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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. They are refusing to cancel the order. They are insisting that they cannot cancel it, though it has not shipped, and they will ship it. They said I "cannot" refuse the delivery, and that I will have to return it - paying shipping etc, plus their return fees. The bed hasn't even shipped yet! It's not a handmade, special order bed.
  2. If you had ordered a bed online, and the company sent a Fed Ex tracking number, plus gave a delivery date, and then the bed didn't arrive... so you called the company, got the runaround, then finally called Fed Ex to find that the bed never actually shipped... And it's now been more than a 10 days since they said they shipped it... Would you find it unreasonable to ask the company to cancel the order? (Bed still has not shipped, company refuses to cancel order.)
  3. Crying - that's something I do when I'm sick or overtired. Then I have no control and will cry with the best of them. This thread is going at warp speed, but someone, somewhere on here said something that reminded me of my mom's bible thumping neighbors, and I just have to share this story. My mom is open-minded, she was raised Xtian, but she's not any more. I'd call her agnostic, I think. Anyway, she's an artist, a metal sculptor, and one Sunday after she moved into her new house, she was out in her backyard (in the South) painting one of her pieces. Her neighbors came out after church and asked what she was doing, so she told them. Neighbor shot my mom the stink eye, said, "I'm a firm believer in paint on Sunday, peel on Monday," turned her back and stomped off. They didn't speak again for years, because my mom works on Sundays either at home or art shows and it offends the neighbors. ...Recently, same neighbors had family over on a Sunday - to build a new shed! On Sunday night, my mom was trying desperately to find a friend to get out there in the dark with her and *take down that shed*!!! I couldn't believe it, my 70 something mom was determined to do this - it was hysterical. :)
  4. Oops, I see you'd answered someone else about it. Sorry, I asked, too. :) It really isn't bad to infuse yourself, if you have a picc line, but all insurance companies are different - so that might not even have been put on the table as an option for you. Maybe you can treat your hospital stay as an extended "spa" vacation? Take great books, your laptop, and catch up on lots of rest? Make your hospital room into a little oasis just for you?
  5. I love the Spoon story. It helps to explain things. Funny, I was just talking to a friend about it recently, but hadn't thought of it in years. Have any of you read Beyond Chaos: One Man's Journey Alongside His Chronically Ill Wife by Gregg Piburn? My MIL gave it to us years ago... DH teared up just reading the intro, and it took him a few months to really get through the book. It all hit home very close for him. For me, reading it was enlightening - it was good to see it from DH's perspective. It gave me some new insight. We had a round of with a nasty virus over the weekend. I'd gone into a migraine cycle (I have these migraine episodes that last several days), and then DS developed a high fever. It was quite a weekend. We are recovering though. DD and DH are fine. They have great immune systems! We loaded up on Sambucol and the good old O Placebo I learned about here. :) Other than that, just dealing with our new food allergies, and trying to figure that out. Ugh.
  6. Oh, I'm sorry to hear this, too. It would be hard to be away from home that long. Is there any chance of doing a PICC line at home? I guess you've already looked into that, but thought I'd throw it out there. I did a PICC line for my IV Abx for 4 or 5 months several years ago. It wasn't too bad, once we got the hang of it, and a nurse came once a week to change the dressing. Hugs, and hopes for a shortened stay, if possible.
  7. Thanks! I knew about Bob's, and we love KA Flour... but I'd not heard of Authentic Foods, and now I'm super excited about heading to their website. Yay!
  8. That might depend upon which state she's in, and that state's laws.
  9. I just noticed that part, and need to agree with the above. I think birthparents need to be given every opportunity to parent, and there is no way for them to know how they will feel before the birth of the baby. It's a balancing act, to take care of everyone's needs in adoption. It feels "off" from both perspectives, in a lot of ways.
  10. It does, doesn't it? It feels off. And like there is the opportunity for fraud. There are always horror stories. I think it comes down to individual agencies and their policies. Of course, there are other ways to adopt... but they all carry risk. Private adoptions have the same risk, fostering carries another kind. (We've done both.) Most importantly though, I think it's important that there are laws in place (and there are, in most states) to prevent the "sale" of babies... So while there are some expenses it's permissible to pay, it's not permissible to outright buy a baby. That would be human trafficking! So depending on one's state, there might be very strict regulations about what fees can be paid, and to whom - and how much.
