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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. At 6 weeks, he's just 3.5 lbs and his paws are tiny. Is there a way to tell what size he will be full grown? ETA: We've committed to foster him for 2 more weeks until he is old enough for adoption. But at this rate, he probably isn't going anywhere. We are all just too smitten :001_tt1:
  2. I would totally take 5 years if he is okay with it. More dual enrollment credit, more strength to his "resume". You can just change his transcript so that his 10th grade work is now 9th grade work. I think it is a great idea.
  3. None. It was never even offered to me as an option. In our area, at the time, activities were only for privileged kids.
  4. This is not tiny...this is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  5. :( It just goes by so fast, the time. DD will be a senior in the fall and I get so sad over it. Where did the time go?
  6. Have you tried quizlet? There are already set of cards made and then you can add them to your account and use the games that test the facts? Just a thought
  7. Drat, I was hoping it was on one page so he could just see it on the iPad. Like a single list with everything. Oh well, maybe I will do one month and see how that goes. Then commit to a year if that seems to be good. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Anyone have or tried this bank? I like their rates :)
  9. My kids are super fast readers so I'm just not a good judge. I taught a literature class at a co-op last year for 5-6th grade and the pace was so slow. It was already planned out for me. This year I am planning it myself. My kids at that age could finish a book in a day or two. What is reasonable for books with average sized chapters? I would like to plan 4-5 chapters per week. Is that too much? Thanks ETA I'm trying to keep in mind that this is not their only reading. They might have other mom-assigned reading for that week so I don't want it to be too heavy. The 1-2 chapter per week pace just seemed a bit slow though.
  10. I'm sorry you have the wrong number (to repeat telemarketers) Dark chocolate? Missing? I haven't seen it :auto: :lol:
  11. I have used the software version for years and have loved it. My bigger kids are in middle and high school. I am thinking about switching to the online version, at least for my rising 2nd grader. He goes to work with me two days a week. I was thinking I could plug his lessons into HS Tracker online and then let him use my iPad to have his own account to "check" of his assignments, encourage him to complete his list, and to have a clear idea of what we need to cover each day. I also like that I can use the online version on my macbook because I use it more than our PC and it goes to work with me :) How does this work? Any thoughts? I hate spending the $ when we've been using our software version for so many years, but it feels like it might be more convenient for him.
  12. I don't think it is parvo because his appetite is HUGE - he seems super hungry all the time. They sent him with the cheap, corn based dog food (Pedigree?). I did switch him today to fresh chicken and veggie food and pumpkin. He seems to be doing a lot better tonight. His poop looks like pumpkin :ack2: Seriously, I will never eat pumpkin again, haha. But last night and this morning it was completely watery so this is progress.
  13. He's a mutt. We think he may have some pit or boxer in him. Not sure?
  14. The mama had a huge litter, he was the runt, and he wasn't thriving. We are actually watching him for a foster mom for the rescue that he was surrendered to. He was surrendered at 3 weeks and she bottle fed him at first.
  15. We are babysitting a 5 week old puppy for ten days. He has very watery diarrhea. I gave him pumpkin with probiotic and that seems to have helped some? Any other thoughts? Thanks :) ETA: I know that a puppy isn't supposed to be adopted until 8 weeks. This is a rescue puppy that was surrendered at 3 weeks to a friend who is a foster mommy for the rescue. The mom had an unusually large litter and this little guy was the runt. He never had a chance to eat and he wasn't thriving.
  16. My girls and I were all on Armour but then they were bought out by a different company and the price kept climbing. It was getting crazy, especially with three of us on it. We switched to Nature-throid about 6 months ago and it is much cheaper.
  17. She went in to take M and decided last minute to switch. After she finished E, she glanced through the M questions and was kicking herself, she was far more familiar with the M material :( I don't know why she made that last minute switch.
  18. She's not so happy with her score. She also wants to be done testing and not have to test anymore, haha. She got a 770 on Literature (Lit is a very difficult test so this is great, she's happy with that) She only got a 690 on Biology :( She has no idea what happened because she always scored in the 700's on practice exams. Should she retake? or just hold and not worry.
  19. This has come up several times in the last few months I was just reading an article the other day about how some spouses without a steady income stash away money in a "leaving fund". They don't do this because they want to leave/plan to leave/need to leave. They do it just in case they end up in a bad situation. It feels sneaky to me. I am not sure if I am comfortable with it or not? I go back and forth. What does the HIVE think - yay or nay? For what it is worth, I am not anticipating divorce in my near or distant future. Just thinking through the concept.
  20. Do they have oats or oat flour? Even the oats labeled GF bother me. Just a thought.
  21. DH and DS are riding home from church when an old Nissan Sentra pulls out in front of them. Dh, "Wow I haven't seen a Sentra in years. I wonder when they stopped making them?" DS, "Dad, they still make the Sentra" DH is like "no, I'm pretty sure they don't" That's when DS had to say "Dad, YOU are at this very moment driving a Sentra that is less than two years old" :lol: Wow, just wow. I mean, DH isn't into cars like most guys - a car is just a car but still :rolleyes: ETA: DH was convinced for a moment that he drove an Altima. Bless, he did realize his mistake quickly.
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