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King Alfred Academy

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Everything posted by King Alfred Academy

  1. HA! I just thought the same thing! Hope the magazine isn't needed for the DVD. It's been recycled. :tongue_smilie:
  2. *I* need to get a hold of them too. My account is all messed up and I can't log in. When I try, I am directed to a different account. :glare: How do you get a hold of FB? Sorry 'bout hijacking. I just really need to know.
  3. Maybe this book from Maestro? I don't know the other book you referenced (not Johnny Tremain) so I can't compare them.
  4. Thanks for answering my question! :001_smile: Does anyone know if SW offers the option of printing the special HWOT lines?
  5. I am interested in this as well but have a different question (sorry to hijack :blushing:), but are you able to print the HWOT "special" lines along with the font? If not, do you just use "regular" lines?
  6. Well, this does not make me happy. :glare: We are also going camping on the OR coast. We'll be in a yurt with heat (first time not in a tent) so hopefully it won't be too bad. I hope the weather forecaster is wrong and that you (and us) will get to enjoy great camping weather! Have fun! :001_smile:
  7. We do ours on Friday...Fun Day Friday! We do our "school work" M-Th and do art, picture study, art project, "living" math, and finish any projects from the week. The boys look forward to Fridays and so do I! They are vary laid back.
  8. I HIGHLY recommend Super Science Concoctions. We had so much fun working through the book this year with our chemistry science. You use common materials and the explanations are super easy to understand.
  9. HA! Just got your email/comment! I didn't recognize it was you either! :tongue_smilie: These are great ideas! I never really thought much about preparing most of it at home, but it makes sense. Less work and the food gets done quicker. Thanks for the ideas! Taco in a bag...my boys will LOVE this! Seems easy too! I'll search the boards and see what I can find. Thank you! :001_smile:
  10. I'm looking for easy meals/foods to make on our camping trip. Here is what I have so far: Hot dogs and Chili S'mores Eggs, bacon, sausage on the open fire. (YUM!) I will probably make muffins ahead of time. So tell me, what are your favorite camping foods? What kinds of things do you make ahead to bring? Recipes are appreciated! We will be cooking over an open fire that should have a grill. We also have a propane burner if we need it. Thanks! :001_smile:
  11. My boys love it too! They are totally learning their multiplication facts by knocking the Ogre down! :D We are going to buy the upgraded version soon...but they don't know it yet...shhhhh. ;)
  12. Thanks! I have tried contacting FB...HA!...but nothing yet. I hate not being connected to my friends. :o(
  13. One minute I was logged into FB, and the next I wasn't. My account isn't even there. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do to correct it? It is impossible to "talk" to anyone IRL @FB. Also, if you are my friend, can you get to my page? :confused:
  14. My ds worked through headsprout.com. He really liked it.
  15. We LOVE those books and plug them in wherever we can. As far as using them as a spine? I think it can be done and done well, but I don't know if anyone has done it. I say, "go for it!" :001_smile:
  16. What about using Jan Brett's books and checking out her site for activities/coloring pages? We did this and had the kids act out the stories...used a big blanket for a mitten when we read The Mitten.
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