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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. (((HUGS))) I am so sorry. I only have four kids but I've miscarried twice at 12 and 13 weeks since #4 and the doctors have shrugged it off as a "oh well, good thing you have four kids" and asked in an unbelievable tone "are ya'll trying for more?". I can't imagine what sort of responses you get. It isn't their business. :grouphug:
  2. I bought progesterone and wanted to use it so bad but after a few days it made me feel incredibly irritable and mean. I guess that means I don't need it? I am on natural thyroid hormone as well so I guess I need to check into pooling? For breakfast I did bacon and avocado again. It works :coolgleamA:
  3. No, it isn't my main symptom. I know its normal to feel worse before feeling better but seriously...ugh. The tiredness/fatigue I can blame of the lack of coffee :( What do you mean by thyroid hormones pooling?
  4. That sounds good. I'm struggling. Every joint in my body hurts and I feel absolutely unplugged :( ugh, I hate this feeling. For breakfast I had avocados, bacon, and strawberries. Lunch: very boring salad with tuna and balsamic vinegar/olive oil Dinner: Chicken thighs with sautéed cabbage/onions/carrots seasoned with garlic and coconut aminos. Watermelon for dessert.
  5. Body was found intact. They think the alligator mistook the child for a dog or other small animal.
  6. I got the paderno. It did an amazing job with the zucchini -the carrots were a little hard, but I think I need larger carrots? Not sure.
  7. And people are already parent blaming. The child was a foot in the water on vacation. Half of adults now choose not to have kids and they sit around and blame those who do have them for every little thing. I'm personally sick of it.
  8. Got my spiralizer in ... oh, yea. I am imagining the possibilities :)
  9. I made some sautéed shrimp and kale last night and it was fabulous. I work on Tuesdays and have it with me for lunch :)
  10. We are in DC for 3 nights then we are in Lexington for 2-3 nights. We are in Woodley Park and I believe there is a natural/organic type market right near our hotel. We may/may not have room for a cooler since we are taking our dog. If not, I bet I could take a smaller cooler bag and stash a few premade things just for me. Not sure? That would be my preference.
  11. I have had a friend or two try this and regret it. They found they could no longer take kid's friends places ever and they just felt cramped. I guess it depends on the size/height of your family and how often you might want others to come along (which might increase as they get older). I love my Honda Pilot. When DH isn't with us, we do not need the third row and we can pack it with costco trips, etc and if we need to suddenly add in extra people, we can utilize that third row (or a portion of it) and ta-da everyone fits. Good luck on your decision.
  12. We go to DC in just over a week and I have no idea how to maintain this there - we are in a typical hotel room, no kitchen, etc. I think there might be a fridge/microwave - I'm hopeful.
  13. It is normal but definitely make sure she eats enough fats - coconut oil, olive oil mayo, etc. I remember really struggling with hunger with my first whole 30 before I increased the good fat. I felt like I was dying before I felt better. It was like a detox flu :(
  14. So I am pretty much surviving by taking advantage of the vast amount of fresh fruit available. Fruit with every meal :)
  15. Oh wow, you have an arsenal of awesome recipes. I'm just so boring, I eat everything so plain :(
  16. Yes, my body will soon start to scream for things like carbs and coffee too. That salad looks :001_tt1:
  17. Hang in there. I just started again yesterday. Day two without coffee :( We got this! If we push through we know it will be worth it.
  18. Just think about how much money I'll save not hitting Starbucks? I am trying to be optimistic but I can't...I want coffee bad. :(
  19. Yes, this! I need to embrace that orange potato again. :D seriously, I had a friend on a juicing kick once who was consuming so much raw carrot juice that she literally took on an orange hue :lol:
  20. Wow. Thanks. Have you tried the egg roll recipe :001_tt1:
  21. seriously? You feel this way too? It came easy the first time but I have been saying for 6 months that "I am going to go back on AIP tomorrow" haha So when dd made GF chocolate cake tonight and tried to get me to eat some, saying "you can start tomorrow" I was like no....tomorrow never comes.
  22. I'm sorry you felt bad :( I kind of wish I had such an obvious reaction...for me it builds over time so I can be stupid if I want and deny that it bothers me, but it eventually catches up to me. Ugh
  23. I was on the Auto immune paleo diet for quite a long time. The last 9 months or so I have only been gluten free and have slowly moved farther and farther away from the AIP. I have autoimmune issues. The farther I get away from AIP, the more I battle joint pain, exhaustion, and my weight just keeps creeping up :( So here it goes... I have to nix coffee and chocolate and so many awesome things and I am going to be grumpy and awful to be around. I will probably even have a detox period and it is just going to stink so please excuse me if I am grumpy. I feel like I need to paste this to my forehead. Ugh.
  24. Thanks, I ordered one that y'all recommended. Let the noodling begin :)
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