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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Aaaand a thread hijack...Rose, which teacher does your DD have? I am considering Kidswrite Intermediate in the spring. Thanks!
  2. For the OP, Life of Pi is the Brave Writer Boomerang Book Club October selection, if you're interested in that for your DC. FYI. :)
  3. I agree with the above WRT to the threatening psychiatrist. Although personally my goal would be to file a complaint for the threatening behavior. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. How old is she? Is she suffering from brain fog in other subjects, too? How about with chores and other things? (Maybe it's there, just more noticeable in math.) Given her (general) age and sex, I can't help but wonder if hormones could be playing a role. If not, maybe you could take a break from this general topic and move on (it sounds like there really isn't a comprehension problem; more like a concentration one.) In any event, :grouphug: . This parenting/educating gig can be HARD sometimes!
  5. I :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: you! (Can you tell whose 8th-grader-who-has-been-lobbying-for-two-years-to-go-to-regular-high-school has changed her mind???)
  6. Oh, yeah. I get it. This year (eighth grade DD) we've outsourced quite a bit to address just that concern. Math: To be outsourced primarily. Right now we're in review mode, so I'm teaching (more like "managing") out of Foerster's Algebra and a PSAT review book. She did AoPS Algebra A online last semester and a Math Counts class over the summer. It's a good fit, so she'll be taking Intro to Counting and Probability this semester. Latin: Outsourced to CLRC. They are wonderful to deal with and I highly recommend them. They offer writing classes, history classes, and other languages, as well. There may be a few math classes (?), and there are religion classes but they're Orthodox, so I'm thinking not your thing. ;) Language Arts: Outsourced much to Brave Writer. Boomerang Book Club and Poetry class this semester. More next semester. Supplemented with materials at home (Editor in Chief, dictation, poetry/Bible memorization.) Science: Outsourced to Derek Owens-Physical Science. History: Me-centered. We're using Hakim History of US as our spine and doing our second year of a two-year American History study. Bible: A combination of Awana and a year-long sermon series at our church. So sort of me. Positive: The stress level is GREATLY reduced in our homeschool this year. :thumbup1: Negative: This is expensive. :thumbdown: Happily, we are the recipients of generous educational grants provided by the Bank of Nana. Fabulous institution, that! :thumbup: "Also, a friend is asking me about pulling her 7th grade boy out of public school having never homeschooled... not sure how to advise her. I always always recommend TWTM to everyone who asks me about homeschooling, but for parents who are more interested in public school at home I'm not sure if there's an in between." As for this one, I would suggest looking at online public school options. It sounds more like a "school at home" need. HTH. Good luck to you.
  7. If this is true, she might surprise you. When ours first came in, she was really funny about her feet being touched. One day, DH saw DD reading in her bed. Kitty was next to DD and DD had kitty's back paw in her hand and was running her fingers on the webbing between kitty's toes. :huh: Had I tried that I would have lost a digit. Kitty also does not like to sit on laps (she does like to lie beside us, however), but she will sit on DD's lap for hours. None of kitty's rules apply to the short person.
  8. ETA: I just wanted to mention that our inside kitty is quite well-behaved. When she first moved inside, she jumped on the kitchen counter. I scolded her, I think twice, and it never happened again. She knows that the reminder "Gentle, gentle" means "Sheath your claws if you want me to continue playing" AND she responds to it. She also comes when she's called and greets us happily at the door when we've been gone. I've never been a cat person, but this one has me wrapped around her tiny paw!
  9. You might want to google "The Reduced Shakespeare Company." They get a little raunchy, but I think it's completely okay for teens (I let my 12 year-old watch them and I'm pretty conservative.)
  10. We're not to your level yet (about to start eighth grade), but each semester now includes at least one Brave Writer class. I'll join in the :hurray: . (Oh, and Mrs. Barrett ROCKS. :thumbup1: )
  11. You rock, Your Majesty I think we all need girls' night out in Vegas.
  12. Renai: Make older DD watch the Jonny Diaz video again. And tell her that random strangers on the internet are proud of her. How many of her peers can say that, hmm??? Maybe you should stick with the video.
  13. Oh, wait. Maybe Susan should be the cheerleader. Oh, LOOK! We have a Squad! "READY? O-KAY!"
  14. :seeya: Positive note: Being sickly depressed with separation anxiety left me with no outlet other than work. But I got my edits done. In a day. Kind of a loooooooong day. Negative: Dinner is going to be very late. I wish I could go to Renai's house. I love me some catfish and greens. :drool5: So, on tonight's agenda: Much, much reading. But I like Genesis, so there you go. Oh, and I like dubbing Lynn the official cheerleader. This is turning into a stream-of-consciousness post. Oh, and Susan will be glad to know that Poopaerobics is a standard part of my day. And has become part of my vernacular, because it sounds sooooo much better than "cleaning the barn." :laugh:
  15. Day One Without My Baby. Sigh. Four more sleeps until Friday. (Oh, and :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for those who need them. You know who you are.)
  16. Getting ready to take my baby to camp today. Three and a half hours away. :crying:
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