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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. We had to distance ourselves from his family just over a year ago for complicated reasons. I believe his dad is NPD and DH struggles with the level of manipulation he endured as a child (he didn't recognize it then but he does now). Maybe this makes him feel like he just can't deal with older DS? He is rarely sharp with the younger (younger hardly ever warrants any type of correction) but I do feel like he needs to be proactive with older DS and I struggle with how easily and quickly he can correct younger DS vs older DS. No, I don't think he actually does favor, the more I've thought about it, I think he just doesn't know how to deal with older DS.
  2. Younger DS is just like DH. MIL used to tell me that DH was perfect when he was little, always tried to do everything right and never liked to make a scene, cause problems, etc and I thought she was exaggerating until I had this child. He is just like that. Model child. If he was my only child, I would think I should write a parenting book :lol: DH does not feel like he can discipline the oldest, I know that. Older DS is complicated. He is such a good kid in most areas but he is very proud and if you try to confront him on anything, he denies it, argues, casts blame, and somehow you walk away feeling like you were wrong and DH just can't handle that. DS can be super manipulative. We can't figure out why in the world? We have three amazing kids and then DS (again, he has his strengths and isn't all bad) struggles with borderline narcissism. I wonder sometimes if he hasn't simply given up on DS. As sad as that may sound, maybe he doesn't think it is worth the battle? I talked to him a little last night. He listened but didn't respond. He will take it to heart, probably too much. I walk on eggshells with him at times and don't confront him about things because he can get depressed really easily. But remember, he is practically perfect so there isn't much to confront. DH does what is right 95% of the time. Neither of us feel adequate to parent this child, honestly. He can be a joy but when he is tough, it is super tough. DS does have some health struggles and that adds to the dynamic.
  3. very tough Just a crazy idea - do you have a lot of friends and family? Would they be willing to drop by here and there with some dog treats just to pet the dog and introduce themselves - only one person or family at a time? I think short walks, slowly increasing to longer will help. She needs time. When we got our rescue dog, he was skittish but after a few months he really warmed up and now you would never ever guess he had ever been that way. I think it was vital that he get comfortable with us first. He got to the point where his trust was in us and then other situations came natural. Good luck
  4. This makes me feel better. I just really don't want to do meetings and honestly don't have the time. I can track on my phone and I need the accountability of weighing in and sadly enough - if I am spending the $, I am more likely to do it. The idea of meeting makes me cringe and, while they are helpful for some people, I just don't think they will be very helpful for me.
  5. I just want to say thanks. I wasn't the original poster but I had the same question. I had a jawbone once and loved the concept but it didn't work great and was terribly uncomfortable. I have only have the vivofit 3 for a short time now but it is far, far better. So comfy and easy to use and no charging :)
  6. Is there someone there to weigh you in while the meeting is taking place? If I can't go to a meeting but want to weigh in for the weekly accountability, can I do that in the middle of the meeting time (it is a WW facility and not a church, etc) or can I go after the meeting and weigh in?
  7. No, at least not in my in laws case. They are atheists and my DH is a Christian and the pressure is from them to us, not vice versa. They were heart broken when DH decided to become a Christian. They have belittled him, tried to talk the kids into rejecting christianity, etc.
  8. I can't have artificial sweeteners either so I understand.
  9. Can someone explain exactly how WW works? Do ya'll do meetings or online? Do you sit through a meeting or just go and weigh in? If you want to just weigh in can you go other hours and not just meeting hours?
  10. I was just thinking about this yesterday so I am glad an update has been posted. I'm so sorry :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. I love mutts. We have an insane amount of homeless dogs here though and the animal shelter is a kill shelter so I can't imagine buying a purebred dog when there are so many dogs who need a home. I know that puppies are awesome but most of our dogs were between 8-12 months when we got them and it is kind of nice to see what you are getting personality and size-wise. One of ours was a little skittish at first but he got over that really fast with lots of love an attention.
  12. DD got a Teavana Artisanal tea set for Christmas and she loves it. I honestly thought tea was tea until this thing came along...this tea is amazing. Chunks of dried fruits, etc. This is not your average tea. Is there something like it or is Teavana the only place that makes it this way? Thanks
  13. I would really love to know how you like it. I have been eyeing one for a while now. I like the concept of less mess/less fat.
  14. Dear MIL, No, we don't have the quietest kids in the world. They are only quiet around you. You invite us over and then act sort of mad that we showed up. It is as confusing as...%#$&. You said you didn't want to see us anymore, yet you send Christmas and Birthday cards with printed messages and nothing personal. How are we supposed to respond to that? What do you want from us? Dear FIL, You are manipulative and controlling. You are a bully. Your grandkids are scared of you. Dear dad, I understand that you are vehemently against alcohol so my siblings and I simply wait until after you leave to open the wine. :lol: Dear mom, You are the best.
  15. I got this super snazzy, deluxe keurig for Christmas from my mom. So hit me with your keurig favs please and let me know where you buy them? :drool5: I ordered some of these because they are 1) organic 2) non-plastic bottom but I am open to other options. https://www.amazon.c...bay+k+cups&th=1
  16. Oh that's a great school. DD didn't apply there but she strongly considered it.
  17. DD has joked about letting me figure it all out and then tell her in some creative, less stressful way.
  18. We are in the same boat with Furman. DD really likes it but $ is a question. She has a decent scholarship to start with but we still need more aid for it to work. Good luck to your DD. Maybe they will both get the aid they need. :thumbup:
  19. DD is in at Furman with the Bell Tower merit scholarship ($25,000 a year). They said she will be invited to an on campus event to compete for more merit aid.
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