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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. My DD14 is a vegetarian but she eats dairy and gluten. She has been a vegetarian since she was 6. I don't let her do the soy stuff. I don't think she gets enough protein, personally. She won't drink vegan shakes or eat most fish, etc.
  2. Yes, I do know why I am having trouble with dairy and gluten. No, I do not know why I am struggling with meat. I think it is a mental thing, yes, but I can't seem to get over it.
  3. My fault, I meant to say without animal protein but I didn't say that so it is confusing. I know that other foods have protein.
  4. Man, he does look very pointer! I love hearing your results. Would love to do this for my mutts :)
  5. My appetite for meat has been waning for a long time and suddenly I just can't stomach it. I already don't eat most dairy, I am gluten free, I just don't eat too many carbs other than fruit. I do love veggies and fruits though so I know I can stock up on those. The protein shakes I like are already vegan as well (to avoid the dairy). Which diet do you follow and what made you choose it? Do you have a difficult time limiting carbs/starchy foods or maintaining a healthy weight without the protein? Thanks ya'll :)
  6. DD had her interview and they didn't ask this question, whew. It was very laid back actually. No crazy, twisty questions at all. Thanks for your thoughts though.
  7. Totally OT, you used the word "drat"!!!! My dd loves this word and people make fun of her for using it. They say it sounds British and in a class she is taking for English the teacher made her change the word to darn in her paper. I just found this interesting.
  8. DD didn't go down the UAH path but DS (just starting to look at schools) is very interested in it so thank you for posting this visit report. Great info!
  9. I would say his skills are solid. A local Uni that isn't as competitive might be a good option?
  10. We just really don't have a very good CC, in my opinion. There is a state university that isn't as competitive that is a reasonable driving distance where he can live at home and major in Computer Engineering and that is definitely an option. I can't imagine it being as difficult to get into engineering there? Not sure though. Obviously we need to do a lot of research.
  11. Can anyone give me the run down on how these are different? Does one need to be a super star, unbelievably high stats student to get into computer engineering just as you do with other engineering fields? Is it easier to get into computer science?
  12. I know, such a tricky question :001_huh: DD's weakest point is interviewing. She's a quiet kid who would rather just write them an essay on the matter :001_tt2:
  13. Yes, we were thinking along the same lines then. We aren't totally off. That is a big difference though, right? looking down as an observer or looking down as thinking you are superior?
  14. Ok DD has an interview with Brown coming up and this question is on their interview list we found online... What is your worldview...do you imagine you are above the earth looking down or are you in the center looking out? DD and I are both like...whatta what?
  15. For those of us with DC just starting college, any advice? How can you know if their undergraduate choice has good advising? I know it makes a huge difference and that is why I am concerned about where DD goes to school for undergrad. I know sometimes kids in small, intimate liberal arts schools have a better chance at graduate programs because the schools knows them so well and can highlight them, etc. ..... agh, this whole process makes me so nervous. For example, she is hoping to get into Chapel Hill's honors program. If DD does, will that help her on the advising end? Such a large school makes me nervous when kids aren't plugged into a smaller unit (CH isn't her first choice but it is a solid safety financially, etc).
  16. Oh Creekland :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm flabbergasted. No Words.
  17. DD is in at UNC Chapel Hill and NC State. She won't find out about any others until April 1st.
  18. Unbiased opinions on the norwex mop from someone who doesn't sell it? Like for real, if you sell it please please don't respond :coolgleamA: Thanks ladies - ya'll is da best
  19. The scale is such a frenemy, right? I lift weights and when I increase my intensity or rev up my routine, I will always stall on the scale while dropping in inches. While it is a tool you can use, it isn't the best tool. The best tool is a good tape measure.
  20. My cousin's daughter was this way. They didn't let her slouch, told her she was model gorgeous, and put her in martial arts and strength training classes and softball to help her gain confidence. She is now a very beautiful 18 year old who is super confident and stands at about 5'10". She didn't get over 6 foot even though everyone thought she would.
  21. DD has a few new writing awards. Should she update colleges? She received 14 regional awards and 1 will move on to nationals. Is this something she should update now or only if she takes a national (very difficult so she doesn't expect that). Thanks for your thoughts
  22. Thank you for your thoughts. I am the primary parent so this isn't difficult. DH works a lot and I am simply with them more. I think DH is just now beginning to grasp the level of manipulation he has endured. He was still holding onto a relationship with them, visiting them every so often even though they were making no effort on their part. I have neither encouraged or discouraged this. He went through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's and made no contact whatsoever so I think this is a sign that he is ready to move on and let it go. It is a process and I think he is handling it well but it takes time.
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