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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Hopefully you wouldn't kiss your brother, and then a couple years later when he tells you he is your brother, you wouldn't say that you know, somehow you've always known.
  2. Maybe he is just attracted to you? Take it as a compliment. :)
  3. A refurbished one from Overstock.com. It was $179. Is that a good deal? I have a Kindle and really like it, but this is for my wife. She wants to be able to do a bit more than just read on it (Angry Birds!) and she likes the idea of a backlit screen. We are flying from Hawaii to Texas in a couple weeks, and we are hoping we can use this to help entertain the girls on the airplane.
  4. He was not, but I do not know if some of his descendents were or were not. He settled in Nantucket in the 1600's.
  5. I don't believe there is a true neutral source. Even just choosing what to report or not report on shows some kind of bias. The best thing I think is to use multiple sources, and understand their biases, and filter the news that way. Another issue is the fact that we do not have a true binary system. It is not accurate to say a source leans "left" or "right" since left and right mean different things to different people. It is all about perspective.
  6. I just found out that I am a descendent of one Edward Starbuck, a Quaker from Nantucket.
  7. http://www.triviumpursuit.com/blog/2011/08/23/does-trivium-pursuit-offer-curriculum-recommendations/ This may help... :)
  8. Do you know what his job will be? I have been in just over 2 years and have yet to deploy.
  9. I mostly had female friends growing up. I had to stop that once I got married. Now I don’t really have any friends.
  10. But what will your foreign policy be? And what will you do about the Federal Reserve?
  11. I base it on my wallet. Long term value is important to me. I don't care as much where something is made. If things I buy are made in a foreign country, I am helping provide jobs for the people making them.
  12. Wow, I am surprised at how many of you are incorrect.
  13. Me: "Great job [dd5], you are a great reader!" DD5: "Of course I am." :lol::lol: (Dw says she is just like me.)
  14. It is due to a discussion between me and my wife. Bill, you are so contrarian, you would stop breathing if I said I like air. :tongue_smilie:
  15. HA! I wonder if we are related. Who were your Mayflower relatives? Mine were the Fullers.
  16. Which do you prefer to eat? Pretend you aren't on a diet or anything. Which do you like better?
  17. Thanks for the info and the extremely kind words!
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