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Everything posted by Guest2

  1. We didn't end up clepping anything. Here is a wonderful resource to use http://clepprep.tripod.com/cleplessonplans/ -some of it is free. She also runs a yahoo group and i have learned so much about the process. You never know maybe one of my youngest may end up a clepper. The yahoo group talks a lot about Instacert. Generally , it sounds like it depends on the test, but usually intacert is reccomended for all, and some REA guides. Happy clepping!
  2. Well, we use Mavis Beacon . None of the fun programs worked well for us. At 10-15 minutes per day, lots of progress is made. We usually set a 30 word per minute goal the first year. I accidentally set my middle daughter's goal at 80.. She met it! I need to do a refresher myself.
  3. A little background....My DD 2 is 13 and dyslexic. Edited as I included details that probably didn't help with the CLE question and got way too wordy! She tested into CLE 500 after MUS Epsilon and a kind of fail with Saxon 7/6. Her math difficulties seem to be retention of mutlipication facts and space to write problems. She is doing great with CLE, but it is all review. My plan is to do two new teachings and one set of review problems and one speed drill per day. I don't think there are that many new problems, so the work load wouldn't increase by much. Maybe she just needs to get through prealgebra level and then I hand her a calucator. Anybody do this?
  4. Videotext Algebra contains pre-Algebra so I would think you would be ok with that program. We switched one non-mathy DD out of videotext after a year as it wasn't the best program for her. She did fine with Saxon Alg 1 and 2 as she had completed pre- Alg. We have had two kids so far go through the Algebra sequence. Very different kids and curriculm fits. I liked that the version of of Saxon Alg we used contained Geometry ( not the whole year). That saved us some time. Why do you want to skip? Is it a timing issue?
  5. My parents wanted a party for their 25th. Unfortunately I was poor and in grad school and my younger sister was married and living below the poverty line. My Mom thought it was our ..actually ...MY responsibility to throw them a party. Her friends' kids all had their after college job by my age and could throw a party. I would have loved to , but as I couldn't . ..my Mom pretty much demanded that I invite 6 couples to this tavern known for their burgers and "have them pay their own way". It was way beyond horrible ,of course. Extremely tacky, and I hated every minute. I bought a cake, and invited them as graciously as I could. But who does that? Much better if we could have just had them over at my parents house for cake IMO. I should have told her "No, I'm not comfortable with that, but how about...? "And stuck to my guns. I caved and it was ackward Thier 50th was this year. They couldn't decide what they wanted, and ended up with two celebrations. A sit down dinner for 16 and a open house the next day at their home for friends and neighbors and extended family. I gave them a big gift card to pay for at least one of the celebrations. This time I wanted to help and I could. Guess we all learned some in the last 25 years, because it was beautiful and not tacky at all.
  6. In my area, there are several cub and boy scout groups that are chartered through the very large homeschool support groups . If you homeschool and are new to an area, there can be some overlap of activities that way. If you are associated with a homeschool group, you may want to check . I have lived in fairly small towns that chartered cub scouts, I think it is more rare for the boy scouts.
  7. We have a Miele . If you have dogs, their hair might clog the vaccum and you need to take it apart every 3-6 weeks to get at it ( this is for the upright..not the canister) We made a tool with a bent hanger to get the clogs out. The engine is great and if you don't have 2 crazy long haired dogs (border collie and golden retriever) , it really is a good vaccum. The best vaccum we have ever had with dogs is wierdly fairly inexpensive. http://www.amazon.com/Hoover-WindTunnel-Bagless-Upright-UH70210/dp/B002HFA5F6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437336717&sr=8-1&keywords=Hoover+pet Hope your like your vaccum!
  8. Pop Century is our favorite. It's newer and on a lake. You can also walk across a bridge to get to the art of Animation so you have acess to both food courts and buses .
  9. 88 physical orders, and 33 digital in six months. Yikes. I may have a problem. Off to disable one click.
