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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. DD is well above their stats and I think that's why they are offering such generous aid. She's unsure about being that far from home and the cold. The aid was fantastic when I ran the NPC and that's enticing. I don't think we are going to have the $ to visit right now. I wish we did but even if we did visit it would be before cold weather hits and so she really wouldn't get the feel of the weather at all.
  2. Leap Year While You Were Sleeping You've Got Mail Two Weeks Notice Ever After The Notebook If I Stay
  3. I wrote 2007 on a check the other day. I think our minds are out to get us :mellow:
  4. Do you think they really mean ALL? Our state requires an EOY exam and DD took the ACT for that from 7th grade forward. She didn't prep or put much thought into the exam until Junior year though. It was just to fulfill a state requirement. The ACT is a per date charge so that can get $$$. Do schools know how many times a student has taken it? DD had a test disturbance at one of her exams this year and the score was deleted. Will the school think we are withholding that score? Just my rambling concerns.
  5. She wants to double major in Biology and English. We've never been to Boston. I worry about the cold winters too :crying:
  6. She isn't really that interested in this college but now she knows she has a safety so there you go ;)
  7. DD received a letter today with an invitation to apply to their honors college. She has been poring over their website and really likes what she sees. DD is a quiet girl who is attracted to a larger city for some reason. There is a part of her that doesn't want to be far from home (Boston is about a 14 hour drive), at the same time I could see her loving Boston. I ran an EFC with our financial position and her stats and the financial end looks really nice. Does anyone know anything about this school? Thoughts? Good or bad are welcome :)
  8. They've been begging her to apply, waived the application fee, told her to skip the essay, and didn't require any transcript, etc. She submitted the online app for kicks. She submitted it at 6:00 in the evening and by 10:00 the next morning she was accepted with their highest scholarship package. So how desperate can a school be for students? :lol: We found it humorous for some reason. I have no idea why. Maybe we are the only ones who find this funny.
  9. Where are they from? In the south, there is only one thing we truly call bbq - pulled pork with sauce. I was completely unaware that this was just regional until one day (while waitressing at a bbq restaurant in high school) a couple from up north came in and asked what we were barbecuing. I didn't even know how to respond. They just kept saying "barbecued what?" We weren't speaking the same language :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Everyone thinks that our dog is a puppy and seems surprised to find out he's 2. He's only 35 pounds and he just has that innocent/playful/unaware demeanor that screams puppy.
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: We have one family dog at a time and we lost a dog two years ago that looked very similar to your guy. It was so tough. The click of his nails on the floor and the jingle of his collar...gone. The world just didn't seem right. I'm so glad you got to spend the time with him that you did!
  12. This is my impression too - that most genetic miscarriages happen by 6-8 weeks. This is why I am concerned that it has to do with *me*. Thanks for the resources.
  13. I switched OB's before these miscarriages and they really haven't cared to investigate the why. They have literally just shrugged it off. I have decided that I am changing OBs. I will find someone who will run some tests, etc and make sure this isn't a mama problem. Because I'm over 35 they are assuming it is all genetic issues but what if it isn't? I have auto immune issues and there is a clotting disorder that can couple with that and cause pregnancy loss. I just want someone who will at least investigate that. If that makes sense?
  14. I admit, I would love another little one. At the same time, two years ago I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks and then again in April I miscarriage at 12 weeks. I carried those pregnancies for 3-4 weeks after I knew the pregnancy would likely not make it and the process was incredibly difficult. I want a baby, but I don't want to go through THAT again. I'm so torn. Any experiences, thoughts, etc? Words of encouragement or words of warning, all are welcome :) ETA: I'm 38 if that matters to anyone at all ;)
  15. Confusion is a great way to put it - it is exactly what I feel. MIL said she didn't want a relationship with us anymore because the amount of time we spend with them has not met their expectations. She has vented things to me before but won't vent them to DH - she wouldn't tell DH that she doesn't want a relationship. He called her numerous times and she admitted that she ignored his calls. She called me back to tell me how she felt. We have had good times with them - it hasn't been ALL bad ALL them time. But they are extremely self centered and we are the only people they have in the whole wide world because they shut all other people out. Other people aren't good enough for them. Honestly, we aren't good enough for them but we are family so they mostly put up with our imperfections. After saying she didn't want a relationship, she has not made any further contact with me except for her name scribbled at the bottom of a prewritten card. DH went to see them soon after the conversation and he invited them to our house for Christmas Eve (he clearly wasn't thinking because we'd already discussed it) and MIL's response was "Are you sure that would be ok?" and he said "sure". I was unhappy and DH felt like he needed to back out of christmas eve on my account. He sent a letter and said that because of the hurtful words and actions, Christmas eve wouldn't be a good idea this year. She sent a christmas card and birthday card. Honestly, I am a very forgiving person. This has happened many times in the past and I have just moved on like nothing ever happened. We all move on and they never have to apologize or admit wrong. They have called me every name in the book to my face or on the phone, they make up lies about me, but I just move on. This time I decided that I'm done with just moving on. If she had sent a christmas card with a letter and said "I'm sorry" I would be willing to move on. They NEVER have to apologize. They honestly think they do no wrong. If she called today and said I'm sorry - all would be ok. She is too proud. The best I will get is a card with just love mom and dad scribbled on the bottom.
