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Halftime Hope

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Everything posted by Halftime Hope

  1. I find that if I freeze several cooked breasts in the broth they made while cooking (boiling with spices to taste), the texture is not a problem. It takes a bit more to thaw the block of chicken and broth, but it keeps the texture from becoming 'weird'.
  2. Here's another thought: if your daughter is wild about the color of the fabric and how it looks on her, she could also get enough fabric to make a jacket to match, out of either color. I also like the idea of palazzo pants that could be worn interchangeably instead of the skirt. (The girls on my college campus wear 70s style jeans and palazzo pants a lot, so the look is in style.) However, the pants would take a lot of fabric, I suspect, since they would also need to be cut on the bias rather than on the straight of the fabric, so that the fabric drapes nicely. Depending on what is in her future, a bespoke, classically-styled navy 'suit' that could be matched with other blouses underneath might be a good investment. If I were to apply US norms to the situation, the navy satin might be relatively inexpensive, and print might cost more. (ETA: I meant inexpensive.)
  3. My mother of the bride dress was quite like this, but with darling appliqued flowers all over, so it was much more contemporary (younger-looking) than lace would have been. I have to say though, I did not look like this woman, she is -- I believe -- standing on a stool under that skirt. 😄
  4. Hannah, an idea. If your daughter wants a style that requires additional fabric, you might find out if more of the navy can be had. The fabric is so stunning, it would be a shame to skimp on the style that she really wants, as it looks like it will be something she can wear again and again for "occasions".
  5. You make a point: there is always a balance between wearing what one enjoys and what flatters. But most people are aware of this, and quite a few of us *also* enjoy wearing what looks good on us. Your final statement is judgemental and quite at odds with the spirit the bride seems to have had when she set the tone for bridesmaids. What a shame.
  6. Of course this is a legitimate question; different styles flatter different body types. We've been to a lot of weddings, and one really gets a feel for how styles flatter body types by seeing how the different dresses fit different bridesmaids. The bridal industry has recognized that reality by offering color-matching dresses in a variety of styles.
  7. The early treatment docs on social media are saying that the acute presentation is quite mild. Your parents should watch for bronchitis and sinusitis as a follow-on to the viral infection; both are treatable, may require antibiotics and/or a short course of steroids, in those with comorbidities. It's absolutely treatable. We went through a large late-August, early September wave on the campus where I work, and I have a friend who works in the health clinic on campus, and she was keeping me posted. 🙂 I heard her side re. students, and I also heard from a dozen or so colleagues...we middle-agers talk. 😄
  8. I'm so happy you made this memory with her, treating her to something that continues to be a joy for her.
  9. A big part of her design choice is going to be limited by how much fabric they allotted for the skirt. I'd do a simple A-line skirt if there is enough, and then put a pleated, high-waisted cumberbund using either the navy fabric, or if there is not enough, the patterned fabric. But the navy would be a much more classic presentation. It almost doesn't matter what the style of the top would be. ETA: I just saw the dimensions of the fabric. It sound like there is enough there to do an A-line, but not much more, on a bias cut. (The fabric generally has a prettier drape if it is cut on the bias.) A simple, princess-seamed top with a flare at the bottom is also quite elegant and looks nice on someone with an hourglass shape. (I love peplum tops, but on a shorter figure, the flare is enough and doesn't overwhelm.) What a thoughtful gesture for the bride to provide the fabric and have the bridesmaids pick their own style.
  10. "Considering the new numbers, in reality, the data breach is known to affect roughly half of 23andMe’s total reported 14 million customers."
  11. I'm so glad to hear she's acting more normal! Go, Winnie!!
  12. That's good news; rest is very healing. I hope you all get a good night's rest.
  13. Popmom, if you type in "Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs" then do an image search, you'll find two common diagrams of dogs either with a hunched back or in a "praying" position, rear in the air, but chest on the floor, as though stretching out the belly. Here's some wording to go with what you'll see. (Several sites have this exact wording.) "What are the clinical signs of pancreatitis? The most common clinical signs include nausea, vomiting, fever, lethargy, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and decreased appetite. During an attack, dogs may take a 'praying position', with their rear end up in the air and their front legs and head lowered onto the floor." Until your dog sees the vet, don't feed anything, just small amounts of water. As I've remembered more: once the labs come back, if it is pancreatitis, your vet may give antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and/or pain meds. A dog with severe pancreatitis may be given IV fluids to keep hydration up while receiving nothing by mouth. We've had two dogs with chronic pancreatitis. With careful diet, the dog can lead a great life.
