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Everything posted by mereminerals

  1. Thank you for reminding me of the Bridge Contest. I have it on my old computer and had forgotten all about it. My dad is also looking into a couple of camps he knows of at West Point. My dad is hoping that exposing ds to many of his friends at West Point will at least give them a face with a name when he applies.
  2. I too agree with going beyond the minimum requirements. Which is why ds will have taken 3 different foreign languages and will be trying to get into the pre-engineering program offered at our local tech school. He knows he will have to show himself to be more desirable than other candidates to have a chance at getting accepted. He just really doesn't want to do Biology, especially since the admissions officer holding the admissions information meeting said they preferred Chemistry and Physics. :glare: So, I think the compromise will be to take 2 years of Chemistry and 2 years of Physics along with an Introduction to Robotics Engineering.
  3. My dad is going to talk to one of his friends who is on the admissions committe at West Point. I really appreciate all the feedback. He is planning on following Chemistry and Physics with AP Chemistry and AP Physics. He is also going to be enrolling at the local tech school his junior year in the pre-engineering course.
  4. My ds14 is looking toward going to West Point and at the latest information meeting we attended, they stated they only require 2 years of lab sciences with preferences to Chemistry and Physics. Would it look completely out of place if we decided to focus on just Chemistry and Physics during his high school years? He has recently discovered things such as lego mindstorms and wants to pursue that avenue in place of Biology this year. So, what does the Hive say about just dropping Biology? His goal is to major in weapons engineering, if that makes any difference. Thanks!
  5. I used it last year in conjunction with Mystery of History 3 for my 8th grader. If my 5th grader was using the program, I would probably skip over some of the activities. We ended up going with Sonlight D&E for my dd10 this year instead of AAH.
  6. Everyday, but the pain varies from a 1 to a 10. I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia along with several other autoimmune disorders. I have recently started seeing a chiropractor that does only upper cervical and actually had no pain for one day.
  7. Glad it is working out for you. I understand about the upgrade in plans with having an iphone, it definitely was a factor in us getting newer phones.
  8. I am so there with you. DD 10 started shaving this past summer. She was so embarrassed by how dark her leg hair was. Now, she does it on her own and very infrequently. I think the novelty of it has worn off. As for the makeup, she lives around it and often helps me come up with new colors for my line so it isn't a high interest for her. I did buy her some clear mascara when she started asking to wear mascara. It is really funny though when she has asked me to cover a pimple with concealer so no one could see it. It took me quite a while to figure out what she was talking about since I couldn't even see the thing. One day she is acting so mature and the next we are having a melt down because we moved one of her stuffed animals.
  9. We were involved in a car accident this past Friday night and have been doing alot of research on chiropractors. I've only seen one and he made things worse than they were before, so I am very apprehensive about going to one that does the typical adjustments. I have been referred by a friend to a chiropractor that specializes in upper cervical treatments. I also have a client of mine that is a chiropractor with the Maximized Living organization, but have read some online reviews of the organization that have me wanting to run the opposite direction. Does anyone have any experience with one or the other? Thanks!
  10. My uncle walked me down the aisle, my grandfather officiated the ceremony, and my dad couldn't be torn away from work to attend.
  11. My dh didn't meet my dad until after the birth of our 2nd son, so almost 2 years after we were married.
  12. Momling, thank you so much for posting that here. I have been wanting to get my 5th grade dd to do a book report, and was at a lost on what to do. This is a wonderful jumping off point. Thanks!
  13. I was in school full-time right after my oldest son was born until he was 9 months old. Then, I was employed fulltime, working 50-60 hours a week until my third child was born. After my third child was born, I quit my job and started an in-home daycare. I ran that for 4 years when dd started pre-k and I began subbing at our church's preschool. When dd hit kindergarten, I began teaching part-time at the preschool and did that for 1 1/2 years. I quit to focus on my business when dd was in first grade. She became sick with mono halfway through first grade. That is when we made the decision to homeschool. My 2nd ds asked to come home that spring when he was finishing up 5th grade. Since then, I have worked part-time in retail and then went back to school fulltime 2 years ago. After finishing school, I went to work at a local day spa as an esthetician. All the while, still running my own business. I have since put both my business and my work at the spa on hold while helping dh start his own business last month. Wow! That's alot and I'm impressed if you read this far.
  14. I put some of my kids part of k-12. The oldest is a senior at the local high school and the other two started out in ps, but will be homeschooled the remaining portion.
  15. I will have to try this next time it happens, which I am fairly sure will be in a relatively short amount of time with my boys.
  16. We bought my dd a Sansa Fuze when she was 7 that was pink. She loved it, until it went through the washing machine. She keeps asking for another one.
  17. My dd10 takes Synthroid as well. Her endocrinologist said to wait at least 4 hours after taking it for any vitamins. She takes hers at bedtime and the pharmacist told me that as long as she always takes it with food or never takes it with food, her body will adjust to it as long as we are consistent with how she takes it. If I remember correctly, the reason to wait on the vitamins had more to do with a disruption in the absorption of the Synthroid.
  18. We are in OK, so our temps aren't much different from yours. My dd10 has grown up at the ball fields and used to be the only child from our team there. Are there younger siblings from other teams at the fields? I used to have to really encourage my daughter to go say hi and make temporary friends. Normally, she will take her soccer ball and sometimes a baseball and glove to the games. I just make sure to keep plenty of water on hand. She used to take her Nintendo DS, some books and other things that she could do sitting in a chair by me if there weren't any kids around. I usually am keeping score, so she learned when she was really little she would have to entertain herself at the games. I know how much longer the games feel when you are trying to keep track of a little one. Good luck on finding something that works for your son.
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