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Everything posted by xxxxxxxx

  1. Crowds weren't bad, weather was nice (not too hot, not to cold)
  2. Below is something I found off the internet. If you pull back the covers/sheets and find any on the mattress......find another hotel! How can you tell if the residence is infested? Bed bugs infest only a small proportion of residences, but they should be suspected if residents complain of bites that occurred while sleeping. The bedroom and other sleeping areas should be carefully examined for bed bugs and signs of bed bug activity. Folds and creases in the bed linens, and seams and tufts of mattresses and box springs, in particular, may harbor bed bugs or their eggs. They may also be found within pleats of curtains, beneath loose areas of wallpaper near the bed, in corners of desks and dressers, within spaces of wicker furniture, behind cove molding, and in laundry or other items on the floor or around the room. Sometimes, characteristic dark brown or reddish fecal spots of bed bugs are apparent on the bed linens, mattress or walls near the bed. A peculiar coriander-like odor may be detected in some heavily infested residences. Adhesive-based traps used for sampling insects or rodents are not particularly effective for trapping bed bugs. What are bed bugs? Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs and their relatives have evolved as nest parasites. Certain kinds inhabit bird nests and bat roosts and await the return of their hosts; others have adapted well to living in the ‘nests’ (homes) of people. Hatchling bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed, and adults are about 1/4 of an inch in length. From above they are oval in shape, but are flattened from top to bottom. Their color ranges from nearly white (just after molting) or a light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange. The host’s blood may appear as a dark red or black mass within the bug’s body. Because they never develop wings, bed bugs cannot fly. When disturbed, bed bugs actively seek shelter in dark cracks and crevices. Cast skins of bed bugs are sometimes discovered. Although such a finding confirms that bed bugs had been present previously, it does not confirm that any continue to infest the residence. Thus, inspect carefully for live crawling bed bugs. Because many other kinds of small brown bugs may be discovered, it is critical to ensure that the bugs are correctly identified (more about this below).
  3. http://gocanada.about.com/od/canadatraveloverview/qt/uscitizenborder.htm
  4. Fajitas #1 chicken breasts cut into strips can of diced tomatoes with green chilis onion red pepper green pepper 2 T. oil 2 t chili powder 2 t ground cumin 1/4 t salt In 9X13 greased pan, combine chicken, tomatoes, onion, and peppers. combine oil, chili powder, cumin, and salt and drizzle over chicken mixture. Toss to coat. Bake 350 for 45 min - 1 hour Fajitas #2 2 lbs flank steak or chicken 1 medium garlic clove, chopped 1 small can of chopped jalapeno peppers 1/2 c olive oil 1/3 c sherry 1 T chili powder 2 t. cumin Chop garlic and peppers, add oil, sherry, chili powder & cumin. Blend well. Place meat in glass baking dish, add marinade; cover and refrigerate overnight. Stiring occasionally. Grill.
  5. my ds who is doing percents in math couldn't remember how to do 6 divided by 3? What? I wanted to scream! So glad the weekend is almost here. It has been one of those weeks!
  6. We moved and I suspended our directv. 5 months later I canceled it. 10 months later they sent me a bill. Of course, when I called the first person accused me of getting free tv for 10 months! I told her she could come out and look at the side of my house for the dish. We didn't even have one! Don't just talk to the first person who answers the phone. Ask to talk to the manager or someone who has the power to do something about your bill! We did get it resolved but it took a couple of phone calls. Good Luck!
  7. I would call around until someone would sell it for less than the 7%. Our realtor is charging us 7%, our last realtor sold our house for 5% in another state, so 7% seems high. We have offered to give $2,500 in closing assistance, but were told by our realtor that is only something done with first time homes, not move up homes? He's given us a list of what has sold in our development the past 6 months, we are in the middle of that price range, however we have a 4 bedroom and most of them were 3 bedrooms. If you break it down cost per square foot, we are on the low end with our current asking price. Also, conserning the quote above. You can offer closing assistance with any home. We asked for closing assistance from the builder, our 4th home, definitely not a 1st time home. They gave it to us. This is a crazy market......and I think those incentives will push you and your house to the top!
  8. Sometimes the city will estimate our usage one month and then come out and read it the next month. Their estimates were low so we end up having a larger bill some months. Just look at past bills and it will either say estimate or there will be a date and the actual reading.
  9. I have 3 dc and none of them have been through a major growth spurt. They grow about 2 -3 inches every year.
  10. My raynauds is really bad this winter (toes and feet). I also have spider and varicose veins in my legs. My primary doc wanted me to go to the vascular surgeon last fall but my dh was laid off from work and we lost our insurance. Now we have new insurance and I can go to a specialist without a referral. What doctor do I need for my raynauds? The vascular surgeon just doesn't seem right to me. I probably need to go to him because of my veins in my legs but I want someone who will know what to do about my toes/feet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  11. It used to be last summer. Then I heard January, 2010. Well, January is almost over..........still waiting. I guess we will be doing science all summer since we haven't done anything of significance this year!
  12. You could just talk to them and come up with a payment that is satisfiable to both of you. I had a chiro once and this insurance switching happened to me. I talked to him and he agreed to take my co-pay and write off the rest. He said that he would rather keep me as a patient for less money than to lose me as a patient. I know that he did this for others also. His business grew because he was willing to work with people.
  13. Then again, I might just run far, far away!!!! :001_smile:
  14. I was on shots for 4 years.......I've been off of them for 18 years. I can't say that I am totally "cured". I may have to take some benedryl at night during the spring for a few days, otherwise I have no problems. My dh is on the shots now. He has been taking them for 1 1/2 years now. Last spring, summer, fall was the best year I can remember in our 18 years of marriage. His health was getting so bad I was concerned about all the prescription and OTC allergy drugs he was taking. My ds is on his 4th year of shots. We only go once a month now. He is remarkably better and does not take any allergy medicine anymore. His asthma is also better! It is a $$$ commitment even if you have good insurance. It is a time commitment we went every week for a year and a half with my ds. But I would do it again in a heartbeat. For us, it has been totally worth it.
  15. wears shorts and a t-shirt every day of the year. We live in a cold weather state. She is hot blooded and couldn't stand it if she had to dress like I do (turtlenecks, sweaters, wool socks and slippers). She knows that when it is time to go somewhere she will put on appropriate clothes for the weather and take her coat! She understands my rule about going out and we don't have any problems!
  16. dd15 gets 9 1/2 during the week 10+ on the weekends dd13 gets 10 always.......she is not a night owl and will sometimes go to bed before 8pm if she is not busy!
  17. Ok, we are not big party people. My dc get to have between 2-4 friends for a "at home" birthday party about every other year. Otherwise, we do family parties, just a few presents, cake and ice cream. For my oldests 13th birthday I decided we should do something special. We did a surprise bowling and pizza party with about 8 of her close friends. It cost me a "mint" but was totally worth it. She had a great time! Now dd #2 is going to be 13. I have no ideas what-so-ever. Do I do another bowling party? I don't want it to be at home......this will be the one and only outside party that each of my dc get, where I'll spend $100 + and have more that a couple of friends who are invited. Help, I'm running out of time!
  18. After we had our first dd, we moved 8 hours away from my parents. This was their 1st grandchild and we moved 3 weeks after she was born. They visited us every 6 weeks like clockwork.
  19. The books are great and my dd is learning lots. I'm not too excited about the guide that comes with it. I'm using it a little but mostly we talk about and write about the books. Getting library books when necessary for reports and things. I would do it this way again because my dd loves to read real books and not textbooks. Sorry I can't compare it to Sonlight as we have never used that.
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