  11. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Taking notes and making a shopping list as I read... These are great ideas. I had not even considered some of the ideas listed - bacon, etc - because I am on a very low fat, sugar free diet - so those things fell off my radar, but I can make them for the kiddos. That might help kick us off on this new adventure because it will feel like a treat. And I love getting more ideas re: brands... It always helps! ...You can bet I'll be making a ton of the foods listed here. There are just so many good ideas, thank you! What is Teff flour? And is it possible to buy it without cross contamination from nuts and seeds? ElizabethB, I'd love to hear more about your rotation diet. Kiddo's doc (not his allergist, but a different doc) has mentioned that he should do that, that it would help prevent losing more foods. I will google it and see if we can make that happen for him. I am *so* tired of him losing foods!!! And he is, too.
  12. We have to eliminate another food. :( Please give me some ideas on what to eat? Every new ingredient that we lose throws me into a tailspin. Our list of no-nos: Peanuts (even trace amounts) Tree nuts (trace amounts) Sesame (trace amounts) Lentils Most raw fruits and veggies due to OAS Spinach Wheat Eggs Dairy Dairy is the newest. I am struggling with breakfast for the kiddo, and snack food. Lunch and dinner are covered. But... Treats? Healthy snack ideas? Breakfast? I am stumped. Allergies stink.
  13. I am so, so sorry for all of you. It just seems unreal.
  14. We have a fairy garden in a barrel outside. We planted tiny bonsai sized trees, scotch and Irish moss, and other small leafed plants. We have a dollhouse sized arbor, bench and gazing ball... And DS made a stone patio with flat stones, plus stone paths. It's fun. :) We also have a multitude of fairy doors a la the Urban Fairy Operations, and "they" decorate seasonally. Apparently, I have way too much time on my hands.
  15. Glad you got some answers! Low Vit D can be utterly exhausting, so getting that up - and the others - will help a lot.
  16. DH uses one. He switched 2 years ago, and it solved his back pain. Funny, he just told me last night that he had a dream that he was evangelizing standing desks! This from someone who never talks about his dreams... Really strange to see this post today. :)
  17. Thanks! I'm double checking the dose now, just to be sure I've got it right, using Dr Sears' charts... Thanks a bunch!
  18. Ok, that was my thought. I can't remember the timing though - how do I space them when alternating? Off to google but would like to hear from other moms.
  19. DS is sick, and I have a fever question. I'm one that tends to give advil/tylenol if the kiddo is miserable, regardless of fever. So when he woke feeling crummy - sore throat, headache, and body aches, I gave him Advil this morning. Since then he's had a second dose at 3:00 pm. But his temp is hovering just under 102, despite the Advil. Just seems a little high for having Advil in his system, and it always seems to go up more at night. Any tips/ideas/thoughts on what to do/not do this evening? Should I switch to Tylenol, or alternate meds if it goes to a certain degree? Thanks!
  20. Has she tried to run over you with a stroller? If you're nice enough to her, maybe she'll start running you off of sidewalks. :) I had something similar happen in high school, and never did figure out the underlying issue. Weird feeling. It's her problem, not yours.
  21. Sounds like a social worker. Hope so. Any more news?
  22. Jean, I'm glad you posted about magnesium. I think I'll take some. Have already taken all the migraine meds. Ick. Only 1 meltdown about school today - and surprisingly, it wasn't me. :tongue_smilie: Thank goodness we're done for the day. Anyone with both Addison's and migraines? Would you stress dose for a migraine? I never know if I should, so I don't, but wonder if it might help?
  23. I'm starting to think the same thing. Don't worry about the letter. Document it, but then I think you can release the worry. Your landlord is such a whackadoodle.
  24. How's the day for everyone? ...Rough one here. Like others have said, I'm going on sheer will power today. Blech.
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