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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. Looking for a bible study - Help please ... I am looking for a study to do concurrently with my friend that is a few states away. I would like to do a Kay Arthur maybe ... the ones I found on Kindle look like they are "fixing" something from the past. Does anyone know a good bible study that is more forward thinking - like 'being a Godly wife; parent ... something positive and uplifting ...
  2. We are in same situation as you - We eventually had to accept a 2 year lease contract. I will pray your sale goes through smoothly.
  3. I just went to the app store and searched for Documents To Go ... Let me know what you think of it.
  4. Very Cool App. - Documents To Go - On sale today - You can edit, create etc Word, Excel, Power Point ... You can e-mail docs too.
  5. It was smooth reading and I like that we can change the font size! I am confused though about page numbers - I can not find them :( I read "The Host" by the author of "Twilight". I read somewhere that there is a new app. that allows us to 'lend' our Kindle books for 2 weeks - Is that app. available yet?
  6. Can someone explain Skype Credit to me please? I have Skype on my ipod Touch and I opted to pay $2.99 a month so that I can call cells and homes (in addition to Skype subscribers). So why do I need to have Skpye Credit??? I just received this ipod Touch so this is all new to me ...
  7. AllRecipes is one of my favorite websites! My user name is the same as here - 5KidzRUs ... the Rum Balls are DeLiciOuS!!
  8. I can't believe this - I carefully thawed my frozen 15 pound turkey for 3 days in the refrigerator. It was still frozen in the center so I put it in a huge bowl and a small stream of cold water over it for about 2 hours or so. I took a 3-4 hour nap and when I woke up someone (5 kids) had turned the water to warm, so there was warm water running on the turkey for about four hours. The center was still frozen and I had to run water inside to unwedge the frozen neck in bag. CAN I STILL EAT THIS TURKEY? My mom says I shouldn't because warm water could have caused bacteria to grow on it.
  9. ... For my mom? I am looking to get her a ticket for sometime in late December or early January and to stay for 4-7 days. TIA!
  10. We gave our twins rhyming middle names :blush: So far they haven't complained :)
  11. I hope I am not on an ignore list for posting this topic - I posted this question because I sincerely want to hear thoughtful responses as my childrens co-op teacher told my son emphatically that dogs do NOT have souls. We have a german shepard that has been part of our family for 11 years and she is very soulful :) It never crossed my mind that she didn't have of soul - you only have to look into her eyes to see that she does :)
  12. What about polymer clay? There is sooooooo much she can do with that - and eventually, if she really likes clay, you can get her some 'precious metal clay' ...
  13. You can get a decent pair of "slightly used" Ugg boots on ebay ... you can buy new replacement soles to go in them.
  14. Found the Twilight Zone episode in Hornblowers link: http://tinyurl.com/yan3zrg
  15. What is Salad Masters cookware? My neighbor is doing dinners for them and just bought $$$$ worth of pots and pans from them. Anyone have these - and are they worth it?
  16. Anyone "Jail Break" their ipod Touch (or phone)? PROS: I have read that jail-breaking it allows the user to have more control over the programming. CONS: I did also read that jail-breaking can void the warranty and can mess up the programming if the user doesn't know what they are doing. I would love to hear others thoughts on this - Thanks!
  17. Did you grow up in Santa Barbara? I am from S.B. and I remember back in ... around 1988-ish meeting her at a computer store - she walked ahead of her husband and her voice was loud and carried across the store. Meryl Streep REALLY got her persona down in the movie. Her dh was slow and stooped over and walked quietly along behind her. My 3-year old son went over and said hello to her and she was pleasant to him. I did enjoy the movie - didn't read the book ...
  18. I am cold!! What are some good quality gloves that will keep hands warm?? It gets below zero here and I am looking for pretty, good quality gloves for my frozen (displaced CA girl) fingers brrrrr!
  19. I don't talk to my two brothers as their lifestyles could put my family at risk. That decision breaks my heart. I miss them so much and often think about how sweet they were when they were little.
  20. I am looking to get my daughter one in the $300 range for Christmas. It needs to have an excellent zoom. Thanks for reading :)
  21. Kids do 20 minutes of chores (other than their own personal messes) per day - with 5 children, this helps a lot. EVERYTHING needs to have a "home" - this is amazingly helpful. Get up early - 5-6 A.M. - you will get so much more done. White board and To-Do List. Keep out (accessible) only enough dishes for one meal. Keep out (accessible) only enough clothes, linen & towels for one week. Invite someone over, at least once a week - my house is always so much cleaner when I am expecting company :) Do one 'non-daily' chore a day. For example, wipe out frig., clean out all cupboards, wipe walls, vacuum under cushions, wipe window sills, dust, clean around floorboards, windex stuff ... pedicure. Get dressed each day - try to read something that is inspiring ... even if it is for 10 minutes. cook several meals ahead - this frees up a lot of time for other stuff and less daily mess to clean up. Keep children busy in a productive way. My children seem to leave messes behind when they are bored. We have a rule that they must take something with them (and put it in its home) when they leave a room. Hope this helps - I do not come by domestic skills naturally and struggle daily. Would love to turn it around so that it is a blessing and a talent to be enjoyed ... one day ... maybe :)
  22. Don't glue it - Go to YouTube and watch a video on how to put the key back on. I just did this for my sons computer - it was so empowering to click that little key back in place LOL!
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