  10. I am Catholic and threw this book away. I thought it was completely biased and thought of using it as a fallacy study, but honestly it just ticked me off too much. I have used a few other Abeka books without a problem, but now I am anti-Abeka. I read Cathy Duff's review and it was spot on. I should have listened to her. FYI I have gotten rid of a few Catholic history books that were just as biased. We liked a secular American history that I thought was well balanced...I can look it up and post later if you would like.
  11. Have you heard or Steam? They have versions downloadable and recently had a sale . Civ V was with all of the add ons was only $12.70 )90% off. If you are interested , you may want to wait for a sale. Their sales are also legendary:)
  12. We love board, card, and computer games. Right now we are introducing a little world history and geography through Civilization V. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
  13. Our next house will not have a regular sized tub in the main bath, all of my kids are getting bigger and love to have a big garden tub bath when they come home/ tub is getting small. I want my master bath back for me:). No cream carpets, and walls that can be cleaned( no flat builders paint/texture that cannot be washed.) We will probably stay and fix this ourselves as these are all more preferences than must haves.
  14. If his ADD is making him rush through it, will a different printing program help? Does anything help the rushing? Does he do better after exercise especially pushups( shoulder stability) or at different times of day? It is pretty difficult to teach someone that has been writing for a long time to change the way they handwrite . It may not be necessary if speed is the issue? Idk My NT son pretty much typed everything in high school, but we homeschooled and I'm not sure if that is typical.
  15. Yes. My DD would complain quite frequently. This one didn't need vision therapy, but she thought it was the amount of concentration it took to read " When the words are moving around so much ." I don' t know if it would help, but we scheduled reading or math for a smaller amount of time so we could stop before the headaches,and did chores requiring more physical work and less mental in between. ( vacumming, taking the dogs outside, gathering and doing laundry ,mopping with moving all of the chairs... Chores with some sort of push/ pull /carry aspect to them worked best).
  16. I am so behind the times, checking out those apps. One thing that my DD encountered was that if her bible was not the exact same translation,it got pretty confusing. The words didn' t match up and she didn' t end up reading( she had a print bible, but a different type). Different words coming into her brain at the same time did not work.
  17. It is pretty interesting. I think there might be a genetic component in our case as well as in a few friends' cases. For us there tends to be a fatigue component, and vT is pretty fatiguing. Sleep doesn't come easy to either of us either . I'm not dyslexic, but when overly fatigued can't translate thought into words , and put the words in the correct order in a sentence. It seems most people can speak and be understood when tired. Sigh. On th other hand, she does have lots of dyslexic characteristics so it could be something in that arena for sure. I have seen this in engineers and people who tend to be more comfortable working kinesthetically. But maybe the retrival difficulties came first. They tend to be a bit quiet with unfamiliar people.
  18. She has had this problem for a long time. When my kids were young, I decided I wouldn't be their therapist, I'd be their Mommy. So i sort of just turned off that observational/ analytical part of me so I wouldn't constantly know what "needed to be worked on" if you know what I mean. The downside of this is that some of my kids really do need some intervention or stategies, but I am so used to them, that I don't see it until presented in a different way. She is currently in VT, and she mentioned yesterday that she has to point to the objects because she can't think of the names. Because she knew the VT had to adapt for her, the lightbulb lit up..maybe we should figure this one out. I'm off to check out that thread. Just have to say I love this board. Where else can you go to get such great suggestions? Thank you!!!!!!
  19. Thanks. Yes, it would probably be a be a good idea to Do something about it.😀. Great book suggestion...it's in my cart!
  20. Very interesting. I did even see a few links of verbal aphasia linked to fatigue and even fibromyalgia and nonrestorative sleep. Come to think of it, i noticed it mostly when having young babies in myself. My daughter is incredibly fatigued most of the time. Thanks for helping:)
  21. Ok, thanks, I'm checking it out. It does remind me of when i used to work with stroke patients at times.seems like some kind of disconnect between sides of brain?
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