  16. Then why do I *feel* so responsible? Maybe because I just sat there and didn't respond to their crazy talk. I just let it drive a wedge between us rather than confronting it head on. Have I now taught my kids to do this? They are truly impossible though-I learned early on that you can't get a word in edgewise and expressing opinions or feeling contrary to theirs is completely pointless-they will just argue with no logic until you give up.
  17. I wrote a very long post around Thanksgiving about my in-law situation. I haven't seen them or talked to them. MIL sent a birthday and christmas card with a check. Sappy card, signed Love mom and dad and that's it. Nothing more for her to say. I'm just still so torn over this whole situation. If everything had stayed the way we planned this wouldn't bother me at all. DH was supposed to visit them alone and we were supposed to take the break that MIL said she needed until she was ready to revisit the relationship. Instead DH went on his first visit, invited them to Christmas Eve at our house (we had already talked about this and they weren't coming) and then he had to bow out because of me. So rather than the ball being in her court, where I wanted it, I feel like the ball is in my court and that I am supposed to come to her or write her a letter or say something. I feel like because he had to then write a letter saying we needed space it now falls on me to resume the relationship. This is so NOT what I wanted. DH really screwed things up with his crazy, impromptu invite. I just don't know what to do. I feel responsible now since it has fallen on me. Yes, she's the one who ignored our attempts to make Thanksgiving plans, when she finally did return DH's calls, she called me instead to vent her disappointments over how they imagined moving here and being closer to us. She ended the call with the words "I am done with this relationship". I called her back and she handed the phone to FIL, who is the crux of the problem and she knows it so it was like a slap in face. DH and I can't have a tight knit relationship with them. It just isn't an option. They don't respect us, they don't respect our kids, they have no idea how to get along with people. They have zero friends. I am not exaggerating. Absolutely zero. DH wasn't allowed friends growing up either. They sit alone and bad mouth everyone. It is sad. My girls want nothing to do with them. DH has been visiting monthly. This last time it was near MIL's birthday so DH offered for kids to go and youngest DS is clueless so he went. Older DS went because he is just so easy going and anything they say or do rolls off his back. He knows they are ridiculous. The girls refused to go. What is my responsibility? Now that the ball IS in my court (of sorts). I feel so much guilt over this.
  18. I've been asking questions in response to things like this and it has worked quite well. "Really? What does a camping family look like exactly and what are we lacking, maybe I need to go shopping so we look the part?" I've especially used this lately with what I feel like is flattery with nothing to back it. In a group the leader said "I feel like you are an amazing person with so much to offer" and I seriously responded "Really? Like what do you feel I have to offer?" I didn't say it snarky at all. This person doesn't know me in the least and they have no idea that I have anything to offer. DH is invested here and they want me invested as well and I haven't been engaged or invested. That's all.
  19. I have kids with Hashimoto's and one with a Crohn's. When they are sick, it changes their reaction to everything. If you think it might be Celiacs then get her tested before going off gluten. If the test comes back negative for celiac then try gluten free. There is a huge difference between being GF and celiac and someone with celiac disease has to be almost obsessively careful to avoid cross contamination but someone who is GF may not need to be that strict. If that makes sense? We were convinced DS had celiac disease and it turned out to be crown's. I'm glad he was tested. DD14 was diagnosed with hashimotos about a year ago and let me tell you-I thought we were losing her. She was exhausted and moody way beyond teenage moodiness. She had severe anxiety too. It was bad.
  20. Do you think this is when their true feelings about you are revealed and therefore you should take these comments to heart or do people just say stupid things when they are angry-things they don't mean? Just curious what others think about it.
  21. I mostly survived DC - definitely not AIP complaint, mainly because of spices though. To find grilled chicken and be sure that there wasn't paprika, etc is difficult. My family loves chipotle so I had a taco salad twice that I know had chili powder as a seasoning. I didn't have the rice or cheese or tortilla chips though so it was still paleo.
  22. I'll admit, with DC coming up I am going to try to be AIP as much as possible and if I can't then I am going to worry about being simple Paleo (Paleo itself is hard enough, right?).
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