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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. What helped for me: to say, "Well, I think we're going to give it a try for one year. Let's see how it goes." Over the course of the year I would update on things we were doing that were fun and educational. Family etc were very impressed. Also impressed by DS's results on his yearly achievement test, which I was careful to brag about. The good thing about this approach, is that you can change your mind. For us, we have decided that DS will be going to PS next year-- a lot of effort went into this decision, and I am really at peace with it, because it is really what is best for our family-- so nobody can say "I told you so! I told you HS would not work out!" because it clearly DID work out, yet we are free to make our own choices about what is BEST for OUR family THIS year. That's all you can do!
  2. Also, do not leave the laundry basket alone in the laundry room! An enormous black spider may crawl in and then be transported upstairs with the clean laundry, you may see it for an instant before it disappears between DD4's mattress and box springs, never to be seen again! (hopefully)
  3. *Duck Tour, if you like to sail, I think you can get a day's pass at the sailing club on the Charles River (?can't recall the name) *Harvard Yard *Top of the Prudential or Hancock skyscrapers. Hancock is touristy, Prudential has a restaurant/bar. *You might be able to get a tour of Fenway park-- there is also a special tour where you can go under the Green Monster-- not sure how you arrange that! *Boat tour of Boston Harbor, take a picnic to one of the islands (?charles island) have fun!
  4. I really sympathize. DD goes to bed easily, but DS will lie in bed awake until 10 pm, occasionally talking to us. The only way that I have gotten him to STAY in bed is having a chart on the wall-- he gets a check mark in the morning if he stayed in bed the whole night, and at the end of the chart he gets a prize. I know, many parents will disagree with the chart approach, but it was either that or Mommy seriously loses it! I would really like to know how to get him to GO to sleep, not just lie there!
  5. Does anyone use God's World News magazine? We got a flyer for it and it looks interesting. Can anyone tell me if you like it, and what denominational background it comes from? Thanks!!
  6. I have the best MIL in the world. In addition to the above, she likes my cooking!!
  7. Hey we're back on!! See you there tomorrow-- I ought to go to sleep now...
  8. Hi all! Simochka, that was a great quote from DH about women in church! Happygrl, my DH was at the same conference as you! I have been to St Nicholas Ranch many times. Also-- I looked at Ages of Grace and it looks so nice! I am still wondering if PS+afterschooling is in our future for next year... many reasons... trying not to obsess over this question:tongue_smilie: while I sensibly pray and also make many lists of pros & cons;)
  9. I would say, in general, probably no, but I would have to look into each one and understand it thoroughly first before making up my mind.
  10. Just wanted to sympathize-- I'm also beginning to deal with PS system about what accommodations DS will need (re: asthma and school environmental issues). Wondering where the line is between concerned parent and demanding parent. Not sure how this will go.
  11. Thanks for starting this thread! Yes, it is very tempting to do other people's confessions for them, even if you are an adult! :001_smile:
  12. Another mom posted this link: http://www.waonlinefamilies.org/ on a previous thread I started on this a few days ago. We are with MP3 also. For me this was an occasion to rethink all of our options for September.
  13. Re Simochka-- I know it's not the meaning of your screen name, Simka, but it does read like a Russian nickname, so I just added another suffix to nicknamify it further-- Russians often do this in conversation. I'm not Russian but that was where I became Orthodox. :)
  14. Hi, could you please answer this question for me? We are considering all our options for school in September. Thank you in advance! I have this idea that if the kids went to PS instead of HSing, I would have tons of time. My house would be spotless, my meals would be thoughtful, delicious, and on time, I would be physically fit, well rested, and mentally superhealthy. Also, vibrant prayer life. I would practice my Greek and prepare ahead of time for Sunday School teaching. I would keep in touch with old friends and relatives, write letters. And I would have lots of time & energy to do homework with DKs and volunteer on PTA & soup kitchen, etc. On the other hand, I might be just as rushed as I am now but just in a different way. Tell me, am I dreaming? What's the reality of this situation for you? Thank you!!!
  15. Thank you Simochka, I will look at it. I have been wondering about it & would like to see it. I'm so glad to be in touch with my EO/inquirer pals again! :001_smile:
  16. Hi everybody-- yes it looks like this thread is officially hijacked. Sorry OP! I miss everyone! Sparkle, DD4 loves your avatar. I was looking at the social groups and it seems like the EO ones are the most active groups of all-- though I did not have enough energy to scroll through all 7 pages to see for sure. Yes, I have such withdrawal that it made me happy just to look at the description of the group! I am in the midst of wondering what our schooling plans should be for the next year. Trying to be patient & wise about it & listen to what God wants, and not hijack our plans for my own will. HSing may get more difficult with the WA state changes [for ALEs] which may be coming up, and PS will be a struggle since I will have to fight for accommodations to be made for DS's health issues (asthma). Wonder which struggle is my destiny...
  17. Today my SLP says they are optimistic but it's still hush hush how it will acutally work out. By all means keep contacting those legislators!!
  18. Well, the socializing part also gets me. Especially as I see that the families we are friendly with are those we got to know through DD4's preschool, not through the homeschooling community for DS6. Looking back on our first year of homeschooling, and our first year in our current location, I wish DS had some more friends. I have two ideas: Would it be less stressful to invite a kid for a playdate at your home. That way you don't have to drag everyone around. And: recurring playdates. That way you don't have to stress about planning it. "Come over every Tuesday after piano" or something like that. :grouphug:
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