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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. I honestly don't know? DD did very well on the PSAT if that information is given? She's received quite a few offers (Swarthmore, Wellsley, Colby, Reed, Williams, and Vassar) and she hasn't taken any others but she really wanted this one. They are all offering specific weekends in the fall and her fall is crazy, busy and many of them conflict with one another. She knew she could only take one or two so she held out hoping to get a school she was very interested in attending. For most of these, they seem to send a select few kids an invitation to apply for a free travel offer. She didn't apply for any others. They do ask about race, grades, majors, GPA, extracurriculars, etc. DD is white though so I don't think they were just looking for a way to include more diversity, but I don't know. I think Rice takes about 40 of the students that apply.
  2. Ya'll make me wish I was visiting with her :lol: I wish they would fly mama too :tongue_smilie:
  3. Thanks ya'll. I have been using supplements for a little while. I began a highly rated progesterone cream today. I'll look into a reproductive endo and deplin. Thanks so much.
  4. I recently tested positive. I have had two difficult miscarriages in a row, one at 12 weeks and one at 13 weeks. I should feel happy but I feel...anxious and depressed. I wonder if I should see a doctor and see if they can run tests on me (what if there is a problem with me that is causing the miscarriages?) Should I stick with the practice I went to with the last two pregnancies since I know they are vbac friendly even though it is terribly inconvenient and they didn't seem to care at all that I miscarried. Or should I find a new practice, knowing that a local one will not allow a vbac. I struggled with these feelings with my last pregnancy and I want to shake it this time and not battle with depression.
  5. Thanks ya'll. You have made me feel so much better about the campus overall and the area it is in :)
  6. They are flying her there to visit later this month. This is the first flight offer she has taken from a school. She's been enamored by it for a long time because on paper they are her perfect school. She wants a school strong in undergrad research, it is her dream size, it is warm, they have an award winning literary magazine, and they are solid in both of her majors (English and Biology). It does seem perfect on paper. I don't want her that far from home but I'm keeping that to myself. I'm also nervous about her flying alone (she's never flown before). Especially after I looked up the crime rates for Houston - yikes. So what are your opinions on this school?
  7. but your boss wants you to be there "just in case he stops by with stuff or needs something". The work he leaves you can be done in two hours most days but he wants you to stay...just in case he needs you. Would you feel bad for bringing your own stuff to work on? I am just curious what the general consensus is :) Is it okay to do your own things on someone else's time if they are the one who wants you to be there "just in case"? :confused1: :confused1: :confused1:
  8. Ok so the funny that happened in our house is that my older three kids and I watched that clip and then watched this TV show the same night and this happened in the show. We just died laughing. Sorry, not stealing your thread :)
  9. Well, obviously I know this now :lol: She claimed that since there were so many people wanting it, she wanted to send a check to secure it even though she couldn't pick it up for a week. Then she said she needed me to hold it for a few months and then......Never would I have imagined. Seriously, I was too innocent I guess :tongue_smilie:
  10. Yes, this is probably more accurate :lol: I have a really hard time with the word no. I am getting better though.
  11. I must admit, I am holding my breath for this to happen. :ph34r: Oh and I've already decided that if she emails or calls and says it isn't on her porch then I'm going to tell her to check with her neighbors. It is close to impossible when none of the trailers or mail boxes were marked. We just had to use logical deduction. I am personally not going to go hunting for it for her.
  12. Sealed the way it was, it is supposed to last for 20-30 years.
  13. It was actually 4, 50# buckets of sealed wheat. I said "item" to keep from having to go into details. I should have known ya'll couldn't have handled the vagueness :lol: :lol: :lol: We went GF a few years ago, I sold my grain mill, and I listed these for sale on a local co-op forum. I had so many people interested but she asked first. After she called to cancel again, saying she couldn't make our planned time this morning, I drove 45 minutes to her mobile home today and I left them on her front porch. I hope it was the right house because there wasn't a number anywhere :crying: I should have done it a long time ago. DH didn't want me to go alone to the middle of nowhere in an area I know nothing about it or I would have done it earlier. I just did today and didn't ask him :rolleyes: I wanted to be done with this lady. When I had given her a "pick up by X" date and she didn't show and still had the guts to call me three weeks after that date, I knew this wasn't going to end until I hauled it there. ETA: I was praying she wouldn't come out of her trailer. If she had I seriously considered just putting up my hand, like "stop" don't go there, don't talk to me....putting the wheat on her porch and walking away.
