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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. Ours goes for walks with us when we take the dogs walking. When I was a child I had a kitty that did that - he was part siamese too. Also, this cat will scratch you (draw blood) if she thinks that you are making fun of her or laughing at her. Last year the child next door let his chihuahua out to chase our cat and our cat turned and chased the boy around his house because (I am assuming) she figured out he did it on purpose ... we are exploring the possibility of having her declawed ...
  2. It's real - I guess by reading the posts that it is not all that uncommom. Though, I have never seen it before. I think it is their way of immitating the birds - weird.
  3. Anyone have fun videos to share? I had fun taping our cat trying to convince us that she is a bird:
  4. If you have - How do they work? Do they travel with your pet or ?? TIA
  5. Thank you all for the great advice and perspectives. We have A LOT of doctors in our family here in the US - though non of them went to medical school in the US. He wants to be a neurosurgeon and we have a close family friend in GA that is an established one. Also, he has aunts and uncles in CA that are doctors. But getting into med school in Europe is different than the US. Would character references from them be good to put in his application? I can look into getting him into a shadow program locally. He is a very pragmatic, serious person - I do want him to go to good university - I think he needs another year or two before he has himself squared away to go out in the world. My dh is military and so is my oldest son - and my 17 yos wants to get his MD via the Air Force. But I have seen my dh off to war zones 6 times and my oldest son twice - I am heartbroken to think of this child going military too - although, maybe with his character, it might be a great fit for him :glare: as he is so serious and studious and practical and big into time management and education. You guys are great - thank you for the input! I am going to give him these leads so that he can start his quest :001_smile:
  6. Should he continue (online) at the college he is in now - to get his A.S. - or focus on his B.S. ??? He has taken most of his general ed classes and also bio., human anat., calculus and chem. I don't see how he is going to take the upper sciences online though since they have labs.
  7. Latin Curricula - Tried a lot and still like LRTEG - what do you all like for upper grades?
  8. What are the steps needed to get a graduated homeschooled child into a medical school? I have a 17 year old that wants to be a doctor. He was a 4.0 (is a Phi Theta Kappa) at the local college with about 45 completed college credits already. We are military and this summer we are moving to Europe for 3 years - he is too young (*I* am not ready) to move out. Would you all suggest he get his BS online while we are there and apply to a medical school ... or ... ?? I just don't want to skip any steps and fail him early on ...
  9. I do not think that you are correct (about the site) - that is the DoD Europe website - and the first part is for HSing and the later part is for sites w/o schools nearby. Someone asked for HSing info and the us military GE rep. gave her that link. I guess I am simply asking what is the minimum I need to do to comply. Thanks for the responses!
  10. Is all of the below mandatory???? I know sometimes they try to make is think it is when it isn't ... Their website states: Become aware of and comply with the Host Nation requirements for home schooling Enroll your dependent in NDSP through your school Liaison Officer (SLO) by electronically submitting the following to ndsp.europe@eu.dodea.edu or by FAX to (49) 611-380-7671: Assignment orders and DSE form 920, if requested; and DODEA form 610. [*]Select a home-based educational program and indicate U.S. or Host Nation school schedule [*]Submit a Home Based Education Plan [*]Contact the NDSP Education office for assistance with program planning or curricular questions I did look at hslda and I am still not clear on what is mandatory.
  11. I returned a book my little girl checked out - it was called HAMSTERS. We then left that state for a year and when we came back they said we owed money (it was around $40) for this 'missing' book that we never returned. I asked the librarian to check the shelves and there it sat - this $40 book that had not been checked out once in the year we were gone. They waived the fees. But what if the book police had found me first? Scary stuff. Google arrested for library fines - there are many links!
  12. I wish I had pushed to get my older child in college - I tried but kept running into brick walls. My 2nd and 3rd children are 17 and 19 and starting their 3rd year of college. We are not pushing them - they enjoy themselves and both on honor roll.
  13. Military moving question - sorta curriculum related ... I have heard that there are several ways to send items overseas for a PCS: 1> Household Goods - Takes months 2> Unaccompanied baggage - Takes weeks 3> Mail items (Priority Mail) to your CMR box 4> Bring with you as baggage on plane As far as very precious (carry-able) items and curriculum - How would you send them? I read on a blog that movers treat unaccompanied baggage carelessly. Curriculum is expensive and I worry about which way to ship it - I won't need to use it until about two months after we get there. I don't want my polish pottery or antiques broken either :glare: Thanks in advance for tips and advice!
  14. Out of curiosity - what was the penalty for not returning books when public libraries were first open to the public? From what I understand, historically, books were more valuable not as mass produced as now.
  15. The text really doesn't reflect the sarcasm in which the statement was spoken. Yes, the statement was true, but it was never said to me in love or in a kind way. I too appreciate/d kindness and recognition - but that is a different topic. :grouphug:
  16. When my twins were born my five children were 10, 4, 3 and twin newborns. I heard so many snarky comments. Here are two of the most common and my ready to go responses: Them: "You sure have your hands full" Me: "Better full than empty" ... Them: "I am glad it is you and NOT me!" Me: "Me too!" (though now-a-days I would probably use the trendy comment "I KNOW, RIGHT?!" :lol:
  17. I have heard K12 schools are big here - I don't know if they fall under charter or private - I know we HSers fall under private.
  18. This is in our area - here is a link that explains it: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,588844,00.html?test=latestnews Basically almost HALF the schools here are closing - they are bankrupt and in horrible debt. I think the OTHER shoe is dropping in this dismal economic hard times ... I don't want to say 'recession or depression or ??? because all those terms have specific meanings that I am not clear on ...
  19. What is the first primary book in Omnibus III? Thanks!
  20. I had on 15 years ago too and used it to travel all over Europe - I was never told otherwise. I do not want to spend several hundred dollars getting us all a second set of passports unless I have to :glare:
  21. Anyone know the scoop on the no-fee passport? I have heard we can - and then that we can not use it for recreational travel - anyone know which is true? Thanks!
  22. My 'have always been HSed' 14 year olds are in PS for the first time - just for 3 months of this year. They said the worst thing so far is that they have to hold in their gas! So, for my boys - flagellating freely is a good thing about HSing! :lol:
  23. Edodus Books has 10% off coupon ... Exodus (Homeschool) Books has 10% off coupon when their "Tweeter" followers reach 50. I think they are at 29 or 30 now.
  24. How about a water bottle with a little vinegar in it to spray her with when she yowls?
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