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Everything posted by daijobu

  1. A boat? Two boats? However they spend it, apparently it isn't enough. My dd took the SAT some months ago and was satisfied with her score. The CB wasn't, and they have been pinging her every few weeks suggesting she retake it to get a higher score. What's with these people?
  2. I agree with this. You can save a lot of money, and also do a better job than many contractors. I'm on the fence about forcing your son into this, because what a wonderful gift it would be!
  3. It's been a few years since my dds took Edhesive AP Computer Science A, so grain of salt. In our experience, they provide a weekly schedule, but you don't need to adhere to it. Most of the students I suspect are enrolled in regular schools, so those classes begin the curriculum as their school years begin, which varies. My dd joined the class in January, and did fine, though she'd had some programming experience prior. They do provide a lot of AP prep, and as long as your student watches the lectures and completes the homework, she should do fine on the exam. Mrs. Dovi knows the AP exam inside out, and provides excellent preparation.
  4. FBI isn't really a job. It's an agency, presumably filled with people acting as agents, cyber security experts, administrative assistants, bureaucrats, politicians, valet parking guys, cafeteria guys, undercover operatives, I don't know what all.
  5. Travel agent, lol. Do they even exist anymore? I wouldn't put much stock in these job matching tests. It has about as much value as a "Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?" questionnaire on FB. I hope you didn't pay money for this?
  6. Last summer I participated in a summer math workshop in San Jose, CA for teachers. Food, and lodging expenses were covered. They welcome homeschooling parents, and it was a lot of fun. This is great preparation if you are considering starting a math circle or just want to get in touch with your inner Euler. I highly recommend this, and can answer questions. Apply now for the BATMath Immersion Workshop, a free residential summer program for math teachers in the greater San Francisco Bay Area! The workshop takes place July 9-13, 2018, at the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) in San Jose. All workshop participants receive full funding for meals and lodging in a nearby hotel during the workshop. Applicants are chosen based on their degree of interest in becoming engaged in a community of problem solvers and bringing the culture of problem solving to their classrooms. We encourage all interested teachers to apply, regardless of their mathematical background. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and will remain open until all places are filled, or until June 8, 2018. For more information or to apply, please visit https://batmath.org/calendar/workshop/ or contact Hana Silverstein, BATMath Director, at hana@aimath.org. We hope you will consider applying or spreading the word!
  7. Can you find out what the placement test covers? My dd also wanted to place into a specific math class at her B&M school after homeschooling, so we asked for the list of topics covered on the exam. She was able to hit those topics hard over the summer and breeze through the test. Of course, she wasn't learning them for the first time, but you want to be efficient in your studying. It'd be a shame to spend weeks on 2 column proofs if this school doesn't test you on it.
  8. When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to say "stupid" or "shut up" in the house. In school, we would say "H-E-double hockey sticks" or some such, and teachers would say some benign equivalent to the typical 4 letter words. I never heard people say "damn" above a whisper or without a giggle. What happened to bad words, or do I see the past through my rose-tinted bifocals?
  9. About 20 years ago my car stalled on a busy street in San Francisco. Emerging from the sidewalks were some guys who just grabbed onto my car and pushed it to the curb. I didn't even ask for help, they just knew what to do. Amazing! Call me old fashioned, but I love it when men feel the need to rescue us gals.
  10. Yes, I was surprised at how they handle it in my public district as well. Instead of having pull-out TAG programs at each elementary and middle school, they have the students take a test and apply to a separate magnet school beginning in 3rd grade. Students stay enrolled at the school through middle school and then can switch back to the regular high school. It's nice for them, because then you are in a school only with the students who take academics seriously.
  11. I feel left out. Dd has her first AP on Friday: APUSH. Then she has physics C, calc, and lang next week. ETA: Soon it will be time to change my siggy.
  12. My dd is taking nearly all online classes. However, she prefers learning from reading, and I argue that reading from textbooks is not obsolete. It's actually so much faster than watching a video, my dd gets frustrated and will speed up her videos 1.5x or even 2x speed. I her AP bio class, students are given the option of either reading the Campbell's text or watching video lectures, though they recommend reading the text. She reads and excelled in the class. The PAH AP chemistry class relies mostly on reading the Chang text, with supplementary videos. But I believe the most efficient and effective way to learn is to read first, then supplement with video.
  13. Thank you. These are all great suggestions and I will suggest them to her.
  14. This is what my dd is thinking of doing. She'll be sending different letters to different schools.
  15. I called it honors if: The vendor calls it Honors The vendor calls is a "University Level" class (in particular Stanford OHS) It's an AP class It's AoPS
  16. PAH offers AP Lang and Comp. Dd won't know her score until July, but she's confident right now. Her teacher is Maya Inspektor, and she enjoyed the class so much, she's signed up to take AP Lit next year with her as well. (Also, she's made a number of friends in that class, so they are all taking AP Lit together.)
  17. Dd16 created a 21 page APUSH study sheet, and asked me to quiz her on it. Let me tell you, US history is very boring when it's been reduced to lists and bullet points!
  18. Is she open to coming to Silicon Valley? She could pretty easily pick up an internship there. Here are some tips, but if she does come out, she may not return for her senior year! I wonder if there aren't any more on campus recruiting sessions?
  19. Wow, I sure hope this kid goes into investment banking or something where he can pay all those loans.
  20. For science, I just called it Middle School Science 1,2,3. We were using BFSU and so going back and forth between subjects, so I just included in the course description the topics we covered each year.
  21. I used MyHomeschoolTranscripts.com for my kids to apply to various summer programs and to high schools. It's also great for record keeping because it's easy to enter in test scores, awards, and extracurriculars as they happen.
  22. Dd was just telling me that the wrong California homeschool AP code is still out in the internet on some College Board site. Adding to our complexity is dd will be taking her first AP exam at our local public school. Then because they don't offer AP physics E&M (only Mech), she'll be going to another high school for both AP physics exams. The problem is that high school #2 uses Total Registration, which means her answer sheet will be preprinted with her name and other info including her AP number. But she's supposed to use the AP number of the school where she takes her first AP exam of the season. We think we have a workaround, because she walked out of high school #1 today with 2 extra answer sheets (for both physics exams...we aren't actually sure if we need 2 answer sheets) to take to the second high school. Then she'll need to explain to them that she needs to use her own answer sheets if the ones theirs has her AP number already on it. I've got a feeling we'll need to be printing out some documentation to make sure this all goes smoothly.
  23. My dd wants to go into a STEM field and does not want to take history her senior year. Here's her history progression: 9th: Ancient Greek and Romans (taught badly by me) 10th: Renaissance and Early Modern World (WTMA) 11th: APUSH (PAH) Will she be okay with 3 years of history, or should I press her to add on an easy self-study history class?
  24. Can someone remind me the M.O. for taking AP exams at different schools? The student is supposed to keep their booklet (or something?) and bring it to the other school?
  25. AP CS A is an easy AP, but may be more challenging if you haven't programmed before.
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