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Everything posted by twoxcell

  1. I believe my 2.5 year old has it now. She started with the rash after church on Sunday. At first I thought it was from the grass, but it kept getting worse. A few of her cousins have had it this past month. I didn't take her to the Dr. because as far as I know they do nothing for it.
  2. Strangley I sweep, shovel, wear my sling etc. left handed. I use my right hand for writing, and can't write with my left I've tried.
  3. We are using Great American Artists for Kids. This author has several different art books for children.
  4. I think there is a big difference having a baby tooth and an adult tooth pulled. More than likely the roots of his baby tooth are almost dissolved anyways. My 7 year old ds just had a baby molar pulled today. It was abscessed. He was running around like a crazy person after a couple of hours and has not complained of any pain.
  5. Check ROSS they usually have them here, and for pretty cheap.
  6. I have a 7 and 4.5 year old. They both enjoy it especially my 7 year old. The stories are short and very interesting. We are using it as a read aloud along with Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory.
  7. American Pioneers and Patriots, my kids are really enjoying it.
  8. My 7 year old ds is doing: AAS ETC 5-8 as needed(he has already gone completely through Phonics Pathways, so these are mainly just for review) HWT Primary Language Lessons Copywork
  9. We are! I have a 7 year old and a almost 5 year old. They are doing Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory.
  10. Well some ideas could be Adventures in My father's World, or Bigger Hearts for his glory(Heart of Dakota).
  11. No idea but I have a whole box of them that a teacher friend gave me. I haven't found a use for them, so what do you plan to do with them?
  12. Ok so we used MEP for a few weeks this summer and loved it. I just looked over the workbooks and placed my kids where I thought they could fit. My K dd is doing Y1, and my 2nd grade ds Y2 We just started Singapore math two weeks ago. I can see how they have some similarites, but Singapore is more mastery meaning it focuses on one topic at a time. It isn't strictly mastery as it goes through several topics in a year. MEP to me seamed more spiral, because it goes through many topics at a time. MEP is very puzzley(is that even a word:lol:) and a lot different than anything else I've seen. I really like both and my plan is to do 4 weeks of SM, and then 1 week of MEP. I will also be using MEP as a summer supplement. HTH
  13. We just got a large one at Walmart it was the biggest one they had for 20 dollars. It is kinda neat because it has tiny dots on it in a grid pattern. I think it is super cool for math.:lol:
  14. Mother Goose Children's book of Virtues Beatrix Potter These are based on what my ds enjoyed the most :)
  15. My 7 year old can read all of those, but wouldn't spell them right.
  16. I haven't used these, but I noticed HOD uses both MOH and Diane Warings cd's.
  17. Heart Of Dakota, with those ages she could probablly combine with Creation to Christ, or Preparing. Be sure that she checks out their placement chart.
  18. Heart of Dakota(Beyond) the kids actually ask for more. MEP Apologia Zoology
  19. I don't know anything about Paths of Exploration, but we are almost done with our second week of Beyond. My kids are loving it and so am I!:001_smile: I would highly recommend it.
  20. I'm just following the schedule layed out in Beyond Little Hearts For his Glory.
  21. For us year one takes about 20 minutes or less. Sometimes more if dd is into it.
  22. My dd is 4 will be 5 October 31st. She is super smart, and loves doing school. We are using Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory, and she is loving it. Dd is pretty much doing everything from that along with my ds except the copywork. She is doing SM 1a and 1b, and so far that is going well. Where I'm hitting a wall is phonics. This girl has known all her basic 26 phonigrams since before age 3, and has been interested in learning to read for awhile. She can blend cvc words quite easily, and can tell you what letter words start with. I did the ETC primers with her last year, and started ETC book one with her recently. She hates it and would fight me everytime I brought it out. I think it is because of the writing. Last week I told her we could put it away until she is 5 if she wants, which she was quite happy about. I also have Phonics Pathways, and she hates reading out of it. I have been just writing words on a dry erase board, or spelling them with magnents. I was wondering if anyone had some ideas of more fun hands on ways to practice reading. I really do not want to push her, but she is quite capable of learning. We have all the leapfrog DVD's and she plays Starfall some.
  23. Ok so we used MEP during our summer break and will be using it as a suplement this year too. What I have done is just look over the lesson plans for the day, and picked out the key points, or those that interested me. We then do them together on a white board, or with manipulatives, and then do the worksheet together.
  24. Mabey you could sell it an unsuspecting newbie.;)
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