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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. Bad wording on my part. I am not sure that he mandates counseling. He just wants to make it an emphasis. I don't really know. I probably shouldn't have typed anything because I am not familiar enough with him. I just read it on his page recently.
  2. or third party? I don't know, it seems less useless to me than a write in :lol: Johnson at his core is pro-life but he doesn't think that abortion laws can be overturned. Instead, he wants to limit government funding of abortion and put in place counsel prior to abortion. Not pro-life per se, as in attempting to overturn laws, but not the more liberal candidate either. I am not a Johnson supporter. I actually have no idea who I will vote for. I just found his stance interesting.
  3. Really? I have heard so many people say they don't like a particular male candidate but they can't vote third party or for the other candidate because of a particular issue.
  4. :lol: that is deeper than I was thinking. If that is the case then most of us are probably one issue voters.
  5. See - me too, but so many are staying for against a particular side over one issue they hold dear.
  6. I don't want this to turn into a political thread. I have heard many on my FB page say that one issue will make or break a vote for them - be that immigration, abortion, what we do with refugees, etc. Is there one issue that your vote hinges on or do I have unusual FB feed? You don't have to expound on it, I am just curious - a yes or no in a poll will do. Thanks
  7. As sad as that is (and I will struggle with this too), isn't that the goal??? Way to go mama :grouphug:
  8. Everyone who expresses that they know this process tells DD that she can't make her additional information an essay about her struggle with autoimmune disease. "Everything needs to be positive and upbeat, etc" She is a fantastic writer and the writing in her autoimmune piece is stellar. She really wants to use it in the additional information section. Any thoughts? As far as it being an essay - they give them 650 words so an essay is ok right?
  9. We have never had the money to save for college and we do not really have much to put toward college and we can't exactly take on loans since we don't have retirement :confused1: We will help our kids as much as we can. Thankfully both of my dd's are pretty smart so our hope is that they will get into a full need met school and not have to take on too much in loans. DS is an ok student. I see him ending up with a decent ACT score and grades but no where near my girls. Thankfully, he is sandwiched between two high stats girls which will mean someone else will be in school the entire time he is in school, lowering his EFC. I could even see him living at home and going to a local Uni or another state Uni. He has some health issues so I am hesitant for him to be in a dorm situation anyway. There is a space between youngest DD and youngest DS so I know that we will pay a lot more for him (he will be our only dependent then) but we *should* have less expenses with him being the only kid in college and hopefully the other three will be self supporting :tongue_smilie: Not really a plan but if it all works out, hopefully no one will end up so school poor they can't recover.
  10. From what I understand, once the common app is submitted to a school, the main personal essay cannot be changed for additional schools. What about the additional information? Can you edit or alter that for individual schools? Thanks
  11. Love peppers, onions, mushrooms with eggs. Also kale is pretty good too.
  12. :( Your poor DH. It is just so hard. My DH knows that they have huge issues. He just won't every confront them or talk to them about it.
  13. Thank you. Do you mind editing out her poem part in the quote because I think I will delete later? Thanks so much :thumbup1:
  14. Thanks ya'll. She is a very talented poet. Some of the best imagery isn't even in the portion I put but I didn't want to put the whole poem for obvious reason. She's actually rewritten to repeat the "It snapped today" in a few places. They bought her a charm bracelet for her sweet 16 and it snapped like days after this decision for MIL to "be done with us". So it has meaning to her. I've replaced what I had posted originally with her rewrite.
  15. Long story, short. I haven't cut them off. They weren't getting their way in our lives, even after great heaps of manipulation so they cut themselves out. They have done this before and we always smoothed it over by continuing on like nothing ever happened. MIL would say that they were "just done with us" over the silliest little things and cut us out for a while and pout. Then we would just invite them to the next gathering and they would come and no one could talk about the mean things she would say when she decided she was "done". They never apologized and we didn't talk about it, we just moved on by pretending they never said it. I decided I was done with that pretense. I told my DH that if she calls me and wants to return to a relationship or if she apologizes to me then I am 100% ready to move forward. This won't happen though. They have deep pride. We can only have a relationship if we confront nothing and say nothing to them. They think they are perfect and if you even hint they have made a mistake, they lose it completely. My DH is visiting them about once a month because he feels an obligation to them as parents. My kids are welcome to go with them. My boys went once. My girls have chosen not to go. It is their choice completely.
  16. Interesting enough, my FIL is the primary issue. My MIL is only a problem in that she enables him, protects him, and denies his issues :glare:
  17. I am hopeful. I don't know how he will react though.
  18. I am done and it is submitted and I'm still afraid I did something wrong :001_rolleyes:
  19. The one person I know of who won it was from an incredibly wealthy family who literally did set up a charity for her in Mozambique and they sent her there several times a year to work for her charity. I think she wrote a children's book in the native language and her parents paid for it to be published and distributed. Super cool stuff but kids from families of average income simply don't have these opportunities.
  20. She technically could but it seems like it always goes to the students who had money handed to them to start a foundation or charity. She has decided that CH will be her financial safety but she isn't applying to Morehead. She is using the time to focus on the Park Scholarship for NC State instead.
  21. Ok so the craziest thing happened today. I told dd that I was requiring CH or UAH as a financial safety. She was fine with that and was pondering the options when a CH admissions recruiter called to check in and see if DD had any questions and to encourage her to aim for the Oct 15 Early action deadline. I didn't hear the conversation, I was trying not to be nosy. She just added CH to her common app and asked me to send her scores and FAFSA info. This is a relief to me because I just wanted one school that wasn't a question financially. :party:
  22. It isn't the size as much as the size of campus for the amount of students. I think that State is technically a larger student body but the campus supports the number of students.
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