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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Do you have an epipen on hand? Maybe get it out and ready? Is someone home with you? Keep an eye out for a biphasic reaction in a few hours.
  2. Haven't read the replies, but wanted to say that DS is allergic to wheat. It's a true allergy to wheat, as opposed to a gluten issue (he's not celiac, he just has lots of food allergies). We didn't even suspect wheat, but he was having so many issues (all over itchiness, asthma, eczema) that the doc did some extra testing. When he came up with IgE allergies to wheat, she had us stop the food for two weeks, then add it back in and watch for changes. DS clearly had more itching, eczema, red patches, and asthma flares within a week of adding wheat back in. We are now off wheat. :) Maybe you could eliminate it for 2 weeks and see what happens when you add it back?
  3. Thanks! Trying not to feel silly here. :) Mostly just super happy, and ready to celebrate!
  4. I'm back! It was totally fine. :) There were some minor things that the doc didn't want me to see on the report and panic about later. So he wanted to go over them with me. But overall - great news! Whew. Next time a doc requests that I come in right away - no panicking, promise. Thanks for all the support today!
  5. Thanks, all! Ok, so I love the concept of a diligent doc conspiring to help me... And that is the new attitude of the day. Will hold that thought as I drive. Thank you! I started out liking all the replies and ran out if time... Gotta run... So I'm going to say a big thanks for all the well wishes and good thoughts. Thanks!!!!
  6. Today at 1 pm. His office called yesterday afternoon. My appt was scheduled for March, but they asked me to come in early. I'm thinking an appt to discuss results is better for the coffers. Maybe they had a cancellation today. Ugh. At least it will be over soon!
  7. Thanks! My stomach is churning, and I suspect I'm getting all worked up for nothing. The Internet is a bad thing sometimes, and I wish I had never googled these tests! Silly me. Thinking it will be happy hour somewhere right after the appt. :)
  8. Love it! The Spencer in my life is absolutely a delightful boy. Goes with your other names beautifully, too.
  9. Can't believe I'm posting this... But don't want to burden family or friends IRL with this worry. Have had some tests done lately, and the doc called me in early to discuss the results. It's probably nothing, he probably just had a cancellation, but I've never had a doc call and want me to come in the very next day. I'm nervous. My follow up was scheduled for a few weeks from now, and I was enjoying the blissful ignorance. If you are inclined, I could use some good vibes, juju, pats on the back, whatever... Updated on post #32, but the upshot is - everything's fine! Yippee!!!!
  10. Oh, one more question - are they comfy? And which did you buy? I am thinking cotton or cotton and wool. We want to avoid latex, as kiddo is allergic.
  11. Oh wow, now I'm stuck on the White Lotus site... :) Their prices really are about the same as department stores, and I like the free shipping. I'm a hold out on social media, but I'll look for coupons online. Thanks for that link. Oh, and it looks easy enough for our doc to send a Rx for no flame retardant. Ikea is appealing for the instant factor... of course. And who doesn't love an Ikea outing?? Off to ponder more... Thanks so much for the ideas!
  12. We did allergy shots - but more than the numbers you've mentioned, so it may not be the same thing. My gut reaction would be to go with water based rather than aluminum, given a choice.
  13. Ikea? Really? Cool! I had no idea they were free of brominated flame retardants! We looked at some and nixed it, thinking they were using chemicals. Now I'm off to research that option. I love options! Thanks!
  14. I like the Rokform cases - the magnet on the back is great. I also use their car mount adaptor.
  15. I struggle with CFS (also among other things) and my doctors encourage exercise. Slow and gradual, listening to one's body all the while, but definitely exercise. Like a PP said though, there are days that a shower can literally wear out someone with CFS. So the exercise has to be gradual. BTW, I am much, much better now - and though CFS is still technically on my chart, and fatigue is one of my remaining symptoms, I rarely consider that I have CFS. What we found is that the root causes of the CFS are so important to address - and once we really started working on those... Huge difference. In fact, one of my docs (an Infectious Disease Specialist) mimes wadding paper and throwing it in a trashcan whenever he hears the words CFS as a final diagnosis. He insists there is always a reason (viral or otherwise). I sure hope your friend finds the cause of her CFS soon, and is able to address it in a way that will help her recovery.
  16. We've been following this for several months, and were so excited to see that the DNA testing is back. Wow. Huge news.
  17. We need to replace several mattresses, and because of DS's health issues we have to get something that is not going to outgas lots of VOCs (among other things). Of course, we'd like to get organic, wool... all the good stuff... But the prices are prohibitive, and we need something now. DS's doc is willing to write a letter stating that he needs a mattress with no fire retardants, but again, having one specially made is very expensive. And our DS tends to play musical beds at night, and often ends up in ours, so we'd need to replace his and ours with a custom mattress. Not in the budget. Anyone with tips on finding a low (or no) outgassing mattress? Our thought right now is to get a Greenguard certified Sopora mattress - twin for DS. But I feel like I'm missing something. How thorough is Greenguard certification? I've read and read, but most of what I've found has been from Greenguard's website, so I'm not seeing the cons, just the pros. Any tips would be appreciated!
  18. No flames here. The whole situation is sad.
  19. Do you have endo? Or suspect you do? There is not a cure all for it. I think I tried everything. Really. Any doc that says that there is a cure all makes me scratch my head. That said, I'd probably opt for the lap with preferably excision over ablation. But if excision was impossible due to finances (usually have to fly to a properly trained surgeon for that one) ... I'd go for ablation. Actually, I did. Several times. :) Hoping you feel better quickly. I have a long endo story, if you want details, just pm. If it might help.
  20. Poor girl. :grouphug: This happened to one of my two best friends in high school - junior year. She drank a lot of smoothies. The big go-to in a hurry drink was just a banana and milk in the blender. Almost any fruits were fair game. Other than that, I couldn't tell you what she drank... Her family is Persian, and always had super yummy food but preparing it was beyond me at that point. Delicious, though. I think she often blended whatever was being served for dinner, and added broth as needed. On a different note, your post brought back a lot of memories... We ran cross country together, and logged a lot of miles listening to her particular brand of puffing through a wired jaw... shhhhhh, shhhhhh, shhhhhh... :)
  21. How does one share a Prime membership with family? And, can the family members then borrow a Kindle book as well? What about streaming, will they have access to that? Do they need their own Amazon account, or do they just access yours (I foresee problems arising that way, so I'm hoping the Prime would apply to family member's established account)? Just learned on the other thread that we can share Prime. Nice!
  22. I think he's trying to sell, too. Can't wait for your new thread! And for the update on the meeting with the mortgage broker. Good juju coming at ya!
  23. BTDT! It's crazy how those bags with just one or two pieces left get shuffled to the back. :) Just realized I forgot to post totals... I'm going to track non-essential spending, like a PP - so no bills, groceries, gas, etc. Just all the other stuff that eats away at our budget. And I'm going to do some meal planning for the month asap. 2/1 $0 (Yay!!!)
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