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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Homeschool-type question of the day: After DD's online Latin class ends at 12:30, we are going to the big city to watch the 3-D version of Pan. Is this 1) a beautiful example of the sort of mother-daughter bonding that homeschooling is so incredibly well-suited to supporting and encouraging, or 2) powerful evidence that I am of the variety Momicus slackericus magnificat? There. I promise that I shall speak no more relevance today. (ETA: punctuation correction. Which may tend to indicate that option #2 is the more accurate.)
  2. BTW, shoveling poop is much easier when the poop is frozen.
  3. Oooo, I LOVED days off during the week. We just changed our schedule to make those days the "weekend" (except for church). I liked it because running errands was easier and because any fun things were less busy. Of course, I only have one DD, so flexibility is much easier here!
  4. I don't know whether this will help, but John Stossel's website has links to free resources. He also has curriculum available (some is free.) You might be able to find supplementary material there. HTH. :001_smile:
  5. How was the experience for your DS competing as an individual? We are considering that approach, but I was wondering if it will diminish the experience. (We live in an area where the only team is at the middle school-and they are very hostile to homeschoolers.)
  6. I love raisins. Raisins covered in chocolate and rolled in toffee and nuts sound divine. Now I want them for breakfast. Sigh.
  7. Perhaps one with a bazooka? :drool5: (TN has 'que!)
  8. Aaaaaaaand...it's Queen Ellie for the WIN!!! :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  9. Okay, see, yet ANOTHER reason why I need a bazooka. A wee little road trip and-WHAMO-Renai's blood pressure becomes much more manageable.
  10. What a lineup! And, in honor of your homeschooling vocation, how about:
  11. I got a links to a resort in the Adirondacks, a dancing group in Anchorage, a description of tame bears, and to an international animal rescue. I'm thinking maybe Google and Rorschach are related.
  12. Well, you could brainstorm with the fam and come up with a show that 1) they'll never forget and 2) will guarantee no more invitations. Which is probably not really doable, because family. But it might be fun to think about. :tongue_smilie:
  13. :seeya: , ITT friends! I've missed you all. Which seems a little odd, not really knowing you and all. But there it is. Update on me: I found myself in need of a board break, so I took one. We live in an area of the country where summertime is chore time, so I had to spend way less time online. And I finally got Nana (my mom) moved up here permanently (Yay!), which necessitated a two-week trip to Hell Central California (BOO!). Oh, and I spent considerable time in thought and prayer about my relationship with my precious baby and about our homeschool. The result was a restructuring and, so far, BEST YEAR EVER. (YAY!) So much so that child-who-was-insisting-on-regular-high-school wants to stay home. Yay! and :ohmy: and :willy_nilly: :grouphug: for everyone. Renai: I'll be praying for your peace and health. That BP is worrisome (I lost my brother to a stroke-he was 39. The underlying problem was untreated high BP); please, please take care of yourself. Tex: Likewise, on the prayer list for feeling well. Being ultra-hot should help you cope, though. :001_smile: Jean: ongoing well-wishes. And Slash: :party: :party: :party: Are you signed up for a baby registry? Shoot. My memory is bad, so I can't remember who else I wanted to say stuff to. Ah, well. Hopefully, I'll be able to participate regularly again. Oh, that's right! Ellie, I think I envy your schedule. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it gets turned upside down and sideways. In the best possible way!
  14. We just watched Third Day in concert and got to meet the band and Brandon Heath. They started of with my favorite song. It was AWESOME. <3
  15. I think I'm projecting. I've had to recover from a brain injury (not a concussion) and trying to doing too much set my recovery back. It was a fairly miserable experience, so I think I'm having unreasonable empathy for your student. Disregard the prior comment.
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