  14. The stretching and nausea are classic pancreatitis symptoms. If I remember correctly, our vet had to do labs to positively confirm what was suspected.
  15. I don't think I'd want to trust my kid to people who are not trustworthy. If something entirely accidental happened to your kid and they were hurt, could you ever stop questioning your judgement? I'm not sure I could. It would be a no for me. I think this would also warrant an explanation to your daughter: "I'm so very sorry, but sometimes adults can no longer be friends because they disagree on what is right and what is wrong. We will be working hard to find new friends for daddy and me and for you." If she asks what was right and wrong, the issue does not matter; your family's stand to treat people well is the only thing that matters.
  16. I have almost no experience with good wool or other animal fiber socks, maybe something like alpaca. I'd like to get cute, soft, warm natural fiber Christmas season socks for all of us. That doesn't mean we have to have a Christmas design, but something warm, soft/cozy, and durable out of a natural fiber is what I'm looking for. We don't have enough winter in my area to justify anything other than decent cotton blend trouser socks for everyday wear. If you don't mind, could you tell me what you like in cold winter areas, and why you like them? Thanks in advance!
  17. We have the watering thing nailed with drip line, and with about 60% shade cover, they survived the summer (5 weeks of 105 - 110) but although they bloomed profusely, they didn't set fall fruit until nights were cool (in the 60s) again. In prior years, I've grown in self-watering tubs--from a bottom reservoir-- and I think the soil stayed cooler; as soon as fall shoulder season began, I had production, even without shade cover. This year, in beds with thick mulch, I didn't get production until 8 weeks into fall. Sigh...it's always something.
  18. My young adult daughter loves Mauve brand earrings. They are good quality, and there are some darling tiny ones that might appeal to a 14yo. (This would really depend on your dd's personality. If she loses things and/or her style is more eclectic, she might not prefer something as classic.)
  19. I love this idea, just for the adventure...the memories made! (It would still be cheaper to buy a toaster oven, and more practical to plan a cookie baking day with a friend.)
  20. OK, so clearly I'm hijacking this thread since Faith-manor asked for southern hemi boardies, but in spite of about 6 hours of 27 degrees (F) last week, my fall tomatoes seem to finally be ripening in zone 8a. I thought they were goners! Hooray!
  21. Just sayin': it's no fun that we can't like your posts. Apparently snails are the same the world over, and I'm happy your pom is loving its life. My lime tree sends it a warm hello. 🙂
  22. I'll third (?) the wonders of Denby. We had a boatload of Noritake stonewear for 20 years and had gotten down to just a few pieces left, and I replaced with Denby because I won't eat off dishes made in China, which rules out 85% of the available dishes. Ebay has all kinds of Denby for sale, and you can get it quite reasonably, especially if it's discontinued. We have one plate with a chip, but I think it came with the chip. I don't mind buying used dishes off Ebay; I give them a 3 day soak in germicide and call it good, but if that's not in your comfort zone, don't mind me. Ironically, after we got ours, I found brown two-tone Denby dishes (cream and chocolate colored) for my son's apartment while he was in college. They were at goodwill, and were terribly grungy, probably from an estate. I don't think the people knew what they were! It took a bit of Dawn and Bon Ami, and they were ready to be loved again. Ds later told me his apartment mates had dropped a plate or bowl a couple of times, but nothing had ever broken. 😄 I will say, the one thing we don't like about Denby is that the bowls and mugs can get too hot to the touch in the microwave. But I don't mind, because I know I'm not eating off something that will leach heavy metals into my food.
  23. At one point, one of my kids said I garden "with extreme prejudice"...especially toward the birds that take one peck out of each green tomato. 😞 I can't end the birds, of course, but if I spy a grasshopper...it's had a nice life. (We have large grasshoppers that love green beans, but I love them more.) And yes, I now have a lovely birdbath and feeder. Both are away from my garden.
  24. Glad they survived the "adventure".
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