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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. ... of course ... that goes without saying - but thank you for posting. Also, this board is pretty much the most collective expert source I have encountered on the internet. Thank you all for your thoughtful responses :001_smile:
  2. A piece of advice that I thought were particularly helpful is that there is always time to be nice later. Also, an anecdote ... when I was going through a divorce - the x tried to hurt me by claiming he wanted an antique couch I had bought when I was 16. He claimed it was worth $20,000. I was ready to fight him tooth and nail for my couch. My lawyer asked me to let him handle it and he smiled and agreed that it was worth that much and told the judge I would be getting half the value - $10,000 ... I ended up with the couch :001_smile: and he relented on its value. Anyway, my advice to you is that sometimes you end up getting your way by using what they are adamant about (their energy) against them ... kinda like Judo ;) I hope that all goes well for you and your children ...
  3. Thank you for the QUICK reply - that is exactly what I think she wanted to know. :001_smile:
  4. Wait a minute ... you and the kids DIDN'T classify it and draw it before you set it free??????????? ... sigh ...
  5. Does anyone here know if the origins of "marriage" is a Christian concept ... or?? My daughter is doing a paper on gay marriage and asked me to ask you all if the ceremony of marriage is of religious origin. Not trying to stir any pots - :bigear: - asking for historic (not present day) information. Thank You!!
  6. We found a newborn baby flying squirrel once and fed it orphan kitty formula ... one drop at a time. He THRIVED on it and he was an amazingly wonderful pet for years. You can purchase it an Wal-Mart and pet stores. I think you need to feed them asap - I just found one yesterday - still hairless. Unfortunately, it had already died :( Once he is fed and maybe a little older, you can locate a facility that will work on releasing them back into their natural habatat. Post later on how they are doing please.
  7. I had a curious conversation today about serious-mined homeschool teens. I was arranging a field trip for high school teens and the person I was talking to was very happy to authorize the field trip. I told him the (group of) students were VERY well-behaved, respectful and serious-minded. He responded that he has noticed that about homeschoolers and he was ok with letting our group of 14 to 17 year olds do this tour that is technically for 18 and over adults only. I started to think on my 17 yo ds. He is articulate, 3.8 college GPA, serious, studious and prefers talking to (educated, serious) adults rather than teens. He is in his 2nd year of college and already is plotting his college route to being an MD ... He can be funny sometimes - but not as a general rule. So, please tell me these serious, adult-like homeschool kids don't grow up to be too much of type A, socially tuned-out adults, do they? Shouldn't they be a bit goofy and irresponsible too sometimes? ... and if they are not, is that psycologically OK too? I feel like for them to be so mature at such a young age is like walking without crawling first.
  8. It is simple - He wants to go to court with proof of outflow of money so he can reduce child support - I have seen this happen; child support was reduced to $6 a month to compensate for airfare. Also, he may be wanting YOUR WRITTEN validation for some sneakier purpose. Lets face it - if he REALLY wanted that information he could call his CC company and ask for back-statements. If it were me, I would be sweet but not give him anything and suggestions on how to contact his cc company - IOW, play dumb - be nice - put nothing in writing - beware of being taped. :iagree:
  9. I am so glad that you asked this because I just picked one up at a yeard sale this weekend for $4 - crazy guy had a bundle of ipod stuff including ipod, speakers mound and lots more, $10 for it all. I love yard sales. Thank you for the question and for the links!
  10. Wonderful! These are exactly what I was looking for - Thank you!
  11. Is there a bible scripture reference you can think of? Thank You!
  12. What are the most important points to cover for ancient art history? I want to write a summary or ancient art and hit the main points - any leads on this for me please?
  13. ... eyes forward and head down ... you will get through it and the rewards will be wonderful!
  14. This reminds me when I took a group of about 45 kids to see an exhibit at a museum - the tour guide told us to line up and we did ... 4-5 people deep ... She was frustrated and I told her that she needed to specify that she wanted us to line up SINGLE FILE - we are not all PS people and we are not all taught to instantly behave like PS are mostly trained to behave. It sounds like the teacher is assuming a lot and may not be very experienced with HSer and/or multi-age group activities. Try staying and supervising and maybe helping her a bit so she does a better job and so that your children can get a chance to like her.
  15. One morning I woke up and my arm was paralyzed from the elbow to the shoulder - I had the WORST pain - horrible pain. It lasted a little over a month and no pain meds could help. The ER docs could do nothing and I tried to give them all the pain pills back. What is the big deal about oxycontin, coedeine, and all those drugs - they were like plesebos for me - I threw them away when the ER would not take them back. Finally, one surgeon told me it was a torn rotator cup and the ONLY way to make the pain stop is surgery. I just started swimming every day - and after a while I regained use of my arm and the pain went away. I do not know what RSD is - but it sounds worse than what I had. I am so sorry for your pain and I want you to know my heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you. I hope that you are able to get relief from the pain and from the ugly people that are trying to trip you up.
  16. I had no idea Foxnews was so controversial - Maybe I should stick to drudgereport :001_huh:
  17. The video, uploaded by the Anne Frank House of Amsterdam on Wednesday, depicts the front of an apartment building where Frank's family lived on July 22, 1941, roughly a year before her family went into hiding in a secret apartment. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?maven_referralObject=10292925&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,559060,00.html?test=latestnews
  18. Fox News Article 1 in 3 Preg. women hosp. with h1n1 die :( - Anyone read this article? That is a scary ratio. Are you all getting the vaccine? My dh had to - but my children and I are not, even though I did hear it was covered by dh's work. OT, but when I was 18 and preg. with my first child I almost died from a bird disease that caused me to be sick with pneumonia. It took me a few years to recover.
  19. I was told by a doctor that they are necrotic tissue and "things" that get stuck in the pocket of the throat and rot ... which is why they stink so bad, especially if you sqish them ... ew.
  20. Same here - I had no idea it was so prevalent!! Wow - learn something new each day.
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