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King Alfred Academy

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Everything posted by King Alfred Academy

  1. You may also find Jimmie's 50 STates squidoo page helpful! :001_smile:
  2. Here is the site I printed it from. A Home For Their Hearts linked me to it when I asked a question about printing a large map. (Thanks, again, A Home For their Hearts!) It was a booger to figure out how to cut it out and then to piece it together. :tongue_smilie: Consider yourself warned! ;) (PS...I am glad I did it though. The boys like having a HUGE map on their closet to fill out. :001_smile:)
  3. We've been working through The Little Man In the Map by region and filling out a HUGE 7ft. map of the united states as we go. The book is fun and we are all learning where the states are located. :001_smile: We also like playing the Scrambled Mixed Up States game.
  4. Here are some great squidoo lenses Jimmie put together... http://www.squidoo.com/shakespeareforchildren http://www.squidoo.com/shakespeare-animated-tales My boys really enjoyed the animated tales! :001_smile:
  5. I found the Cathedral FM Scotland on LIVE 365 and it is bringing tears to my eyes! Beautiful evensong from Chapel of King's College playing right now. Reminds me so much of my lovely, little, Anglican parish I left in TN when we moved to CA.
  6. Here is Paige's Great Scientists Series. I am sure you could get a lot of use out of it! :001_smile:
  7. Thank you! I'll give it a shot! I am really loving the Ancient Radio you suggested. I like the scripture peppered through out the music. :001_smile:
  8. I am hooked! Didn't know anything like this existed! Thank you! :001_smile:
  9. I can't figure iTunes out! UGH! I'll have to wait til the hubs gets home. He knows. Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks! I've been listening to it for the past 10 minutes. I really like it! :001_smile: I'm afraid to use pandora. :001_unsure: Right after I used it on my old computer, something started going really bad with it. It may not have had anything to do with Pandora, but now I am paranoid. Thanks for the suggestion, though! Has anyone else had problems with their computers after using pandora?
  10. Does anyone know of a site to listen to church choir/chant music streaming online? Something like the Vienna Boys Choir or Trinity College Choir or The King's College Choir? Any online radio stations that plays choir music? :confused: Thanks!:001_smile:
  11. I LOVE this blog! She has incredible notebooking pages and timelines available for artist study. Here is a link to her downloads. :001_smile:
  12. No way. It's a "new" (maybe 9 years old) charter school so they do everything by the book. The inconsistency is really a pain.
  13. Is that a "new" statement on the site? I ordered the US History Based Lessons last year and was able to get it. This year, ds9 will be taking a IEW class at a charter school (not the one I am enrolled with) using the Medieval theme base unit. My charter school is VERY strict about such policies but not always consistent. I wasn't able to get NOEO. Nothing sectarian about it, but the creators are Christians. However, I am able to purchase the Time Traveler cds, creators also Christian, and there is Christian content within it. :confused:
  14. Some of the titles people have mentioned are on the "plus" and not the "basic". For example, Liberty's Kids is not on the "basic". :sad:
  15. But what about the "regular" one and not the "plus"? Is there a master list for that one somewhere you could link too?
  16. Master list is a great idea! I just got my subscription so I can't add anything to it (yet) that hasn't already been mentioned. I will once I have had time to play with it! :001_smile:
  17. Linnea in Monet's Garden is on Netflix view instantly. It's animated and only 30 minutes long. My boys like it. :001_smile:
  18. Got ours up. Not a typical week, but the post was therapeutic. :001_smile: Link is in my signature.
  19. "One Small Square" books and the Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers. My boys also enjoy Nature Friend Magazine. :001_smile:
  20. I bought some college ruled notebook paper at Target and even though it shows blue lines on the "picture", my lines are green. :glare: Weird.
  21. Good thing you are homeschooling or you may not have been able to visit them with PS starting and everything. ;) Welcome to the adventure!
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