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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Do you have ins? They will cover your copayment if you do. Otherwise, not sure. Good luck!
  2. We're close. We're in VA. :)
  3. I think the best thing is to just focus on being in the best shape you can. The weight will come off it needs to come off, just train and be healthy. And work on protecting your joints, if you can. I'm not sure what that entails but I've an aunt who had knee issues 6 weeks into her thru hike, and had to stop. So whatever you can do to strengthen those joints might be good! So excited for you!
  4. Woo hoo!!!!!! Congrats and happy hiking! I come from a family of thru hikers. I haven't completed it, but many aunts, uncles and cousins have. What a huge endeavor. It's an accomplishment just getting started - so excited for you! Keep us posted.
  5. Thanks! I think of your fight often, and hope you are gaining ground. Pulled another one off of DH at 3 am. Emailed the LLMD about it. Ugh! Ironically, we picked these up (we think) while house shopping. Guess we'll cross that property off the list!
  6. Yes. :) I pulled it off and emailed her asap. She called it in tonight. 30 days, and I see her in 3 weeks for my normal follow up. After so many, many years of treatment - I've been feeling well at last. Today scared me. Big time. So I'm beyond grateful that she just called something in.
  7. Yep. I adore my Lyme literate doc. :) Just needed to share that with the hive. Back on doxy I go, but this time we caught it early. Whew.
  8. Spryte


    I already posted, but holy cow, still stunned. Absolutely stunned. Yuck.
  9. Spryte


    Wow. I didn't believe it, but they really have the kids. I hope that whatever happens next, the kids have cleaner, healthier living conditions, and that they got any immediate healthcare needs cared for by the foster parents. Just hoping the kids are ok...
  10. Yep. Little baggies. I have been less vigilant lately. Oops. Going to get together Tick kits for the cars and backpacks. Ugh. So strange!
  11. I can't believe this! After posting, I was making a late lunch with DH and ... Found an embedded tick! Gaaaaaah! We couldn't find the tick key, so used tweezers. But, man, isn't that weird? (And yes, I'm inwardly freaking out, since I've had almost every TBD and getting well took years of IV abx, but I've already emailed the LLMD.)
  12. Like you, I don't care for the twisting component. Have you seen this one? We have heard good things about it. We own one, but haven't used it. http://www.tickkey.com
  13. Go with your realtor's advice. Though, I'll admit it: we are house hunting and all the newly installed carpet is a turn off. But we are a special case with asthma and allergies and a specific issue with the VOCs that out gas from carpet. So we are looking for no carpet. We're the minority though.
  14. I suppose she could get a court order about it, if it became a problem. Then the BP would be in violation of that, and it would impact their case. In our situation, the SW spoke sternly to the BPs, and the posting of pics stopped, so it didn't go farther.
  15. . I think old pics would be fine. Our SW is mostly concerned because of locations being disclosed via gps on pics.
  16. Not necessarily. It may vary by state and case, but our foster kids' SW is adamant that no one - not even bps - post pics online.
  17. Ugh. Can't stand that stuff. It's the particle board of leather.
  18. We have large dogs and leather. Our dogs are allowed on the furniture, too. Don't get bonded leather. :) You will have toenail punctures.
  19. How sad. Senseless. :( We should not have measles-related deaths. I'm immuno compromised (and vaxed) as is DS. News like this is worrisome.
  20. I didn't really have a teen crush on a celebrity. Not that kind of girl. But... I was wildly crazy about a guy I met my junior year. In my senior year, we made a date for ten years in the future, to meet in NYC and go ice skating at Rockefeller. We both went to college, move across the country from each other. He was my gold standard for every guy I dated after that. [sigh] We reconnected shortly before our date. So instead of going ice skating... We got married. :)
  21. We just came back from Montreal. We actually stayed about 45 minutes north, on a beautiful lake, but we headed into the city for three of the days. It was fabulous. We drove, and hit NYC on our way home - to break up the trip, see a show, and do the Nat Hist museum again.
  22. Ribs with sides, salads, big fruit salads, chili, ham with roasted veggies, finger foods, burgers or steaks on the grill with sides. DH does most of the cooking here. :)
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