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Everything posted by *Jen*

  1. I managed to get mine cleaned off this morning. Currently my 13 month old monkey child is sitting on it waiting for me to come make him get off of it. He also dragged a bag of carrots up there that he pulled out of the fridge so that's the only other thing on the table.
  2. Holy Sticker Shock! I asked the Kia dealer about getting a new key for my van and it was going to cost $120 for a single key. To get another remote it was going to be another $80. We've had the car 2.5 years with only one key and it will stay that way!
  3. We have that tea set and LOVE it! It has held up well for the year we have had it. I love the fact that they can actually eat off of it and I can put it through the dishwasher.
  4. My son also had trouble with the narrations in WWE. We tried it for 10 weeks and he was just not getting the hang of narrations. So we shelved it for now and will pick it up again in the spring. We school year round so starting later won't put him too far behind. For now we are working on narrations with our history and science work. I take his copywork from whatever book I am reading aloud that week. I also have him give me a short summary of a picture book that he reads himself to work on both his narrating skills and to check his reading comprehension.
  5. My son was like that and rather than adding in more work we added in more games/logic puzzles. He loves playing games so I was always bringing out new games or giving him new books of sodoku puzzles, mazes etc.
  6. Habit was one of the list words in Step 4 before it shows up in dictation in step 5. They teach it in with the group of two closed syllable words. I found the the syllable steps that there were words that I had to slow down and pronounce for spelling to make sure that the syllables sounded correct.
  7. The following info is for if your walls are primed before the wallpaper went up. If not it is seriously easier to pull down the sheetrock and put new stuff up :lol: If it is a thicker 60's 70's style paper we found ripping the outer layer off was the quickest way to do it. Basically with the thicker paper you can rip off the decorated part of the paper leaving only lighter backing paper left. Then you could easily spray that with remover solution and scrape/pull the thinner backing paper off the wall. Make sure you wash the walls well after all the paper is off to remove all traces of the glue. Otherwise you will never get a good smooth coat of paint on the walls. If it is thinner paper than the scoring tool was the most helpful. We never used a steamer with any of our paper removal. Liquor is much needed extra tool to get through the process. **Our house had some of the ugliest wall paper I have ever seen when we moved in. The master bathroom was covered in silver metallic wallpaper with gold swirls and red butterflies. If was like waking up on a bad high every morning. Our main hall was covered in wallpaper that looked like tree bark and one bathroom had some of those beautiful geometric pastel patterns of the 80s.
  8. Boys ruin clothes much faster than girls do! I see the same thing shopping at consignment sales for my kids. The girls racks are packed tight, but the boys have only half as much.
  9. Been there! It's awful. All my pregnancies they keep adding more anti-nausea meds trying to help me keep up with all my little ones. With all 4 pregnancies I was on zofran around the clock to try to keep me from being hospitalized for dehydration. Here would be my suggestions Set up your couch main area during the day. Make an area for the 8 year old to work nearby where you can help him from the couch. I know with me the less I moved the better I was. So having everything within reach of the couch helped. For me bean bags next to the couch were a life saver. The kids could pile on them while I read books since the movement of them on the couch made me throw up. Using any remaining good days work hard to get weekly packets made up for the 8 yo. That way you can have a packet ready for the week to supervise him doing but don't need to use up any of your energy planning on what you are going to do. Lots of documentaries and educational shows for the days that you just can't manage to do anything else. Thankfully my oldest was only doing pre-K when I was PG with my last one, but I'm already developing a plan for when I get PG again with a 2nd grader and a Pre-K next year.
  10. Congrats! Been there - done that! You can do it! Just take it one day at a time. When #4 was born I had a 5 yr old, an almost 3 year old and a 17 month old. The first few months are actually the easiest since the little one sleeps a lot and you can put them in one place and they stay there. It wasn't until #4 hit 7-8 months and really got mobile that life got crazy! Do we school as much as I would like? No. Do the kids occasionally watch to much tv when I'm having a bad day/week? Yep. But it's not going to hurt them in the long run. We still get in enough schooling. I was extremely sick with all my pregnancies - We did what we could when we could. We snuggled on the couch and read lots of books. I took huge advantage of my library's hold system and would request tons of books and then have my husband pick up my stack waiting for me. (I couldn't go into the library because a weird smell in there made me sick :) )
  11. Well that will keep me from using my debit card with them. I already have to close my checking account with another bank because they went from "free" checking to charging me $8 a month to have the account.
  12. I forgot that we did use the rods too. We pulled those out when he did the IP for 1B and that was what finally got it to fully click and stay in his head.
  13. We actually use the IP a semester behind. So we are finishing up 2A and the IP for 1B this week. This way he can do a majority of the IP work alone. I have two math boxes in our workboxes. One is for our normal daily lesson in 2A. The other is having him spend 20 minutes working independently on problems in the IP. This is the first year that I bought the CWP. We have the level 2 book and we randomly work through a problem or two. Generally I end up grabbing it when he has learned a concept really quickly and I don't feel that he needs to do every workbook page. So we do more work with word problems on the same concept.
