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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. EO does have ecclesiastical divorce. Usually this is after a civil divorce is already a done deal. In the Greek church, the synod or bishop grants it and there is a lot of paperwork, appearing before the spiritual court, etc, but I never heard of an instance when it was refused. In the OCA, the bishop gives 'permission to remarry' which just involves a request from the local priest and a form to fill out. In each case the idea is that the person has repented (if there was anything to repent of) and is ready to try again. 2 remarriages are allowed, but no more. There is a 2nd marriage ceremony, which is different, as PJ posted, but in practice, often the regular marriage ceremony is used, especially if the 1st marriage was short, there were no kids, and/or it happened a long time ago. According to the church canons, I'm sure there are certain rules for conditions under which a divorce may be granted, such as abandonment or apostasy, (I don't know the whole list) however, in practice, having a civil divorce already would do it.
  2. Finally figured it out! Prop the Ipad up on the music stand on the piano. That way it is held steady and I can use the touch-screen feature. Then put a keyboard (ours works with wifi) on the closed piano keyboard and type away! There is no charge for this awesome advice!:001_smile:
  3. A house blessing by a priest is not scary for children or a placebo. The priest prays that God would bless the family & house, walks through the house singing a hymn, and sprinkles blessed water. That's diifferent than an exorcism but you might start with that. Also, if something tries to stop you from praying, don't listen. Your family has been on my mind & I have been praying for you. :grouphug:
  4. Going back to the OP, I think that most people, when they marry, do believe "until death do us part," but when difficult times come up, sometimes they just can't face it. Sometimes things are too hard. We had an example of this in our own family-- similar to the thread about the husband who was brain-injured-- and while I do not think that the spouse who divorced did the "right" thing, I certainly understand it, & have compassion for the situation, and would not blame them or condemn them for that. Probably everyone's threshold for what they can bear is different. People who marry young, may have no idea how difficult life can be. Of course they have no idea what 'til death do us part' means. How could they?
  5. I would also recommend calling a priest, Catholic or Orthodox. However, I would also look for physical or medical causes. Your son who is most bothered, do you have any other reason to think that there might be a problem with his physical or psychological health? If he has not had a recent checkup then I would do that. (I go to that possibility because in our family there is a history of people 'seeing things' or 'hearing things' which was actual psychiatric illness, which could be controlled by medication. God forbid your family should ever be affected like this! But I would rule it out.) Because it's also possible to get so worried that one might get scared and start freaking out at every little noise and shadow. Maybe that is what is affecting the rest of the family. I'm not discounting your story at all, please don't think that. I would just look for every explanation. Let them sleep in your room, by all means, until they are comfortable. Blessings, and I hope you will have some peace soon!:grouphug: Lord have mercy!
  6. And I would say this over & over. Eventually she will learn this, I bet. I would be patient with your friend. She must be frazzled out of her mind and the only thing that makes it bearable is that somebody else may be doing worse. And, yes, Berkeley.:eek: It is the capital for criticizing mothers, by the way! I have been called on things there by perfect strangers that you would laugh at! I am really surprised we managed to live in that area so long without being reported.
  7. This is a wonderful idea! We will do this tomorrow--- our FOURTH snowbound day!!!
  8. OK, I'll try. XII--- It is wrong to say that a sacrament loses anything, if the priest who serves it is personally sinful. XIII--- It is wrong to say that a priest can change the services and sacraments in whatever way he wants. :001_smile:
  9. I agree LWW, personally, but I thought I would add the opinion of DS7, since you are going to be reading to your young bunch: "The Magician's Nephew. So they would know what it's about."
  10. I think we are operating with different definitions of "discreet." Here is Merriam-Webster: Definition of DISCREET 1 : having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech : prudent; especially : capable of preserving prudent silence 2 : unpretentious, modest <the warmth and discreet elegance of a civilized home — Joseph Wechsberg> 3 : unobtrusive, unnoticeable <followed at a discreet distance> <he was very discreet, only saying what was necessary> <with a discreet gesture, she signalled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party> For a couple who wanted a discreet bar between the study and the living room, Quogue, New York, architect Stuart Disston designed a small-scale bar that's hidden behind … doors under the stairs and takes advantage of plumbing in an adjacent powder room. —Sallie Brady, This Old House, January/February 2006 For #1, the question is: "Is OP's photo showing a woman doing something showing good judgement or prudence?" My answer would be: yes, obviously. She's nursing a baby! That's great! Good for her! However, when I saw the OP, that's not what I thought she was asking. My mind automatically jumped to definition #3. In that case, the question is: "Is this photo showing a woman doing something unobtrusive, unnoticeable?" My answer is no.
  11. Besides the religious aspect, which only you can decide, I would check what curriculum they use in each school and where they expect the kids to be at the end of the year. I was surprised to find that DS, who went to an excellent KG in an RCC school in a very affluent area, actually learned less than DD is now learning, in an average PS. He learned all the letters & their sounds-- she has learned to read. And it's not just him-- I was there frequently and that was the curriculum.
  12. I think you should feel free to to take a break from potty training! :001_smile::grouphug: PS If only I had been able to make that look like a quote from a famous movie star for you!:D
  13. Well, since county police office was closed, I would call the emergency number. Let them decide if it's an emergency or not!
  14. To me, assigning someone a nickname is a sign of affection. I would appreciate the sentiment even if I disliked the name.
  15. Hi, the Boeing museum of Flight is good (I might have the name slightly wrong), as well as the Pacific Science Center. I think you can use AAA (AutoClub) for discounts at these. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the aquarium recommendation-- we have seen so many spectacular aquariums in California that we found the one in Seattle, not so hot. We weren't even tempted to get the yearly membership. There is a cute Children's museum for really little ones. There is a Science-Fiction and Rock & Roll Museum, but we steered clear of them last time we were there since they had VERY adult exhibits. Don't know what they are like at other times. The space needle is nice if you have a head for heights, but it's really expensive.
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