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Everything posted by desertmum

  1. If it weren't for Bill I wouldn't have known which Singapore math books to get. Oh, and I don't feel guilty about not reading Moby Dick. I didn't like it the first time. Quit. Picked up again a few years later. Still didn't like it. Put it back on the shelf where it still sits. However, I have to admit I love Bill's whale and the quotes from the book are intruiguing. Some of the quotes I actually enjoy. Darn it! If it weren't for Bill I would never think about reading Moby Dick again.
  2. They don't vaccinate in the UK for chickenpox. My ds had it earlier this year (January the 1st no less). He never had any fever, just lots of itchiness. Gave him baths with finely ground oats to sooth the itch. It was over in about 1 1/2 weeks. He has some scars but oh, well.... I have no idea where he got it.
  3. Math is my weakest point and the one I need help the most with!
  4. I got it too! Some things are outdated but there is plenty of good stuff too.
  5. I am still planning. Not in the bathroom so my derriere is not numb anymore, but my mind is certainly gone numb from making lesson plans. Clicking on this ignore thread is the most fun I've had for ages...
  6. Again, I am sitting on the bathroom floor trying to do some planning. My derriere is going numb. Of course I am going to click on anything that says "ignore"!
  7. How about sending Donna Young a message through ber blog? She'll see it and most likely will get back to you.
  8. :iagree: "Dop the next thing" works well for things like math, or handwriting. In any case it get things done and that is what counts.
  9. Startwrite users: How do you formart letter in different ways in the same box? I want to have the first word all in black (I figured that one out), then the the same word outlines or dotted and maybe the same word then shaded. Is it possible to do this, or do I have to start a new text box each time? I am using the same font, just different effects. I went to the website but couldn't see anything that would help me. All info welcome!
  10. Many homeschoolers do their own handwriting curriculum. Personally I can't do this, but only because my own handwriting is terrible. BUT if your handwriting is consistent enough you can trace the letters and have the page laminated (or you could be cheeky and ask your calligrapher mum to do this for you). Your child can then use whiteboard markers to go over the letters. You can also buy software like Startwrite or Educational Fontaware which show letter formation with arrows and dots and go from them (this is what I'm doing).
  11. I had a rant thread in the General Board about this very subject. I am doing my planning at night but now I am going to rely on the Disney channel to keep ds distracted while I work from the dinner table. I also got my husband's nephew to help out (he is 1 of 6 kids) so can deal with anything ds throws his way. Also I am cheating big time. If I can find someone else's schedule or plan lessons I will use them (after reading them to make sure they are ok). I am also using scholastic curriculum bank books, which have tons of lesson plans ready made (I'm not very creative). This cuts down planning time. IMHO
  12. We are starting next Sunday (our weeks runs from Sunday through Thursday). This is the hottest part of the year so it is good to be indoors.
  13. I don't have room for a school room as our flat is rather small. One day I will have a proper room and I'll be able to take pics of it and all...
  14. This is soooo gorgeous. O.M.G. :drool5:
  15. I tend to go on the defensive. I was brought up believing that at the end of the end family is family and all that. Having said that there are members of my family I avoid like the plague! If you can't avoid the know it all sister, just make sure your dd is not around when sister starts preaching about school.
  16. I am getting so many ideas I am going to end up writing a book on the subject. Tonight I printed the programmes of study for all core subjects. DH saw this and said "AHHHHHHH". To which I replied, "Yes, dear. This is what we have to accomplish this year so I can sit down and make plan lessons." Dh saw the list and went into the kitchen to make me a cup of tea. This weekend, if dh has to work I will take ds to a bouncy castle or something they have around here which is like a "cage" and kids get to run around like maniacs. LisaTheresa: going to bed early drives me insane.
  17. :grouphug: to you. If it wasn't for this board and my mother I would have gone crazy a long time ago. :lol:
  18. I only have 1 kid. But he is INTENSE (he is also accelerated in some ways and clueless in others). Also, we live in a studio apartment, which leaves little room to move. Grandad lives in a home. I know the perfect teen to babysit ds...but I have to wait another 2 months until the family comes back from the UK. However, I hear your suggestions of swapping watching duties with another homeschool mum. Yes! Why didn't I think of that? I think it is a brilliant idea. Now, I think I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on the phone to see I can strike a babysitting "deal". And yes, Betty, I hear you too. No housework while I am planning! Thank you all :grouphug:
  19. :banghead: I'm sitting on the bed determined to get going. Ds is singing London Bridge is Falling Down right next to me. I had to visit the forum. Saw the hugs and sympathies. Thanks :blushing:
  20. I wish I had met hubby and had children much much younger. I always wanted a big family but that is easier if you start young.
  21. I know this is a bit of a rant, but here is goes: I am trying to plan next school year (which should start next week). I have tried to sit down and make plans and schedule but it is hard. I live in the tiniest apartment and it is 40 C degrees outside. Poor ds is going nuts with nowhere to go and wanting attention from me. Not to mention housework of course. Once ds goes to bed dh wants attention too. He wants to talk about his job, etc. Then he wants lights out early because he is tired. the other night I tried working in the bathroom but it was amazingly uncomfortable. I have tried to tell dh that I need some time to schedule. Time with no kid running and jumping all over me. I've told him I need to sit down and make sense of the textbooks and materials. I've told him 20 minutes every night for planning doesn't work for me (so interrupted I forget what I was doing the night before). I need a few hours by myself to plan and print stuff. Last night the dialog went like this: "How do you expect me to make lessons and plan in 20 minutes?" DH says: "I don't know." THAT WAS THE ENTIRE DIALOG. DH is a good husband, a good provider, and a good friend. However he doesn't realise the amount of work that goes into homeschool planning. I wish I had an open and go curriculum but I don't. Also, I am definitely not Speedy Gonzalez. I am feeling very discouraged and not all appreciated...
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