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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. The gym membership thing is outrageous. The more I think on it the more I just have to repeat-that SW is completely out of bounds. I'd like to see where in the policy manual it allows her to make those demands (including the other unreasonable ones). She can make 'suggestion' that you consider a gym membership to decrease stress but as far as making it a part of an enforceable plan...no, no, no. Heck, I have a Y membership that has been gathering dust for the last 9 mos. Having a membership to a gym doesn't mean you'll use it or that it will even help with stress. I'm having stress because I have the membership and I am stressing about not having time to use it right now. Use that gym membership $$$ to retain a good lawyer. IMO a good lawyer will do more to relieve your stress than a gym membership. ;)
  2. Thank you all so much! I had suspected this about the ABeka higher math and getting confirmation feels comforting. Now I feel better! Taking deep breaths. :)
  3. We continued to retain our homeschool status thoughout High School. When ds was entering 10th we dual-enrolled him as a homeschooler. In his senior year he took the ACT and scored a 31 which entitled him to a full Bright Futures scholarship. So by the time we 'graduated' ds he had all core college credits and we only paid for books. Since he was already in college (the dual enrollment) it was a fairly seamless transfer from hsing to college. I did have to prepare a transcript but that was a no-brainer because I keep detailed records. So much depends on where you live. We're fortunate that our state and county is homeschool friendly and the college was used to homeschoolers. I believe that ds's ACT score did play a big part in our not being worried about college acceptance. Anyone can make a transcript but the test scores go a long way to validate college readiness.
  4. Can I get some input on others who have used ABeka math beyond 7th grade. I'm evaluating my options and would like pros and cons. Thanks!
  5. Our fave fast dining choices... EPCOT: Fish 'n Chips (a take out window next to the British Pub Restaurant). China has a fast service counter off to the rear of their area. Animal Kingdom: Dino World has a 50's style counter service that has a nice seating area. Hollywood Studios: We like the open market area that is on the way to Tower of Terror. Lots of choices. Magic Kingdom: We like getting the BBQ Turkey Legs from the stands or another good place is a large cafeteria in futureland (indoor and lots of comfortable seating).
  6. One word-LAWYER! This SW sounds wacko and that means she is a threat to your family. Where is she coming up with the gym nonsense??? :confused: Exactly how is that going to help anything and who is going to pay for that? When I worked for services, we weren't recommending gym membership and long walks alone or whatever other wacky things she told you. You need someone who can put her in check...fast.
  7. I remember that store! Years ago when I first started hsing I used to buy curriculum from them. I thought they went out of business though.
  8. Definately! Most of the children at the event we attended were girls and they were right in there with the boys having a great time!
  9. Not at all. Just a regular strength blow and that marshmallow really zooms! Fun!
  10. I've always been a sticker for doing EVERY problem. That is my personality though. I also feel like if I'm paying $$$ for curriculum, I'm going to get my money's worth by doing every single problem. ;) I have always felt skipping problems was risky and I've heard of similar problems that have occurred. It is good that you posted your experience. I think it can help others. We do ABeka and I hear so many people recommending to skip because of the review. Don't do it. ABeka moves fast and that review cements the concepts. We've never had a problem with ABeka math and I attribute that to doing every problem and doing math everyday.
  11. We had a coop group that met at a local park and the leader had put together kits that had all the parts, glue etc. The children built their shooters and then they were able to take them right out and play. They used plumber glue (it was a blue color) and it dried real quick. It was great fun! The children spray painted their shooters to personalize them too. You can make your own very inexpensively or I had seen that Oriental Trading has a shooter for $5.99. Here is the link: http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/search/processRequest.do?Ntt=marshmallow+shooter&x=0&y=0&requestURI=searchMain&Ntk=all&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&N=0 Marshmallow Gun Assembly Videos: http://www.instructables.com/id/variation-on-the-marshmallow-gun/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Marshmallow-gun/ http://hubpages.com/hub/HomemadeToys_Perfect_For_Christmas_or_Anytime Detailed Written instructions and list: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Build-and-Shoot-a-Marshmallow-Gun&id=150942 Hope this helps! :)
  12. Marshmallow shooters! We did this one time and the kids had a blast. The cost is the shooters and bags of small marshmallows.
  13. I get chills with my migraines, particularly my hands and lower legs and feet. I think it may have something to do with blood flow. What I have found helpful is to take a long hot bath (just don't get the water much over your tummy or you might get too warm). The idea is to warm up the extremities and as the blood flows downward you lessen pressure in the head area. A nice long bath is just relaxing anyway so either way, it might help. :) A caffeine drink also helps reduce swollen blood vessels in the head. Cup of strong tea and a nice soak is my recommendation. Hope you feel better real soon!
  14. I remember doing that so the checking access must be the key.
  15. We really like Audible. Our subscription gives us 2 free credits a month with our $22.95 month plan. We've never actually had to buy a book since we just use the credits. Technically we're buying but it is cheap with credits and only the monthly fee. I got the entire set of audio books for A History of US this way and saved them to disk. It is nice to be able to download to itunes from Audible too so I can listen to a book at the gym. They have a great selection too.
  16. I did some searching around and from what I can understand, if you have secured the account with a credit card they don't do the limits. I think that is how it works from what I read anyway.
  17. I looked at my Paypal and I can't find anything about limits. Where is it? I gotta be close, I'm a card-carrying curriculum and cake decorating gadget junkie.
  18. We start at 7-7:30 AM and these days are done around 2:30 - 3:00 with a break for brunch.
  19. We have liked Something Wicked This Way Comes, a Poe collection, Little Women, Sophie's World. All of those have been hits. We're currently doing Swallows and Amazons...jury is out on that.
  20. For 7th grader-we're almost finished with ABeka 7 (couple more weeks) and moving on to Chalkdust Pre-Alg or Alg depending on the Scope and Sequence (I think we've already covered the pre-alg in ABeka 7) and continuing with LOF & Dolciani as a supplement. At least that is the plan for now. :)
  21. We used Times Tables the Fun Way which I think is similar only more colorful and offers a computer game too. They're both the same technique. My girls learned and retained their tables in a flash with this method. I loaned it to a friend who's daughter struggled in math and she was sailing along in no time. It was a total success in our home! HTH!
  22. You might check out: http://www.ajourneythroughlearning.com/ Look under unit studies. They have a 20th century unit. It looks quick and easy. We just ordered it today since we needed a fast review for upcoming testing. I have a 6th & 7th grader.
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