  14. I did when I was a teenager. Ended up being nothing and I just have a larger than normal thyroid. I do have borderline low thyroid levels so I get them checked often but my thyroid has never gotten larger and I have never needed meds to up my levels.
  15. My DS got stuck there too. What finally worked was pairing them up. So we used colored blocks - one color for the 7 another for the 4. Then I told him that to find out how many more or less there were we had to pair the ducks and cats up. Once they were walking together we could see who didn't have a partner and could tell how mnay more or less we needed for everyone to walk together. After a couple of days doing problems this way he finally realized that he could subtract one from the other to find how many more/less he had. These were one type of problem that we kept coming back to review over and over again. He would understand it and be able to do a page of them right but give him a week and he would have forgotten and we would be back to pairing them up again. By the time we finished 1B he and we had reviewed it 4-5 times he finally had the concept down.
  16. My OB tried that at 38 weeks with my last 3 kids but it never helped me. My body dilates but refuses to contract. I end up being induced everytime as soon as I reach 6cm. It can be a bit uncomfortable for a minute while it is done, but it did always start up a few contractions for me my body could just not keep them going.
  17. My son is all over the place depending on what we are working on. I agree with Melissa about Narrations. We did 10 weeks of WWE1 and decided to put it on the shelf for awhile. Trying to get him to listen and do a narration was worse than pulling teeth. I'd read the passage and ask him if he could remember one thing to tell me. No. So I would ask him the questions. No. I'd reread the part of the passage with the answer and still only 50% of the time he could answer the question. We'd finally get through the questions and he could retell me his final answer for his narration for me to write down. Outside of WWE when its something that interests him he has no problem answering questions or giving me one sentence about something. So for now we are working on doing 2 narrations a week from something that interests him. For Reading we are starting to read Magic Tree House books. He still rarely picks up a book on his own, but he will sit and read a chapter of MTH to me every night. He is on lesson 185 in OPGTR. Math we are finishing Singapore 2A so he is doing multiplication tables of 2 and 3. Handwriting is something we are working on. He writes most of his letters correctly with some occasional reversals on b,d,p and q. He uses capital letter appropriately most of the time, but occasionally will throw in a capital B or D so he doesn't accidentally reverse them.
  18. Did you sign up for another class or only the free class? If you didn't sign up for any other classes then yes this class is mandatory and they can revoke the remaining entrances on your tickets. This is the first year that we are going down for the Homeschool Days so we will be at the class too.
  19. The OP didn't have the HIGs. Only the Textbook and Workbook so she wouldn't have had the Mental Math Lists.
  20. Bill makes an important point. Knowing the regrouping strategies is VERY important and a lot of the exercises expect the child to be able to do that. If you were doing Singapore without the HIG you really were missing over half the program. My son was able to explain the regrouping over and over again before we ever got to the point of memorizing the math facts. Since he is young and doesn't have the stamina to write problem after problem we used flashcards and the mental math lists in the back of the HIGs to memorize the facts rather than using them in problems over and over again.
  21. I know in the standards edition the HIG says that they should have all the basic addition/subtraction facts memorized before they move onto a certain unit. I don't remember what one but I know we took an extra week when we got to that point to have them down. Not with fast recall, but at least having them down to the point that he wasn't struggling to come up with the answer. ETA - They never specifically covered the math facts in 1B but they do expect them to know them since they were covered in 1A.
  22. Did you use Singapore 1A and 1B? I know in the HIG for those levels they told you what facts they should have memorized. We used flashcards and online games to learn the facts while we were doing 1A and 1B. We are almost done with 2A but we still do lots of review with Addition/Subtraction facts while we are also working on memorizing the multiplication table for 2 and 3.
  23. We do a mix. When he was just learning them I had him say the whole problem. Now that he knows them all and we are working on quick recall it is just the answer. Most of the time he is jumping on his mini trampoline while we are doing flashcards so I am reading the problem out, he is looking at it and then telling me the answer. If he gets one wrong I make him say the whole thing 3 times.
  24. That was about the point that my son starting enjoying books by Syd Hoff, Cynthia Rylant (Henry and Mudge) and the Big Green and Blue Books of Beginner Books (Dr. Seuss) There were still words that he didn't know, but I just told him the words that I knew he didn't know and helped him on the words that we had covered but he wasn't good with yet. He didn't enjoy the leveled readers where there were so many sight words. The basic ones were below his phonetic level but he couldn't move up because there were too many sight words. I found moving to real books helped there be more phonetic words and fewer sight words per page.
  25. My favorite is sprite mixed with a flavored vodka. Sprite and raspberry vodka is my favorite. The bite of the sprite covers up any of the vodka.
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