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King Alfred Academy

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Everything posted by King Alfred Academy

  1. We really like these too! A fun book we have been working through to get a good grasp of where the states are is The Little Man in the Map. We are reading it slowly and labeling a map as we go. The clues they give are easy for the boys to remember.
  2. Then I think these would work! She does give some literature selections if you'd like him to do some reading on his own.
  3. You won't regret it! They are GREAT! Now...I'm off to check out the KB stuff. :glare:
  4. Amy Pak, the author, has each cd scheduled to do 5 days a week for 5 weeks. If you want an overview of American History, you could do it that way. She gives texts to read and projects to complete. IMO, if you were to do it that way, *I* think you would be pressed for time to get the projects done even with Friday set up to be a day to finish the projects. We like to dive in deeper to the topics we find interesting by reading lots of books, watching videos, ect. It probably takes us a lot longer than most. Oh, and we only do history 2 days a week and use Friday to work on projects if we want. In a nutshell...if you are looking for an overview, then I say, "Go for it!" If not, there's no harm in slowing it down. :001_smile: HTH!
  5. that were "historical". There was one set in colonial times and one I think set in England in the 1800's maybe. I know I am being vague, but I really can't recall. :tongue_smilie: In the colonial one some people were indentured servants, one guy was the governor, they dressed in the times, I think they may even had to build their lodging. Is this ringing a bell? :confused:
  6. This is good to know! We are doing Earth science this year! :001_smile:
  7. We did the Colonial and the Revolutionary War cds last year and I am so glad we sssslllllooowwwweeeddd down and took our time with them adding in a bunch of reading. We really had a great year. We learned a lot and enjoyed the projects. This year we are just going to do the Early 19th Century adding in, of course, a ton of books and digging deeper into the subjects the cd presents. Looking forward to a great year!
  8. I can't really answer this as I just got DE Streaming yesterday. Hopefully someone with experience with both can answer it. Sorry. I do know there is more available educationally on DE though. Thanks! :001_smile: Anyone else have favorite series or videos?
  9. We just got a subscription to DE Streaming and I am so excited to add it to our school day! I am a bit overwhelmed searching for videos as I can't seem to find a list of sorts of what they have available, just the search tool. I have found these videos: The Magic School Bus Animated Hero Classics Jeff Corwin Bill Nye the Science Guy What are some of your favorites? No specific subject. I have also heard people using it to teach foreign language. Is there a specific program that does it, or are they just using videos in that language? (I think I need to play with the search feature more.) **Also, if there is some sort of "list", can someone please let me know where to find it? I think I just have the basic version and not the Plus. Thank you! :001_smile:
  10. I LOVE these TT cds!!! This one looks great too! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping she'll start on the Ancients and work her way up! :001_smile:
  11. Time Traveler cds by Homeschool in the Woods! LOVE them! :001_smile:
  12. We've used both AAS and PZ. My ds (4th grader) started using it towards the end of 2nd grade but is still on Level A. We are working through it slowly and not doing it every day. I like it a lot because it is not teacher intensive and he really learns from it. A lesson for us looks like this: I read through the new rule and word list with him. He sits at the computer (we use mediaplayer) with headphones and listens to the cd as he writes the words in a color of pen he has chosen. Then he chooses a different colored pen and rewrites the words next to the words he has just written as he listens to the corrections on the cd. The next day, same routine except I only go over the words he has missed with him. If he gets his list correct two times in a row, then he moves onto the next list. We really like the program, but one of the gentleman's voices on the cd makes my son laugh a lot. He likes imitating him. AAS did not work with this ds. He needed more/mostly auditory learning for this subject. However, AAS works beautifully with my younger ds who needs more kinesthetic learning. I am pretty sure that Andrew Pudewa suggests using AAS with the younger crowd before moving them to PZ. Hope this helps! :001_smile:
  13. That's it!!!!!!! THank you, thank you, thank you! I can go on with my day now!:tongue_smilie:
  14. the popular worksheet/project site that you have to pay a monthly (maybe yearly) subscription to, but they also allow you to print off some of their stuff for free? The name is totally escaping me...always does. :tongue_smilie: Thanks!
  15. Yes, both kids are doing the same one. I'm not sure how to set it up, but my friend has 3 of her kids doing the same grade level. Maybe someone can jump in and tell you how. :confused:
  16. Thanks for your replies! I think I'll save myself a bit of cash and just get the cds. :001_smile:
  17. Yay! When we studied the Lost Colony of Roanoke, the boys put together a news video about the events and different ideas of what could have happened. One son was a reporter and the other was John White...the settler who came back and discovered the colony was gone. They used there Lincoln Logs to depict what the colony looked like when John White left and then what it looked like when he came back. It was a great exercise and they learned a lot. I'll see if I can post a link to it. My dh has it guarded on youtube. They also learned how to sew and weave and I was surprised at how much they enjoyed it!
  18. Both of my boys will be working through Teaching Textbooks 3 and I'm not sure about spending $39.95 for a second workbook. Do you think the workbook is necessary? Do you find that your child can just write the problem and work it in a spiral notebook? Are there benefits I would be missing if I didn't order the workbook at all and just got the cds for $99.95? Are there things in the workbook that are not included in the cds such as extra explanations, problems, etc.? Thanks for your input! :001_smile:
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