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Everything posted by Bess

  1. are children wearing uniforms in public schools now? I've not heard of that. (great idea IMO though)
  2. That's funny, I actually do take that! Mine is called "Natural Calm" but it doesn't have the calcium added. I feel like my body needs magnesium most. But it's funny that you brought that up, because I ran out of my mag drink about 5 days ago and am waiting on my order coming in the mail. Well, I've had a few of those "dread" feeling nights in the last week!
  3. This has happened to me too many times to count... from as far as I can remember. I'll just wake up in the night and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders...doom and gloom type feeling. Dread. And then I wake in the morning totally fine and normal. Oh, and this happens even though I've gone to bed with nothing bothering me... not depressed, totally fine. Didn't know if this is normal or if it's some strange phenomenon.:confused:
  4. I would start making some plans surrounding the planned playdate so you are all too busy to take part.
  5. I thought those were such positive articles! I was so impressed when I saw that they highlighted homeschoolers. I love Costco... great company. Sooo, what were the articles last year that you are talking about?
  6. My dd often tells me she feels like two old friends (who we parted ways with a few years ago) are always watching her... like a movie. I think it's strange that she feels that way, and could never understand it.
  7. Just curious what the standard dress is for something like this. edited to say... going to a play (not performing in one)
  8. I'm sure they were just jealous... especially after watching you eat your icecream!
  9. I have a steam mop. I forget the brand, but it has a triangle shaped "head". I really like it. It definitely cleans my laminate floors very well, and only uses water. I wash the reusable pads in my washing machine.
  10. Dr. Phil is an idiot. What a hoot that they had one bitter homeschooler on there lamenting her teenage years. How many public schooled people could they have gotten lamenting *their* horrid highschool years?!!!!! MILLIONS. These types of shows make me mad.
  11. Okay, so we keep hearing that he was in debt. Does that mean he had absolutley no money left whatsoever?? It's hard for me to fathom someone blowing billions of dollars until there was nothing left, plus having more to owe. Am I missing something here?
  12. Well, I agree with you if that helps. ;) There is another thread going on now making fun of old men in speedos. Why is it okay to vent one's disgust over *that*, but one can't vent their disgust over the other??? They are the same thing.
  13. So this diet lowers your insulin response? Sounds like it would be good for a hypoglycemic (like myself) even if one didn't need to lose weight, is that correct? Hmm...
  14. MJ admitted in an interview that he slept in the same bed with visiting little boys. By his own admission, it proves that he is completely out of touch with what is even considered abnormal and sick to other people. I don't need a conviction by a jury to judge whether he is a safe person around children or not.
  15. No, he wasn't convicted, but he paid the boy and his mom off...if that tells you anything. I often wonder how the reaction would be if he had been convicted and died in prison.
  16. I could never understand who would take her advice on anything in the first place!
  17. the girl at the bar... did he do what I think he did or did he stop himself? We fast forwarded it because we didn't want to see anything icky. But now I'm dying to know what happened.
  18. A lot could be said here, but I just wanted to touch on this... a woman's silence in and of itself is a ministry. Her silence in the assembly shows her submissive spirit and teaches proper headship. Not speaking is an outward work in it's own way.
  19. My husband took our kids to see this. My hubby cried in a few spots... which he NEVER EVER does!!! I was shocked to hear that, so now I'm itching to see it myself. He said it was really, really good.
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