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Everything posted by MamaJeanne

  1. I want to join! I don't know how far I will get but I have been trying to get more reading into my life again! I am currently a quarter of the way through Les Mis. I I am trying to finish it before it leaves theaters, but I might just have to watch the latest movie version first.
  2. Why doesn't Curious George, the curious little MONKEY have a tail? Why did Franklin have to wait for his mom to have his baby sister? Why didn't they sit around and wait for an egg to hatch? Why does Franklin talk about wanting a pet and which kind he wants? They are all animals, why aren't they all equal? Or are some Animals while others are animals? Why is Word Girl's dad orange?
  3. When our beardie was a baby she was eating 25 crickets at a time two or three times a day. It was just too much to keep getting from the pet store. Like a poster above, we used a Kricket Keeper and ordered large quantities online (we bought from Gahnn's) Even with shipping it was much cheaper than buying locally. Now that she is an adult and eating more greens as a main part of her diet she doesn't need that crazy amount of crickets so I have gone back to buying from our local store. If you like forums here is a place that is fun to look around :)
  4. I iron very rarely. Mostly for sewing which I also only do rarely. A couple years ago (ds1 must have been around 6) I realized just how rarely I do iron. Ds watched intently as I pulled out the iron and ironing board, and asked me what it was for. He was really interested. Until I plugged it in and... nothing. He just stared at me and asked, "That's all it does?" :tongue_smilie:At least they know what one is now!
  5. This thread has been making me talk more to myself than usual! As a west coast girl I could not even understand the op's question since ah and aw are pronounced exactly the same for me! :) But after listening to the videos and remembering relatives' accents, I realized that to my ears, the "aw" sound that some of you describe sounds to me like a long o sound followed by a short o sound all smooshed together really fast. And that is the end of my analysis :tongue_smilie: It is pretty interesting how differently the spoken words vary between people.
  6. Oh, love. My first "baby" was a papillon. I still wake up sometimes feeling like she is sleeping by me at night. It was probably a good thing that she passed away while I was pregnant with my first human baby :) She was all mine, or should I say that I was all hers, and she would not have tolerated someone taking over her position very well, lol! Maybe someday I will have another one...
  7. I have a bobike mini that I bought off of e-bay. Dd and I both love it. There is a universal mounting bracket that worked on my mountain bike and will also work on the skinny little bike stems too. I wish it were easier to find here! Oh, I don't have super long legs, but there is no problem with leg room while peddling. Dh might have to adjust a little, but not a lot!
  8. We saw it! Ds8 made drawings of the position every hour. So five times he ran outside, found Venus' position in about five seconds, ran back in and drew what he saw, then went back to playing. The whole thing probably took an entire minute of his day, but he really enjoyed that minute! Even though the little black dot wasn't necessarily super impressive (from a bigger is better point of view) the way it puts the solar system into perspective really hit me. Venus looked tiny in front of the sun, and that is looking at it as if they were both the same distance from Earth. But that the sun appears so much bigger than Venus even though it is much farther away was pretty crazy to think about while looking at it.
  9. I buy them at Sears. If a kid wears out the clothes you can take them in with the receipt for a brand new pair. The have to be exactly the same size, brand, everything. But for my kid who somehow wears holes in his jeans within weeks, this has saved me so much money.
  10. Here are some things that we have enjoyed: Herbal roots 'zine A Kid's Herb Book Wildcraft board game Have fun!
  11. Your description makes me think of this book. I thought it had some interesting ideas in it.
  12. :iagree:I have used tea tree oil on hot spots before. I diluted it in some melted coconut oil first. It seemed to worked for us.
  13. My mom used to use zoo phonics in her public school classroom and loved it. She saw it work for the kids (I think she was teaching second grade at the time) and was disappointed when her school changed to something else. I used the cards to teach my ds the letter sounds, now he is sounding things out on his own so I don't have personal experience past using the program to sound out letters. Hope you find something that works!
  14. Here is another recipe for taking coconut oil: Coconut almond fudge. There is some in my freezer right now! I am also always looking for ways to eat it. I cook with it quite a bit, but can't handle it plain or in my tea. I can eat a piece of this, though! I make it with store bought almond butter and pecans instead of almonds.
  15. I am halfway through this book, well, I am reading it with the old title of The Edison Trait. I haven't gotten to the chapter specifically written for ADHD, but I have already used ideas from the book to help with school work. I really like how the author is so positive, constantly pointing out the benefits and advantages of the way these kids think and work.
  16. I loved my time with InterVarsity. I grew a lot, met great people, and had fun times. Like others, I met my dh through IV, too. The dating service comment was funny. Although to be fair, I don't know anyone who went for the purpose of finding someone to date and/or marry. Just in case you were getting the idea that your son was going to walk into a meat market :tongue_smilie:It wasn't like that in my experience at all. For me it was a perfect balance of in-depth Bible study and fun Christian fellowship.
  17. Oh, man. The other night I am sitting in the living room and my 8 year old comes walking out, goes to the front door, and starts trying to open it. :scared: When I asked him what he was doing, he told me that he needed to go to the bathroom and goes back to trying to open the door. I calmly got up, directed him to the actual bathroom and back to bed, but inside? :eek: I was freaking out at the thought of where he would have gone if I hadn't been up. I don't have any help for you, but am hoping that you get some ideas!
  18. We have one that is a couple years old now. Now that she is full grown, she is no problem! Her tank is all set up, she is finished growing, and she sleeps for much of the winter. beardeddragon.org has a lot of useful information on tank set up etc...Raising one from a baby did cost more than I imagined. They eat 25-50 crickets a day while they are growing. I ended up buying crickets bulk from ghanns, it was cheaper than getting them locally. Once they are full grown they need less live food and more veggies. I know some people buy adults so that they avoid the feeding of the juvie stage. I love having her though! My mom had one that loved to be wrapped up and cuddled :)
  19. hmmm. No time to hunt for moose or whale, I think that fries are much easier to come by! Plus, this poutine just sounds interesting. I mentioned it to ds and he got this excited look on his face and said it sounded good! I guess we are giving it a try. Adventure!
  20. That would be a really simple "dish" to take! He can already use the toaster and I am sure he would have the hang of a can of cheez whiz in no time! :lol: I loved cheez whiz on crackers when I was little. Those nanaimo bars look really good!
  21. Okay, I am all about trying this poutine. So for all you poutine experts :) How do you pronounce it? And is there a certain gravy recipe we should use?
  22. What are some Canadian foods? My son gets to do one of those tell about a foreign country and bring a dish to share things, and he chose Canada. Does anyone have any good, and not too complicated, ideas? I have no idea where to go with this! I have looked briefly at google, but I don't know what is authentic and what isn't.
  23. My eight year old has started to do the same thing. He is also nervous when first meeting people. I have seen this behavior with other kids around the same age, not that it makes the behavior okay, but it makes me feel better to know that we are in the realm of normal. I try to kindly go over expectations before going into a situation where we will be meeting people (smile, eye contact, nice to meet you, etc) then praise him later on what he did well. I also try not to overly correct him in front of others. That is when I hear the louder and ruder objections. I find that embarrassment on top of nervousness makes behaviors worse.
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