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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. We have figs, but I think I might be what you guys would call 9b. We don’t use that terminology. We have 4 zones, arid, tropical, temperate and cold. I am in temperate. Which basically means 10 frosts a year.
  2. I don’t think this is correct. I started my period at 9. I stopped growing at 13 as did my mother and my grandmother. Not my dd though. She didn’t start until 14, after she had stoped growing.
  3. Not good update her gall bladder probably burst during the night. She was in so much pain that they has to knock her out. She is now fully sedated. They are waiting for a critical care bed as they think she will need one after surgery as she has seizures when coming out of anaesthesia. The hospital has rung mum and told her she has special permission to visit her. Which has caused mum to go into a panic we don’t know where her children are. Mum is in a panic about that as well
  4. Tuesday breakfast medium banana 2 teaspoons raw oats snack 2Anzac biscuit mandarin lunch ( gave myself a treat because I have reached weight goal) bacon eye, fried egg, tomato, cheese tasty Snack tomato with salt. 6 fresh green beans, plum Tea stir fried veggies with 1/4 cup chicken. No sauce or dressing. 6 strawberries. Cheese tasty 4500 kilojoules
  5. Update Some excellent news Potassium drip has done the trick . Her heart is functioning more normally, and her vitals have stabilised. my sister hasn’t had surgery yet, and nobody can tell her if it will happen today or tomorrow she is sick of jelly as that is the only thing all the hospitals have let her eat for the past 11 days. apart from not having the surgery yet, everything is looking up, looks like she is going to be fine now whereas 2 days ago we didn’t think she was going to make it.
  6. We have 8 foot mesh fence with netting over the top. To keep out kangaroos and bowerbirds. If we didn’t we would not harvest a single thing
  7. We grow most everything we eat except potatoes. Our soil is lacking something they need and they are always glassy. Am lucky enough to live in a climate we’re we can grow year round. Regards succession planting. We have it down to an art. When you plant lettuce seedlings out, that day you plant a punnet of seeds. You will leave lettuce all the time. I grow 3 types all at the same time, they grow at different rates. Plant a patch of beans every 2 weeks for a continual supply. Have seedlings growing ready to go right in when something is harvested. I have a punnet of cabbage seedlings waiting for a patch of lettuce to be harvested. They will go right in the day the last lettuce comes out. Fill the ends of rows with something small.like a row of beetroot, radishes or shallots. Makes most of all spaces. you can start sweet potato off early…probably right now in USA, by sticking a tuber half in a jar. Full of water. Change water every second day, first you will get roots, then a shoot. It will be ready to plant out after the last frost. But beware the vine is very vigorous and will need a bed of its own. at the moment we have planets, corn, lettuce, radish,turnip, spring onion,3 types of tomato, capsicum, chilli, watermelon, butternut pumpkin, sweet potato, rhubarb, 2 types of kale, carrots, snow peas, peas, cabbage, cucumber, every herb you can think of, dwarf beans, Chinese cabbage, bok chop, Kok rabi, climbing beans, Beetroot, strawberries, raspberries, a huge orchard of fruit trees. we have just harvested the year supply of onion , garlic and shallots . Have just started seedlings of broccoli, 3 types of cabbage, broad beans, collards, and cauliflower for autum harvest. Have just planted leek bulbs as well. we also have bees and have done the first extraction of honey for the season. Our housecow will have its calf late winter so will be milking in August.
  8. Sorry for the delay in updates. She only just received the results form all the tests she had done these are are the absolutely best updates. All the injections for the blood clots have worked. No more blood clot. She is breathing better she is extremely low in potassium, they are giving her potassium in a drip she is still clear of diabetes and covid she has been cleared for surgery either tonight or tomorrow morning she is also more back to herself as well looks like she is going to be OK Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers
  9. A very good update. they have taken her off oxygen. Her oxygen levels are still low, but not as bad as they were. They have allowed her to eat. She hasn’t eaten in 2 days. She is feeling more positive her heart rate is still very slow. Her gall stone has moved, but her gallbladder is about to burst. Hoping she can get it removed tomorrow. They still have more tests to do on her heart to work out what is going on with it. thank you so much everyone for all your kind thoughts and prayers.it is really helping.
  10. Update. My sister just texted me. She said that they seem to have got on top of the infection in the sternum, which reduces a lot of risk. she is hoping they can do the surgery tomorrow a I feel better knowing she is able to text.
  11. Wish I had positive news. I was feeling positive earlier thinking that they were able to do stuff…Hoping that meant she was improving . she did manage to talk to my mum briefly this morning. So that is something. she hasn’t responded to my text, but I wouldn’t think she could anyway.
  12. I am sorry that I am posting such confusing updates. I guess it is an ever evolving situation A team of specialists have decided it is too risky to give her steroids in her condition. Surgery is also postponed she will be having the tests however, iodine free as she is allergic to iodine
  13. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers. love you all
  14. Update They are giving her lots of steroids and will do heart scans today. The specialists are checking if there is a possibility that she had an unknown heart condition. Also they seem to think she is breathing extremely shallow, which is causing the vitals to drop. The steroids might help with that. if her heart is ok then they may do the gallbladder surgery today. As her condition has put her into the emergency category for surgery.
  15. Hugs similar situation with mil. She had Covid so mildly. Her nursing home is in lockdown so she couldn’t see any family for her 100th. My sil dropped off a few things at reception including a bottle of brandy. Mil smuggled it into a friends room down the hall, another oldie snuck in as well and they had a jolly time. One of the staff found them then went to the kitchen and brought them a tray of treats. So she had a fabulous time after all.
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