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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I have a few questions... 1. Has anyone here joined Mensa? Strangely, everyone I know who has taken the Mensa test passed it... They say it is only for the top 2% of the population, but perhaps only the top 2% are willing to try the test? Just a theory. Or maybe there are a bunch of people of take the test and don't qualify. 2. Is it worth it to join once one qualifies? As best I can tell, all you get is a newsletter and bragging rights... 3. Has anyone used their logic exercises in homeschooling?
  2. Thomas McKean - signer of Declaration of Independence, President of Continental Congress, governor of Pennsylvania or something Samuel Fuller and Edward Fuller - passengers on Mayflower, signers of Mayflower compact Martha Goodwin - accuser of witches in Salem Fanny Crosby Bing Crosby Joseph Smith, Jr
  3. Thanks! Seeing Bachmann answer the submission question reminded me of this very forum!
  4. Since I am working, turns out I won't watch either live. :(
  5. If you think wearing boots with shorts makes you look cute, you are wrong. That is all. (No offense to anyone that does that.)
  6. It appears to cover a variety of topics, but will probably focus on the economy.
  7. I wonder if somebody will put Baby in the corner?
  8. Personality, habits, anything like that. Not neccessarily physical things or income.
  9. I think Jon Stewart should moderate the debates! Also, I wish everyone would get a chance to answer the same questions, instead of having each question targeted at a particular individual.
  10. When you got married, did you expect your spouse to change or to pretty much stay the same?
  11. The GOP Presidential Primary debate will occur at 9 ET on Fox News. This could be a fun experience watching with your kids as you discuss the political process, bias, the media, if these type of televised events actually count as "debates," etc. Debate will include: Michele Bachmann Herman Cain Newt Gingrich Jon Huntsman Ron Paul Tim Pawlenty Mitt Romney Rick Santorum
  12. Have a yard sale. Keep Netflix and get rid of cable tv. Make a budget. Don't eat out. Use cash and the envelope system.
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