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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Dd14 was at the local ps last year for 8th (after 4 yrs. at home). Not her cup of tea. She asked to come home. Ds12 LOVED ps and desperately wants to go back. Ds11 doesn't like ANY school and so chooses the location that gives him the most flexibility (homeschool). My other children have never been to school. They are very content at home. I wish ds12 would want to be here, too. :glare:
  2. So you are telling me that in just a week, my now disagreeable, angry, attitude-copping, complaining, stubborn, defiant and moody 12yo ds will magically transform into a compliant, cheerful, respctful, obedient, good-hearted young man? Really? :D If you are lying to me, I will find out where you live. :glare: :lol::lol:
  3. I heard that the Nook Color's battery is NOT replaceable. It can be re-charged but once the battery dies completely you need to replace the entire Nook. I don't know how long the battery will last but this was a deal breaker for me. I'm saving for an iPad.
  4. We were going to do MFW Adv. next year but decided on HOD Beyond. I was upset we would be missing this state study but now I can add it in. Thank you so much!
  5. I stopped by the po today to mail some packages. It was a different po than I normally go to as I was out and this one was on my way home. I told the woman at the counter to ship media mail. She asked me if there was anything perishable, liquid, etc. and I said no. She then proceeded to RIP OPEN ONE OF MY ENVELOPES! :confused: And because I had the book wrapped in a plastic bag for extra protection, she asked me what KIND of book it was. :confused: Does she really need to know? It is a book. I asked her if she was going to tape the package back together and she answered yes...in a very snotty way. I've never had this happen before. Is this normal? I didn't think they could do that? Just rip open and inspect a package like that? I am so angry and if that package doesn't make it to the recipient safe and sound...I will be extra mad. Should I call the po tomorrow and ask about this?
  6. You are in NJ so Sandy Cove would be perfect for you! It is a Christian resort (if that makes a difference). They offer week-long packages that include room, 3 meals a day, activities, swimming, etc. The first week of summer (end June, beg. July) is their Homeschool Week! It is AMAZING! Awesome speakers, activities, etc. Diana Waring spoke one year, Maggie Hogan of Bright Ideas Press, Steve Demme of MUS, etc. It is truly a fantastic vacation. Right on the water...there is boating, knee-boarding, a huge rock wall, the "Swing", hiking, you can even camp as there are cabins as well as a more "back to nature" campground for tents. http://www.sandycove.org. Homeschool Week fills up quickly, btw. Oh, and they offer "scholarships" for people who are in need. I can't say enough about Sandy Cove. Oh, it is in North East, MD (Cecil Co.).
  7. This book made me realize that I grew up not having my boundaries respected...by anyone. Not physical boundaries, not emotional boundaries, etc. It helped me realize why I had certain struggles and how to fix them. I also realized that my dh grew up w/out boundaries either. Not a good mix for a good marriage. ;) It has helped me teach my children about boundaries and how to respect AND set them. I have a hard time accepting boundaries in some areas and used to think people who set them were rude or impolite or selfish or whatever. It finally dawned on me that this was how life worked! People set boundaries, you respect them. It's not rude. It's healthy. I also recommend Boundaries in Marriage, Bound. for Teens and Bound. for Children by the same authors.
  8. Wow, can we move in with you? :D Sounds like a super opportunity. Congrats!
  9. We often save the science experiment and history project for Fridays (unless the project is something that requires dry time or something). And, I always make the kids do math and reading as well. It is a shorter day for us and I like that. It leaves time for my boys to play outside, build things, etc. AND, for next year, it will be a co-op day.
  10. Singapore does have a Home Instructors Guide for each level as well as the textbook (which you probably already have). We have not used the HIGs yet. I found the text and workbook to be sufficient, with the Extra Practice books for those concepts needed a bit more time to "gel".
  11. Our library had 2 Star Wars cookbooks and there were some really awesome recipes in them. Your library might have them. I forget the name, though.
  12. Try http://www.retailmenot.com and search for CBD.com Sometimes I have luck finding a coupon code there.
  13. Kids who get along more than they fight. Peace. Dh and I on same page about homeschooling. No more clutter. Finding a church home. Close friends living near me.
