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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. I really have no bone to pick with you...honest!:001_smile: The only thing I disagree with is that the OP specifically states she is not talking about illness or layoffs or deaths etc... I though she was pretty clear that she was mainly speaking of sub prime and people who bought too much house for their money. But, I am coming from the OP's angle. We worked and saved for years, bought a house a long way from DH's work just to afford what we wanted without paying through the nose...we only bought what we could afford on his salary because we knew that I would be a SAHM once we had children...we rented for years, saved everything we could...went without furniture for a few years..no curtains etc... and, we have had no catastrophes happen. Now we own one house outright and pay off the other one on a 15 year mortgage..that we pay more on each month to pay it down sooner...again though...no bad luck along the way, and all our choices along the way helped too. One last thing though before I go to bed... If the tone really does bother you...don't read anymore...Susan did say we should all 'woman up" I can dare say there are threads that I don't go near...or my blood pressure would go for a ride!;)
  2. I am, I guess, certainly not coming at this from the same angle as you are. I don't see any tone in the OP. Now i do have to admit that I skipped over a few middle pages since I last looked at the thread...not enough time here;). FWIW I do get a bit annoyed when i think i might be paying for someone's bad descissions..whether it be an individual's or a bank's. So I do think Laylamb is right about people being angry...i guess it just comes pouring out sometimes in such a rather annonymous forum.
  3. I totally agree that not everyone who is facing foreclosure bought a house too pricey for them at the time. Life does happen..suddden illnesses or job loss etc... but as sorry as I may be that any of this happens I do not see it as the governments job to pay anyone's mortgage. just more of my 2 cents.
  4. I really sometimes wish there was still rep! Good job with post #85 in a certain thread!

  5. :iagree::iagree: I cannot state this any better, so i will just whole heartedly agree!
  6. Please don't take this the wrong way...I have read this entire thread. I am glad that you gleened a tidbit or two or three out of it. Hopefully, that will help. My advice is more for you, and not your baby. If you are trying to find more time to work from home, have you considered cutting back your time here? This thread alone has been time consuming! Just a thought.
  7. No surprise here either! I think living within one's means helps quite a bit. And either getting out of the Market (before any crash) or riding it out is the way to go. You haven't lost money until you sell.
  8. It is not a right. It is a privilige. plus, this may sound horrible to some but quite honestly, one person's forclosure is another person's buying opportunity. It is ashame to keep house values artificially high. At this time if we sold our home we would lose money...so, we are not selling right now. The market will come back..it always does....If Joe X decied to buy a house he could not afford...he got to live there...It is really no different than renting, in my opinion. it is ashame if Joe X can stay with other people's money, making it harder for Sue Firsttimehomebuyer to get a good deal on a home. That is my 2 cents.
  9. :iagree: What she said! I voted other as well. There has been quite a bit of success in adult stem call research. it is too bad that it isn't concentrated on. I think all that about fetal stem cells curing everything from parkinson's to the common cold is just hooey. and I do have a dog in this fight...7 people in my family and Dh's family have parkinson's.
  10. :lol::lol::lol: (I'm laughing at the picture in my mind of you screaming...I would too..) I needed a good laugh today! I haven't read any of the other posts yet, but Yuck! Never, ever eat at that woman's house! eeww! No wonder they say sponges contain a ton of germs! It would never occur to me to wipe my child's nose with one!
  11. Thanks for editing! You had me quite confused for a bit!;)
  12. You can report spam by clicking on the little red and black excalmation mark in the upper right corner..that will alert the moderators to the post/thread. Okay, i should have kept reading...sorry for the duplicate advice!
  13. Thank you for posting this! I received her "Grace is Falling" cd this week and it is beautiful! Being a Catholic myself, I am always on the search for good Christian music that is preferably Catholic. I could not have asked for more! If any of you are looking for something uplifting this Lent i would totally recommend her cds! One can listen to them on the website so you will know what you are getting...it is absolutely beautiful! Thanks again, Jenny
  14. We signed up last October and have loved it! My dh was a real sceptic but now he is their biggest fan!
  15. pots and pans and a wooden spoon? as long as you don't mind the noise. plastic measuring cups..most do stack. tupperware/rubbermaid containers that stack.nest...with or without lids. we just usually found stuff around the house to keep them busy..it was always odd things, sometimes colorful or shiny...always with no small parts, but just regular household stuff. Even jello molds and different shaped cake pans would be played with. Nothing we had would ever work for too long though...1/2 an hour would be great!
  16. My kids love these, and they learned so very much! They are a wonderful supplement to a study on the revolution. I cannot think of any negatives. You can also do a search for this topic because we have talked about it before. Some of those answers might also be helpful! Jenny
  17. I would also suggest Saint Joseph's First Communion Catechism. We just say them over and over. I have also used a personal voice recorder to record the prayer and my dc then listen to it over and over until they know them. Most of the time I say the prayer and they say it back, we do this about 4 times a day until they get it. As far as being wiggly during Mass...my ds6 is very much that way. it is hard for him to keep still during any situation. Firstly, we sit in one of the front two rows so that he can see what is going on. That helps a lot. I also go prepared with quiet things for him to look at. I have about 8 prayer cards in my purse, those always end up in his hands. I usually bring, "The lift flap Catholic Bible". That is fairly small and it keeps him occupied looking at the pictures when he does get bored. We also have a few Catholic activity books ( My Catholic Pray and Play Activity Book) that I copy the pages of. I bring one or two pages along with a pencil. He can sit there and match up items or do a dot to dot. Most of the book is about prayers or the Mass. He is only allowed to look at these things while we are sitting. When we stand or kneel, he has to as well. honestly though, he really likes standing and kneeling. It really helps him that we aren't just sitting still for an hour. Good luck. my dd8 has just had her first sacrement of reconciliation and will be taking her first Holy Communion this May. She is not my squirmy kid though, she loves Mass and jumps at the chance to go with me! Even during the week! She was allowed to bring a copy of an Act of Contrition with her into confession. Most of the kids hadn't totally learned it, but if they go to confession enough it will be memorized. HTH Jenny
  18. I have no idea either! I don't really care that I don't know.... If Slumdog Millionaire is a good movie, we might watch it when it shows up on Netflix...unless it is gory or about a rap artist...then i can be happy with my never seeing it.
  19. Personally, I think a spin off board would get just as snarky and heated and flame warish (is that even a word?) as it does here. I love talking politics but not when I am shouted down because of a difference in opinion. I can get that in real life, I don't need to go to aweb site to have it happen.... just my 2 cents.
  20. I answered 5000's. I don't stress over it, but i keep an eye on it. Just remember that you only lose money if you cash out lower than you bought....so, if you are in for 30 more years, just don't cash out.... I would discuss my reasonings for the markets plummet over the past 6 months but it has to do with politics..so i will stop there. FWIW: the market always reacts to political stuff....
  21. Wonderful post...where is that rep???? polluted is exactly how i felt when I read Forever...yuck!
  22. I was really hopnig there was a typo and she meant 5th grade...cause 5 is very young for that kind of book.:001_smile:
  23. We love these too! My kids have wathced these over and over! then, when we read about the events they knew so much already! My six year old will pretend he is Dr. Warren talking to paul Revere! it is so funny!
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