  14. Yes, I did cash the check. She said for me to go ahead and cash it since there were several other people interested and I was holding it for her instead of moving next in line (not a mistake I'll ever make again). At the time she said she really wanted it to give to her son and she didn't personally have room for it. I never imagined she would do this - who in their right mind does this? If I deducted gas and storage, she would owe me money. Like for real.
  15. My DH is convinced she's cra-zy. I'm now inclined to agree. Oh and he would use the word pushover for me, rather than saint :lol: :crying:
  16. That's what I was thinking. Avoid the designated pet areas.
  17. A lady purchased something from me over 3.5 years ago. She asked if I could hold it for her for a few months and sent me a check. I held it for months. Finally she decided she wanted to meet me to get it. It is 4 pieces that weigh 50 pounds each. I haul it into my car. She doesn't show. She calls and says she's sorry. A few months later she sets a new place/time and I haul it back into my car and she calls before we've met and cancels. This repeats two more times. I continue to hold this for her and make no big deal out of it, but I do tell her that she must come to my house if she wants it because I am not loading it in my car again. She emails me 6 months ago (3 years later) and wants to see if her son can pick it up. I tell her I am not even sure we have it (I forgot about it, honestly). She gets very snarky and upset about the fact that I may not have it. I check the barn and email her and say "we do still have it, yay". We Haul it to the front porch and her son never shows. So I send her an email ultimatum. X item needs to be gone by July 15th or we are donating it. She emails and says she regrets it but we should just donate it. Ok, she calls me Sunday morning and asks if I have gotten around to donating it yet. We haven't and I am stupid enough to admit it so now she wants to meet me again to try to pick it up and she wants me to come all the way close to her house, which is 45 minutes away. And she more than likely won't show or will back out after I load it. WTH, ya'll! Seriously, I told her over 3 years ago that I wasn't loading it again and yet she is now demanding that I need to meet her to get her the items. I should have just lied and said I donated it. I'm so over this. ETA: When I posted this item for sale, it was high demand and I had several people want it but she emailed first so I held it for her.
  18. We have been fostering a pup and we are probably going to adopt him. We want to take him on vacation with us. Because of a delay, he just had his first shots. He will be going with only one set of shots and will be 8-9 weeks. If we leave him here then he will be with a foster that has many dogs in and out of her house (stray, abandoned, etc) and the risk is high there too - probably much higher, honestly. We don't have family that can watch pets while away. The choice is to keep him with us or send him back to the main foster home. I'm thinking his risk is higher to stay than to go. Is there something else I need to consider?
  19. I don't have time to read everything written here and maybe this has been stated, but this is the year...it is the year where if everyone who wanted to vote 3rd party actually voted 3rd party then a 3rd party would probably win. That being said, everyone who wants to vote third party will hold back, thinking their vote is a waste so it won't work. ugh
  20. I need to look into it more. To me it wasn't an option until he at least had his first shots.
  21. Yes, I have that in my plan but we aren't supposed to do it until he has had his first shots (happening this week). He will naturally have lower immunity because he wasn't nursed long enough :/ Poor little guy.
  22. It might be a pretty profitable bet :lol: Although we (meaning DH) hasn't decided 100%. We've always been a one-dog family so this would break all sorts of rules :cool:
  23. Puppies are just so good for the soul :001_wub: Ok that was mean of me to say, sorry :lol: Enjoy your kitties and I'll try to post pics as he grows IF we keep him :tongue_smilie:
  24. awww...thanks ya'll. He is super precious. I fear him getting too big or changing from his sweet, loving, laid back personality but I guess that's a gamble with any puppy. We've always gotten dogs between 6-12 months old so we kind of knew what we were getting into. We weren't looking for a dog at all, we just volunteered to foster for a few weeks until he was adoptable, but do ya'll see those little eyes? My goodness, I'm not sure I can let him go. Because he was bottle fed, he is super duper snuggly too :001_tt1: Maybe I just can't be a puppy-foster-mommy? I get too attached.
  25. We are pretty certain. He was surrendered at 3 weeks and bottle fed until 5 weeks and we took him at 5 weeks, we've had him for a week and a half. So he is 6-6.5 weeks.
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