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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. Getting ready to make a large order - Anyone order from them before? I am trying to order some Omnibus curriculum - Dave's on eBay will not respond to my recent questions - VP.com would be a bit more plus shipping than Exodus Books and I do not know any other distributor. References please :001_smile: Thanks!
  2. My 17 yos is in finishing his second year of college and has a GPA of 4.0 - However, he scored lower than average on his (first and only) SAT exam last year. I have no idea why he did so poorly
  3. JENILEIGH - Thank you so much - you just saved me $11!! I was able to go into a submitted order and apply the code! :lol:
  4. I see them for sale used for $1 plus postage ... there is even a music cd by the spielvogel publisher to go with West. Civ.
  5. My 17 yos (12th grade) did Apologia Bio and Human Anatomy - then took college Bio and Human Anatomy and earned A's in both classes. For us, Apologia has been an excellent (preparatory) curriculum. I like the way Dr. Wile introduces different perspectives - especially since it is NOT just two camps - there are different and combined theories also. I have to say though that the biggest problem I have had with curricula is finding ones that don't turn every subject into a bible study. That is not what I am looking for - for my family.
  6. I remember a few years ago Hanau had issues - I am sure they should be resolved by now. I am wondering if there are still issues and/or if there are problems if the American military HS family lives on the economy. Thanks!
  7. Is it difficult *expensive* to buy curricula for military families overseas? Do the book stores and publishers charge more because they have to fill out a customs form for overseas - even though it is to an APO? I am thinking of sites like Rock Solid, GCB, RR ... etc ...
  8. I think MP refers to Memoria Press. Those of you that use Omnibus - Do you use the CD as your TM or do you buy yourself your own ($100) text??? Do you buy the literature from VP or do you use library or/and used books? Love this thread!
  9. Do any of you use the supp. books for Spielvogels West. Civ? I just read about these last week - printed by same publisher - They are called 'Documents of Western Civilization' - Author - Candace Gregory - one of the ISBN numbers is 0-495-03011-2. I would like your (alls) input on these - Thank you!
  10. In my daughters college class - that is what the teacher said - and I looked it up on google and saw the same order on several sites.
  11. Why is 'mejor' before the noun 'amiga' in the spanish term 'best friend'? I thought the nous goes first? Thanks!
  12. LOL! This reminds me of the 1980's movie "Drop Dead Fred" with Pheobe Cates and Michael Keaton :lol:
  13. I own RS Russian and it arrived in a big box to accomidate the workbooks etc for the HS version. However, when my RS German arrived, it came in a very small box. At first I felt cheated as there were no workbooks or TMs ... but them I noticed - to my delight - that the wb's are on cd!! Yippee! Now I can print out pages for all of my children and myself :grouphug: This is so much better - Kudos definitely to the new version :lol:
  14. :iagree: The carpet (hypothetically) being nasty is a deal breaker - you need to put something new in because as much as *I* would rather have the allowance - a funky carpet will leave a very bad impression on others - especially those with allergies. Our carpet was put installed in 1989 and replacing it was essential. Ew!
  15. Would one Apologia text fit in an international flat rate priority mailer?
  16. I tried once to use the usps site to determine the postage to Canada but I somehow managed to end up paying twice as much when I got to the PO. How do I get a true estimate for mailing an Apologia Text (which weighs ... about 7 pounds????) from 66027 to Saskatchewan, Canada - postal code S7R 1E7?
  17. As far as I know - the only legitimate problem the PO should have with a reused box is if alcohol was shipped in it - THEN the entire box needs to be covered in paper ... or if there is a scan bar showing - then it needs to be covered or marked out. I honestly do not think that REUSING a box - especially if it is covered - is against PO regs. Logically, whoever sent me that priority box already paid for it right? They bought it and it is theirs - they gave it to me and I reuse it adn cover it with brown paper so there is no confusion about how it is mailed. You could say that someone might use new and covered priority boxes so all use (other than priority) is outlawed ... but really?
  18. We did Omnibus in 7th grade, Starting Points for 8th - should we do 8th grade Omnibus 11 or skipping to 9th Omnibus 111? Or just pull my hair out and start unschooling ...
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