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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I'd probably read through the Common Core standards for eighth grade and just go over them explicitly. You don't really have time for an entire program. Other than that, I wouldn't stress as long as she isn't severely behind. High school is knew for all kids. She might be shocked by the quantity of writing expected, but I'd keep plugging away with WWS.
  2. We have one four cube bookcase that holds all our stuff. On top sits a basket of supplies, the pencil sharpener, and a few books. The white board hangs above it. It's our one corner of school stuff. In the living room I have a big cabinet with doors that holds the rest.
  3. I've on,y had the Otterbox for a few weeks- not even sure which one. BUT the only thing I don't like is that the case gets in the way of me touching the buttons closest to the edge of the screen. It's annoying.
  4. Yes, it's totally gross and it's very different than any other gross habit because it is harmful to those around them, especially children. There's no "kind of ok" in this for me. We had very good friends who smoked and they managed NEVER to do it around my kids. But the fact that he was smoking while pushing his own kid on the swing is probably an indicator that he's not too concerned about kids inhaling his smoke. I don't care what is PC. It's gross and you shouldn't do it around other people.
  5. My twins love each other to the moon and back and are usually just happy with each other. A third would be awesome! They are best friends. I worry less and less about the quantity of their friends. Coming out of school was the hardest transition. It's like detoxing. You'll notice homeschoolers play in mixed age and gender groups. It's one of my favorite things about us. :) Try not to worry too much. Authentic friendships will develop over time. There's no need to push. Just provide opportunities.
  6. I was loving the break, too! I even thought I did such a good job not signing us up for anything this spring! But then... There was play they wanted to be in, so there goes one night a week and all of April. Then dd reminded me about soccer. And that's on top of speech twice a week. And a trip to Florida, Boston, and Utah and CA all before July. Oh well. It was a nice thought.
  7. Finishing up some work and getting ready to go see Winter in FLoRIDA!!
  8. It's amazing what you can do by paying extra on your mortgage. If you want to get even more serious about that debt, check into how much it would cost to go to a 15 yr mortgage. Interest rates are super low right now. We refinanced a few years ago and only ended up paying $200 more a month. I just about fell over when I saw how much it would save us in interest. I love seeing our mortgage bill every month because that principal just keeps shrinking. Anyhow, just a thought on that. We have a kind of variable income. We budget for his base salary and anything extra is for special things or savings or trips. So, I think staying on a budget and saving the rest is a great plan. Just don't let it rule your life. :)
  9. I just finished Love Wins. Here's my review: http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/52-books-week-1/
  10. Yeah. They highlighted a lot of low income schools like where I used to teach. I had a student get into a charter school, her mom chose not to send her, and I went home and cried. The situation is DIRE in some of these districts. Many of the parents don't speak English or have had apvery little education themselves. So those desperate families really are desperate. A better education is their child's only ticket out. When I left the inner city, I went to teach at a charter school. Here's my blog post from when I saw this movie in the theater. It was the year we started homeschooling. http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/waiting-for-superman/
  11. We were like this until this year. They are 10, so I figured it was time for them to at least have some skills. We do typing and Dreambox online, and use the iPad for Cnn student news. I am on it WAY too much, but they only use it maybe once a week. My kids are readers, so it doesn't really bother me if they have some screen time. It bothered me more when they were younger and still developing the habit of reading. I know the two aren't mutually exclusive, but I do believe it helped.
  12. Thanks so much Audrey. I spent some time reading the reviews last night, and I'm going to just go ahead and get her the acne brush head. The Olay thing won't save me any money if it's between that and just the brush head and she really needs something effective. Thank you for all the feedback!
  13. Which brush does he use and what kind of cleanser?
  14. I got a Mia for Christmas and I'm in love. My 10 year old is constantly- I mean constantly (sensory issues)- touching her face and she is getting black heads and little zits already. :( I read the Clarisonic is safe for kids. I used it on her tonight and she loved it and said she wants to use it everyday. Yay for a child wanting to wash her face! But I'm not going to share (gross). I can't afford to buy another one, but I could get an extra brush for her. Do any of you use it on your kids/have kids that use it? What do you think of it? Successful? How do you manage the logistics of it all? We don't have room in our shower for it and we all share one bathroom with zero counter space. It's perched up high on a shelf right now.
  15. Ha! My neighbor screamed out her window at a repeat offender, then hid. :) it never happened again. I always say something. Next time you should follow her home and leave a dirty diaper in her yard. ;)
  16. This would be great, but how did it work last year? What about security? It makes me a little nervous to already see three profiles with very low post counts (although I'm sure you are all wonderful people). Can someone explain the logistics?
  17. Also, if it helps, my dd with ADHD was only able to work independently for the first time this year (5th grade). She has a checklist to follow and does ok, but I have to stay close and check in on her every 15 minutes or so. So hang in there! Maybe next year will be better. :)
  18. My 10 year olds are at different levels, but they are getting closer, not farther apart. The twin who is behind has never really cared. It's the arrogance in the other twin I've had to watch. ;) I'd say put them in different curriculums, at least in math and spelling where levels are readily apparent.
  19. NM. I'll PM her. I don't want this to feel like religion bashing...
  20. OK! I'm going to just friend them. I'll just trust their parents are monitoring things and understand what they are exposed to. I can help what my friends say in response to my photos or comments. (My dh and I hold very, very different beliefs than the rest of the family.)
  21. I'm getting friend requests from my 11-13 year old nieces and nephews. I have a...wide variety of friends and I can't expect my FB page or comments to always be appropriate for a 13 year old, let alone an 11 year old. Do you friend your young relatives?? I've been ignoring them...
  22. Jenny in Florida, I could have written your exact post!!! We are still going to the UU church, but exploring the Episcopal church, sometimes on the same days! I get squirmy with some of the religious stuff at the Episcopal church, but don't feel that our UU church allows for enough spiritual growth, especially in RE. A friend who is an Episcopal deacon recommended Marcus Borg and he is seriously changing our lives. I'm not really sure which church we'll end up in, but it's starting to matter a lot less! I'm excited for all the new book recommendations!
  23. I come from a small family and am a special needs parent. It wouldn't occur to me to expect my child's cousins to come to a homeschool graduation, or any graduation for that matter. Families have their own schedules and April is a busy month. Let your daughter try out and then see if she can skip that weekend of practice. I'll bet she can.
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