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Everything posted by *Jen*

  1. Now I remember why I hate internet explorer - To turn off it filling in the google web page with the search results in the web address you also need to go to tools, internet options, click on the content tab, and then on autocomplete settings and turn off it filling in web address.
  2. You also may want to go to tool, Internet options, and then the settings for browsing history and set it to keep it for 0 days. That way when you close the browser window it will delete your history so it shouldn't pull up the sites that you visited when you go to type in new site in the address bar.
  3. Are you using google.com to search or the search bar on the top of the browser. If you are using google.com you can stop it from filling in by going to search settings on the top right side of the page and then at the bottom of that page turn off google instant. If you are using the search bar, I don't know of a way to keep it from filling in except for each time that you are done searching right click on the mag. glass and choose clear search history. That should prevent it from popping up what you had searched.
  4. My DS used HWOT Pre-K book at his pre-k program that he went to last year and loved it so we continued with that. Since he already knew the capitol letters and wanted to write more we moved straight to the 1st grade book.
  5. What browser are you using? How to turn it off depends on what you are using.
  6. Here is my crew D - 5 year old S - 3 year old R - 18 months E - 1 month
  7. Hanging out in the basement bathroom with the kids. Storm just went three miles north of my house with multiple wall clouds and a funnel cloud that may have touched down several times! I really hate it when these storms come during the day. They scare me and it is so hard to stay calm around the kids.
  8. I was thinking the same thing :001_smile: Jen - who also went to K-State (Go WILDCATS!)
  9. If you subscribe to the thread - under thread tools at the top of the page - you can have it email you when someone responds to a thread. You also have the option to subscribe without it emailing you. Then the next time that you log in you can click on User Control Panel on the top left side of the screen and it will give you a listing of any subscribed threads that have a new reply.
  10. Hope everyone stays safe this afternoon. The kids in the schools around us are getting out early today for the storms. I hate how they panic around here for storms but I do understand some of it since most people don't have basements. We were lucky and bought a house with a basement so we just go play down there on days like this. The winds that we are having already are starting to scare me. We have already lost 3 good sized branches from our trees. Our house is surrounded by mature trees and this dry weather has really done a number on them and the wind is just breaking apart the dying branches. Amazingly all the storms that have come near Huntsville in recent years have split around our house. They either go north of Huntsville and hit Hazel Green/Tn state line area, or hit Huntsville and the areas east of it. Thankfully in the 5 years that we have lived here we have yet to have any damage or any hail bigger than a pea.
  11. Congrats to you and your daughter! What a great weekend at the dog show! I grew up showing and had several times where the judge did the same thing to me. A couple of the times the winning handler even came up to me and told me that if the judge wasn't playing into the politics I should have one. I think I was grinning from ear to ear for a whole week after hearing those words.
  12. Crystal - We are at Sciquest a lot as well. My son is always begging to go plus we do their homeschool science classes. We are fine here. I'm worn out from being up until 3am when the storms passed and then the baby decided it would be fun to only cat nap the rest of the night after sleeping great during the storm. I grew up in Kansas so I'm used to the massive tornados and bad storms, but the thing I hate about the storms here is that they pop up so quick and can produce a smaller tornado without much warning. In Kansas we could see the storms coming and had more warning that the storm cell coming at you would be likely to produce a tornado.
  13. Thanks - It's hard to believe that cute chubby baby is now a walking, talking destructive tornado of a toddler and that now I have the cute little one in my avatar curled up on my chest :001_smile:
  14. This is me 1 year ago. I haven't changed much since then other than having another baby :lol:
  15. I hate the fall storm season in AL. We are just north of Huntsville and hoping to avoid most of it tonight. Of course I have a dog that is terrified of storms so I know during the few hours that the new baby will let me sleep the dog will keep me up because of the storms.
  16. :D I thought I was doing good making it to lunch before I had to yell at someone.
