MIL!
  14. Having trouble with either the computer or my brain. Not sure which.
  15. I had one like that too and he thankfully settled head down at 40 wks, the day before my scheduled c-section.
  16. My mother - she has brain cancer, doing pretty well, but it's always on my mind
  17. She'll get over it. The nice thing about hair is - it grows back!
  18. lol!! There's a lot about living out in the country that nobody warned me of before hand! I don't think dh would go for another move after moving to his dream home. What love will do, huh??
  19. I just realized that my 25 lb bag of whole wheat pastry flour got left in the mud room instead of being put into the fridge. Now there's a mouse hole in the bottom of the bag. What should I do with it??:angry:
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