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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Joseph Smith. My 12th great grandfather, Edward Fuller, was his 5th great grandfather, or something like that. Anyway, I am not LDS, but I thought it was interesting, especially considering the importance I have heard that LDS folks place on genealogy. Also, IIRC, I am also related to Richard Gere through the same ancestor.
  2. I read that in high school! 10th grade, I think. It was my English teacher's favorite book, and it is now one of mine.
  3. Do you take Peter literally? For us, we believe I am to lead, and she is to submit, as I submit to Christ. Her submittal is not dependent on me. Peter (IIRC) even says for a wife to submit lovingly to a non-believing husband, that he may be won to the gospel because of the wife. Christ submits to the Father, even unto death, I submit to Christ and the Father, she submits to all of us, our children submit to her, and me, and Jesus, and God. At least, that is the theory. :P In practice it doesn't always work out that way. My wife also is not a fan of Paul, she thinks he was full of himself. Lol. She doesn't wear skirts very often, even to church, and I have never seen her hair in a bun or her wearing a head covering.:) We do take the Bible as literal and relevant to today. For example, we don't believe women should be head pastors or elders. But we don't attempt to force that on others or judge them for that. For example, my own grandmother is a divorced Baptist preacher!
  4. If I understand correctly, MOH uses a 3 year history cycle, right? How easy would it be to modify it to use a 4 year cycle? Has anyone done this? Would it work to do 1st grade history with the first 3/4ths of the first book? TIA
  5. We like Tramontina TriPly Clad ...relatively inexpensive, comparable to All-Clad in quality, Made in China I think though.
  6. I think that is the one I was remembering.
  7. I don't have a problem with any of it, but I don't really understand the last one I don't think.
  8. I asked this before over on the general board, but not here. Do you plan one year at a time? Do you have a rough idea of what you want them to have learned by the time they graduate? Or somewhere in between? Please, if you have any fancy spreadsheets or anything that you use to plan out long term schooling, let us know. :)
  9. Obviously any curriculum put out by PHP will be specifically compatible with TWTM. When I was looking at science curriculum the other day, I noticed one mentioned TWTM specifically (Can't recall which though). Are there any other curricula out there that were created specifically to be used in homeschooling based on WTM?
  10. Thanks! I just changed my first diaper for Savannah...can't say I've missed it lol.
  11. Thanks Nakia. I only ask because we are currently discussing this section in 1st Peter 3 in our Bible Study group. Personally, I am a complementarian in this area, not egalitarian.
  12. Just do the same thing you would with anything online. Be careful of strangers, teach the kids to not give any personal info out, and to not get addicted to playing these games. As in anything, moderation and balance are key. Also, some RPG's have elements of magic or sorcery that some parents may have problems with.
  13. For paternity leave! And probably some more days off past that if I can get leave approved. I am pretty excited to get to spend some time with my princesses. Hoping to do a good amount of school in there. So far for dd5, schooling has been kind of sporadic.
  14. Do you believe the husband is the head of the household and will be held responsible for how the members of the household live?
  15. This is very refreshing to see around these parts. :001_smile:
  16. I think it was from the Cathy Duffy curriculum book. That and just googling about homeschooling.
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