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Everything posted by MamaJeanne

  1. My favorite blueberry muffins ever. Recipe includes yummy topping. :drool5:
  2. :party: That has to feel so great! Congratulations! Dh and I are doing classic so this was our first time doing core. It was fun to change things up a little.
  3. Thank you! There is no where else I have been posting my updates, so this makes me feel like I am moving forward. I am three days into my first rest week, and finally understand the superman-banana comments I had read about :lol:
  4. Not daily, but I will have them do "brain exercises" from Brain Gym if it is just a really bad day for some reason. We often do them by playing simon says. It actually helps most of the time. Whether that is because of the exercises or just because we all lightened up, I can't say!
  5. I am glad he got a special treat with you! My two oldest boys have each given me memorable pee stories. One day my dh notices that oldest ds had been going all over the bathroom floor. He sounded very angry while making ds clean the floor. But then he came out to me cracking up. Apparently there was ant walking around the rim and ds was trying to get it off! Lesson learned: No peeing ants off the toilet. Next ds had been walking around the house with an ice cream scoop. Then I hear splattering sounds from the bathroom. I walk in to see a mess everywhere and a very surprised look on his 3yo face. Me: Did you just try to pee in that? ds: Nods head yes. Me: How did that work out? ds: just shakes head no. :lol:
  6. I made some recently and love them. They clean much better than I expected. Because I have a few, I tend to use a new one every day and just wash them with towels.
  7. Have you tried x stretch yet? I had the same question as you, and then tried it. It felt soooo good. I would definitely recommend it. I don't know much about working out, but it feels so helpful to my joints and muscles that I have been working hard all week.
  8. I feel so encouraged and challenged when you ask about all of us doing this right now :D For some reason, dh and I started on a Friday, so we are two days into week 2. I didn't take starting measurements, but can feel a looseness in the waist of my pants that was not there a week ago. This is kind of fun! (can you tell the newness has not quite worn off?) You are so close to finishing, that must feel so great!
  9. I think I will try this and see how it works. I know I can get motivated to push play once a day... I just wonder if I would tend to want to skip doing more later.
  10. Yes, there are definitely some moves that make dh and I just look at each other like :001_huh:? That was one of them! It is nice doing it together because then we just start laughing. The other thing that I have not figured out is on abripperx. Where you lay with wide legs and sit up? yeah. Dh and I both just kept laying there. :lol: Is that the move that you hooked your toes under the couch? I think that could work for me. At least then I could have some forward progress. I am looking forward to stretchX today.
  11. I did day 6 (I really like hitting and kicking!) this morning- and watching dh do it right now! Qvalencia, it looks like we started the same day! I am definitely out of shape, but I am going to do this. If I ever do a pull up w/o a chair I will be so excited. My main obstacle is youngest dd. She is pretty much always up with me, just napping for short bursts throughout the day (She is 9 mo). She plays happily on the floor most of the time, but keeping her from crawling all over me for the 90 min. yoga is a challenge. At this age I know she is always changing so things will get hopefully get better! I am persevering anyway! It is encouraging to see others at different points in the program.
  12. Well, kind of. That picture looks much more peaceful than my reality. Add in climbing and wiggling, three voices talking to me at once and occasionally the younger siblings yelling at each other. That is more like it. :D
  13. This is so encouraging! I started p90x yesterday. I am thinking it was a pathetic start, ha ha! Wow am I not in shape. But I took my before pictures so now I am in for the long haul! Congrats, you look fantastic!
  14. Somehow I missed last week's thread, but I almost finished The Silver Branch. Hopefully that will get finished today so that I can get through The Lantern Bearers this week. I had never read Rosemary Sutcliff, and I am enjoying her books!
  15. If he isn't digesting well, then maybe he had to strain harder than normal? I hope that is all that it is, and that he is back to normal soon! Our beardie just went to sleep for a long winter nap. We got her around this time last year so this is a first for us. I hope she wakes up fine and happy someday!
  16. I am reading The Eagle of the Ninth. I am looking forward to this year!
  17. I am so bad at this. I tried flylady and didn't keep it up. Then I read a blog one day that had a super simple schedule that even I could maintain (mostly). Maybe someone here knows where it came from. Here is my embarrassingly basic schedule, just in case anyone else could use it, too. Monday- market (shopping-this one floats for me) Tuesday- towels, tub, toilets (bathrooms) Wednesday- wash Thursday- dust (this helps me stay on top of clutter that sits on flat surfaces) Friday- floor Before this, I would always get done those "have-tos" like the kids' laundry because their drawers are empty, whites because we are out of clean underwear, meals, dishes, meals, dishes... This little schedule helps me get things done that are still important, but that don't demand my attention so loudly.
  18. I agree with a lot of words already mentioned and I know I am guilty of some of them, too! Two that bother me the most are samwich and acrosst. :willy_nilly:
  19. I will probably stay home. I just don't like it. I was looking forward to having a great weekend with family and to watching the cousins all run around together. I would feel really bad if I got everyone sick, though. Reading that other people feel the same way makes me feel a little less grumpy and disappointed about it.
  20. We are supposed to go see family for Christmas. The kids are so looking forward to seeing their cousins and other relatives. Unfortunately three of us have colds right now. Just the normal stuffy head, runny nose, and mild cough. Among the family we will be spending time with is my sil who is a couple weeks away from her due date with her first baby, and elderly grandparents who don't get over colds quite so easily. I don't want to give this cold to any of them, but I also hate to disappoint my two oldest sons. They are the ones most looking forward to this and they feel fine. My oldest told me that they will go and the littles and I can stay home :glare::lol: If we don't go now, we probably won't see them for at least a month to make sure everyone is well and to give them time after the baby is born. What to do, what to do? Stay home so you don't spread the germy love or go because it is "just a cold" and it is Christmas (the season of giving, right?) :tongue_smilie:
  21. I totally feel like doing this to ds7 when he is complaining about the couple hours of school work that he is doing that day :glare: The day I lost it was when my 5yo started yelling at me that he always had to do so much work. He started telling me (loudly) about all the injustice in his life (mostly things like brushing his teeth) and concluded with complaining about having to clean up his toys. That day I said, "I am sorry. Is it too much work to take care of your things? You must have too many. Let me help." And I proceeded to throw every toy of his that was within view into the garage. He quit complaining and changed his tune remarkable fast. "Wait, it isn't too much work to take care of that toy!" "Mom, stop! I can clean up those!" :lol: I let him sweat for awhile, then we had a nice calm discussion about responsibility, how we all live here, blah blah blah. He was able to reclaim his things from the garage, and so far hasn't thrown a fit like that since! But yeah. My kids try to tell me that dh is too "pushy" because he asks them to clean up after themselves.
  22. I think I would like to try this. Hopefully it will encourage me to get reading again. I love it, and often don't make time for it.
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