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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. He doesn't like that I wrap my boxes in brown paper and always cross examines me on if there are priority boxes under the wrap. I told him they were all recycled boxes which brought on another lecture which I didn't respond to. Last week he tried to force my box back at me, said I can't use my Paypal label because it was a few days since I printed it. Is this correct? He basically said I was trying to make it look like the PO didn't deliver it in a timely manner. One more thing, he refused to let me add stamps when a box was a few ounces over the label - I figure he was right on that one though - is he?
  2. Those of you that use Spielvogel's Western Civ. Text - how do you use it? As a spine, reference or ?????? Do any of you use it as a stand alone? Are there any curriculum guides out there for it besides VP and TOG? Thanks!
  3. I put mine in the oven or in a nice space saver original Griswold store display rack. Also, after you use, clean and season it you can wipe it out - they shouldn't be that greasy.
  4. I love cast iron! Just bought a 100 year old Griswold Ham Broiler - it weighs about 30 pounds and barely fits in the oven - I will use it for big family get togethers and holidays. Not all cast iron is created equal - different makers casting techniques create different quality pans and pots. Now to try all the recipes in the Cast Iron Cookbook I just ordered :lol:
  5. Have you considered Griswold? I recently tossed all my pots and pans for 100 year old Griswolds. We just tried out our most recent acquisition - a Griswold WAFFLE MAKER!! A bonus - no need to worry about anemia or tephlon illnesses.
  6. I have been researching for days :sad: I see that some airlines like Delta will allow our German Shepard and Husky ... and cat ... to fly as cargo or baggage - but not until *AFTER* September 15th. How do I get my dog over to Germany in late June? I have heard of something called "Pet Air" - but again - will that heat embargo apply? I REALLLLLLLLLLY don't want to sit in the states until September or October. There is nobody that we can leave these pets with stateside.
  7. Help me decide on a 9th grade history curriculum ... I am looking for some type of world literature/history curriculum. Something like Omnibus - but without so much bible study. Thanks!
  8. You can post a response under the negative feedback - I think that goes a long way when potential buyers are viewing your feedback.
  9. Any advice on moving to England (from US) with pets?? I have heard that the pets can do (if they have their titer drawn) the 6 month quarantine prior to arriving in the UK. Has anyone here done this move? If so, any advice? Thanks!
  10. I never knew there was such a thing as a 400 disc DVD player!!
  11. I was thinking about that - but I would need to leave here around 5 AM - to get him there by 6 AM and get the other children and get back here in town to co-op by 7:30 AM. In which case he would be there from 6 AM to 9 PM with only one class in the morning and one at night. :001_huh:
  12. Thank you all for the many thoughtful suggestions. He can not drive himself because he does (have a permit, but) not have a drivers license. Even if he were a (new) driver, we have only one car and it is a 14 seater van that would not be realistic for him to drive as a first car. Also, the route to this town is a bit dangerous (IMO). We move this summer and then we will look into getting a smaller car - at that point he can drive when he is safely ready. I will let you all know how this turns out. I am also going to have to pull my other children out of the co-op because we will be at the college from 10 AM to 9 PM. It really is too far to go there and come back twice a day. Cab would be cost prohibitive - there is no bus service there, we are sorta out in farm land country. Summer school is already accounted for - I think organic chem 1. Thank you all again for helping me give this thought from so many perspectives.
  13. He needs this class this semester - if he does not take it then his transfer to medical school will be delayed. No other classes towards his degree are available this semester. I do not know if there are any online calculus classes available - but he wants to maintain his high GPA and wants to take all his classes in person.
  14. The college my 17 year old son goes to is (20 miles away) out of town - they called late Friday to tell me that his calculus class is canceled. My son can not drive himself and there are no carpool options. The only other class available for his degree would conflict with an art class that I teach. There are 5 children in the art class and it meets during a co-op once a week. I need to back out of this commitment as college takes precedence ... right? I do not want to break my word that I would teach the whole year. I thought maybe I can offer to organize art class 'field trips' and courses via other local art professionals. What are your thoughts on all of this?
  15. I received my AA in Liberal Arts for a community college in 1989 ... 19 (almost 20) years ago. I did go on to do another year at CSUN - but left a year before getting my BA. Now that I want to go back to college - do you all think that a college (in a different state) would accept any of my completed college? I REALLY, REALLY do not want to do freshman college courses over :glare:
  16. Our bottle is on the list - This is upsetting - about 100+ of the 225 pills have already been consumed.
  17. Is this chicken edible? I have a few bags of chicken that has been in my frig. for about 3 weeks. It is the only thing in the frig. and the frig. is turned up as high as it goes. The chicken was frozen when I put it in there and has stayed semi-frozen since ... a little frozen and a little defrosted ... is this edible? Thanks!
  18. Three Virgin Mobile PAYGo = $20/month and Skype unlimited iPod - call and text (send and receive) about $5/month. So, $25/month for 4 phones.
  19. Anyone listening to the bible instead of reading it??
  20. I am in - thank you for starting this thread. You could put a key word in those two threads that you are going to start - like "Thin in 2010".
  21. We are recent transplants to KS - I started watching the weather channel because of all the snow we have been getting. Mind you, I am listening to the OFFICIAL 'Weather Channel'. Here are two phrases that recently caught my attention: "Tomorrow you will be hit by a RAGING blizzard" :chillpill: "It is going to be STUPID cold!" :001_huh: LOL! OK, is that common weather terminology?? :lurk5:
  22. Anyone use the SLINGBOX? I was just noticing that there is an iPod app for it called the SlingPlayer.
  23. I have movies on my laptop that I would like to put on my ipod Touch. THANKS!!
  24. Five years ago I lost my dearest friend - She was pregnant and only 28 years old. Her dh married the children's Godmother and they now have mother children between them - plus the children before the marriage. I am happy that the girls have a mom in their lives again - one who already loves them. But it was hard for me to move on - to not tell strangers how sad the world is now without this sweet woman in it (see, I am still doing it, five years later). I think you should just tell your children that you will start school with them each day (or whatever your schedule is) at "X" time ... and they will hold you accountable for keeping your word. Do that and take one day at a time. If it helps, open up your Word document and start writing everything about that person that you remember. I will pray for your healing and balancing grief and daily life.
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