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Everything posted by Trish

  1. And if anyone cares to compare the two to Spielvogel while they're at it...
  2. Seems like I've been on Extra Prayer Duty for some time now, with everything that's been going on in the world, and I will certainly say some extra ones for the people of that area now! Funny how we just had a thread on Emergency Preparations.
  3. I don't think standard textbooks are cutesy. For example, Harcourt Science, or Holt McDougal. They have suggested experiments, but you don't have to do them. If you have Discovery Streaming you can watch science experiments online, so you can sort of get the benefit without collecting all the materials.
  4. I'm wondering what would've been a fair price for floor-contaminated M&Ms. :drool5:
  5. Don't forget he's coming out with Pre-Algebra with Physics this year! I have to admit, I adore listening to Fred talk about math, plus whatever other subject he has his little heart set on.
  6. You're begrudging him the dirty M&Ms off the floor? My goodness. Maybe the kid doesn't get treats at home. :ohmy:
  7. I think it's popular because it was a page-turner. Sort of amazing for a book that has very little action, but I found that to be true. I'm thinking the author did not make her editor aware of this other made with the similar name? I can't imagine the publisher's legal team would have let that go without making her change the name completely, and make the character into a composite if it was too similar to the actual woman. I'm surprised she's suing for so little, given the popularity of the book, and the fact that a movie is coming out. I'm guessing they will settle out of court. BTW I liked that character.
  8. I was thinking of getting the download so I can have the color printouts. Can I reformat to put fewer items on a page if I want to do that? Anyone tried this? :bigear:
  9. Wondering which ones are most helpful to the parent in terms of determining not only where your kids are, but what would be most helpful to them going forward. ie determining areas of weakness/strength, and how to go about remedying or supporting any weaker areas. Basically are there tests that are more useful than others for this type of thing?
  10. In case of hyperinflation the newer van s more valuable than the money.
  11. We are in fact using it with my sixth grader, although he is strong with language arts. We'll be doing LL8 next year for 7th. I wouldn't have wanted to miss LL7 though, we've gotten so much enjoyment out of it.
  12. Since she was the one who hyped it to you, maybe it was an automatic defensive response.
  13. The stuff I have heard from local middle school teachers (in this case public, not private) is that there is sexual stuff going on with middle schoolers that was actually unheard of when I went to high school (oh, a decade or two ago, anyway!). But of course not every school, not every middle schooler. So it depends on how good the supervision is at the particular school, and I guess the kids in the area. I'm in central Florida. I guess it's a roll of the dice. Do you know any teachers in the area that you can ask their general impressions?
  14. He is driving at night with your 15-year-old? What is your perception of him as a driver? I was not a very good driver when I got my license, it took me about 6 months after that to feel comfortable behind the wheel. Most accidents involving teens occur when they're driving other teens in the car, due to the distraction factor. Just something to keep in mind if this is the situation. Good luck deciding about the curfew -- glad I'm not there yet! :auto:
  15. My brother has bought a lot of gold in preparation for the collapse of the financial system, hopefully not "civilization" per se. I guess I agree with him theoretically, but even gold would be no relief in case of a complete collapse. Neither of us is a Beck fan. Beck may accidentally be right, who knows, but my brother works in finance in NYC, and reads more "deep" financial sources, and of course has connections in the industry. But even there a lot of people are hoping the system can be saved, while a significant percentage seem to be preparing otherwise. Usually Joe and Jane Flatscreen are the last to know, so maybe Beck is doing some people a service, if it causes them to be a teeny bit more prepared than they would otherwise. We're putting in a garden, but I have no illusions about growing all my own food!
  16. We have loved LL7 and are planning to do LL8 next year. There is nice variety in the selections, and to my surprise, the poetry has been a big hit! It's something we look forward to doing each day.
  17. I believe there is more money promised in derivatives globally, than there are assets on the planet to pay them off. Something like that. Of course, it's only a problem if the derivative bets go bad. Which they tend to do all at once. But the economy is not the only thing that is troubling, just watching things boil over in the Mideast.
  18. Shoot, if this economy goes down in the way I think it could (and might), NONE of us who don't live on a farm are going to be able to make ends meet. 100 years ago people were pretty self-reliant. Not anymore!
  19. This is a cool resource. Especially for anyone who likes free. Thanks!
  20. Well, unemployment is NOT at an all time high, it went down to 9 percent recently. Although, the interesting REASON for that is that about 3/4 of a million people dropped out of the labor force in the last two months alone. Whew! I agree we are starting to see some inflation -- gas prices, food prices -- and at the rate money is being printed by our federal goverment (i.e. "monetizing the debt") I'm surprised prices aren't roaring ahead even higher. Housing prices however will continue to deflate. The federal government is broke, many state governments are broke, and the local governments are heading in the same direction. These problems have been bubbling up for a while, but it is now getting to the point where people are noticing them. Or, the news media are reporting on them. I think 2010 was our Last Normal Year. 2011 is going to look much different based on a variety of factors.
  21. I think you don't want to miss the sales, which start in the spring. Math Mammoth is on sale right now for 20 percent off. Homeschool Buyers Co-Op (which is free to join) has different sales each month. If you are interested in specific curricula you should ask, because people may know about upcoming sales.
  22. Seeking Alpha is an excellent site for understanding some of the problems of the U.S. economy. Also there is Zero Hedge, and the Automatic Earth.
  23. Haha! This is a subject I've given a lot of thought to. But, where on your blog is the reply supposed to go? Sorry, it was my first visit!
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