  17. We take our dogs with us when we travel to visit family which is about the only time we travel. That is generally twice a year and we are gone for 10 days. We take them because my parent's are dog people and our dogs get along well with their dogs. We do not take them with us when we visit my IL's since they are not dog people. The dogs stay at my parent's for the few days that we are at the IL's house. Otherwise we will board them if it is an emergency and there is no other option. The reasons that we bring them are - the expense of boarding - even at the cheapest place around it is $20 /dog/day so that's $400 plus tax for the boarding for two dogs - the expense of the vet visit and shots to make them able to be boarded (which I would otherwise not have done) - another $400 a year - one dog does not do well being boarded and the last time we boarded her I had an additional vet visit and medication to get her digestive system back in order - $100 - the same dog also hates being boarded so much that the last time we had an emergency and had to board her we had to pay $200 in damages that she did overnight when she chewed her way out of her run. So basically if we were to board them while we travelled it would use up all our money and we wouldn't have any money to pay for the trip home or we would have to cut down to just one trip a year.
  18. With our wood laminate I take a microfiber cloth and wrap it around an old swiffer mop. Then I either lightly spray the microfiber with water. It is just enough to help the microfiber pick up all the dust off the laminate without getting water spots on the laminate or having to wipe it down. If I have sticky spots on the floor than I spray cleaner directly on the spot and then go over it with the microfiber. I have damp mopped the laminate with water/vinegar when it has needed a really good cleaning but then I had to quickly follow up each section towel drying it to prevent water from seeping in at the seams and to prevent water spots.
  19. We are also in an area we where we are finally seeing some relief from the heat. My DS likes to do his work at the picnic table in our backyard. He has a clipboard that opens up to hold pencils etc. We just keep a roll of scotch tape in there and if he is working on something that is a single sheet he clips it into his clipboard and then we tape down the bottom edge to keep it from blowing around. We have not ventured to the park yet, but that is mainly due to having two little ones to have to watch as well. It's a lot easier to turn them lose in my backyard that I know is safe for them. He does get a little distracted being out in the yard, but generally once that hits its about time for a break anyway. So he goes off and runs around the yard for a bit while I pull out the stuff needed to do the next thing on our list.
  20. My friend's daughter was a skunk last year and they let her carry around silly string to "spray" people with.
  21. We have a one eyed squirrel that comes up to our back door. He never knocks, but I think with only having one eye he can't see very well and gets confused by the reflections in the door. Even the cats being right on the other side of the glass doesn't bother him. He's been hanging around our back deck for the last 2.5 years.
  22. I can commiserate! Yuck! That heartburn / reflux is the worst. I'm at the very end of my 4th pregnancy and this time it is worse than all my others. I will be so happy in 3 weeks when the little one gets here and I don't have to deal with the reflux anymore. The only good thing is that my husband also has bad reflux so I am just using what works for him to help me. We have our bed raised. The head of our bed is on 4 inch blocks. It helps a ton! I can still lay flat but don't get the reflux. Propping yourself up with pillows is actually worse for reflux than laying flat because it puts more pressure on your stomach. This pregnancy the OTC meds just didn't work. I ended up having to use Protonix (which is a higher version of Nexium) and prescription strength pepcid to keep it under control. I also have cut out most caffeine (I do eat a little piece of chocolate everyday - I have 3 kids 5 and under so chocolate is a necessity in my house!) and we have cut out certain spicy foods that affect both my husband and I. It does take some experimenting to figure out what makes the reflux bad, but once you get it controlled it isn't as hard to deal with!
  23. I would go! It's not often that you get the chance to get away. We went on a 7 night cruise (were gone 9 nights total with traveling to the port) when my DS#1 was 2 and I was PG with my DD. It was a wonderful experience and even though we missed him it was great to have a chance to get away with my husband. My DS had a wonderful time playing with Grandmommy all week (she stayed at our house) and talked about it for months afterwards. He kept asking when we would go away again so she could come and play with him! We wanted to go again when I was PG with #3 but it didn't work out and #2 had separation issues so it would not have been a good time to go. We wanted to go to Hawaii with my parents this past winter but #3 had even worse separation issues than #2 so I couldn't leave him. Then I got PG with #4 and was too sick to travel. Now we are just waiting until #4 is old enough (and crossing our fingers for no separation issues) for us to leave for 5-7 nights so we can go on another cruise. We need the time away - we never get a break from our kids because they don't do well being left with babysitters and all the grandparents live across the country. For us it is a time to concentrate on each other and enjoy some time alone.
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