  14. We use and LOVE the More Time Mom's Wall Calendar. I think you can get it at Calendars.com and other place. Do a search for it and you will find it. It has big spaces w/ lines for writing in activities and appts. There are also stickers in the back for things like dr, dentist, sports, mom time, field trips, birthdays, date nights, holidays, first day/last day of school, etc. HTH
  15. Mine stopped working w/in the first 6 months of having my MacBook. I took it in to my local Apple store and they replaced it free of charge (b/c it was under warranty). I'm praying this one lasts longer.
  16. I haven't read all the posts (past page 15 or so) so forgive me if this has already been said. Had this woman chosen to deliver in a hospital that allowed vaginal breeches, the baby probably would have died anyway. The baby was almost delivered when the head got stuck and in the time it took to maneuver this child out (w/out breaking it's neck), he had lost too much oxygen. Even in a hospital, by the time a csection had taken place, the baby would have likely died anyway. Look, I don't know all the details besides this. 100 years ago, this woman wouldn't have even had the choice to have a c/s and nobody would have been questioning her "choice" or Karen's decision to deliver her at home. It simply would have been a horrible, tragic, turn of events during childbirth. Nobody would have been blaming anyone. Feel free to debate this until the cows come home. I apologize for taking up the bandwidth and creating such a controversial thread.
  17. Currently we use HOD. However, WTM was how we started and it will always have a special place in my heart. :D I just wanted something more Christ-centered. We have used MFW in the past.
  18. I respect your opinion. I also must say that the mother in this case was WELL informed of the risk to herself and her baby. According to my midwife, the mother "desperately wanted this homebirth". But I hesitate to "blame" the mother or my midwife b/c this birth could have had a tragic outcome in a hospital as well. C-sections are not w/out risk to mother or baby either. Bad judgement? I don't know about that since Karen has delivered well over 50 breeches safely. There is risk in childbirth...no matter who attends or where it is. Blame will not bring this baby back, help the mother heal, etc. And if Karen is convicted, the community will lose one incredibly skilled and caring midwife. So many "what ifs" but all are hindsight...and hindsight is always 20/20.
  19. Never had any problems here (except one but it wasn't really a problem..just a lesson learned on my part :001_smile:). I've had so many generous sellers and try to be generous in my listings as well. Economy is bad, people are in bad financial situations everywhere. Everyone is looking for a deal. Just the way it is. :D
  20. VBACs in MD are not illegal. However, many OBs and CNMs will not do VBACs at home. I was scheduled to have my VBAC at a birth center in MD before I decided I wanted a home birth. The only CNM in my area refused to do a VBAC at home unless I was across the street from a hospital. Then I found Karen...she was a gift from God. Anyway, I just spoke to Karen and while she cannot speak about the specifics, it was wonderful to hear her voice. She is in good spirits and she was heartbroken over this birth. Karen isn't a robot. She always got "attached" to her mothers and the babies. Every one was special. The hospital in VA or DC (wherever they took the baby after the birth) is the entity who filed charges...6 mos. after the birth happened! It is a witchhunt. What interest does the hospital have in this? None. Absolutely none. I am furious. Whatever any of you think of this case, or Karen's reasons for taking on this birth or whatever...please remember that Karen is a human being with a family...just like the mother who lost her child. Losing that baby was tragic and devastating for the mother. And this is just as tragic and devastating for Karen. Nobody needs to be "blamed" for this.
  21. Agreeing with Central PA (we are in South Central PA) and MD. I grew up in MD (Baltimore) and have lived here in PA for almost 9 years. Maybe a hurricane once in a while (but compared to those on the coasts, it's really like a big thunderstorn, kwim?). No earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. I think about moving sometimes but am very content with our weather here.
  22. Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet...:D Seriously...congrats!
  23. That could very well be. Karen did carry oxygen and pitocin. Carrying oxygen saved my ds9's life. He was purple-faced at birth and barely breathing (quick birth, cord wrapped around neck, would have happened that way in a hospital, too) and b/c she carried oxygen, ds was saved. Whatever the reason, I'm sure it was a good one. And this has nothing to do with the license anyway, I'm sure. It is a witchhunt, pure and simple. When I chose to be transported to York Hospital, Karen accompanied us there. Even though she is legal here, they treated her like DIRT. I was appalled. The transport was MY CHOICE (b/c I was exhausted) and my baby was perfectly fine and healthy. Makes me sick whenever I think about it. :glare:
  24. Diana Waring's History CDs are amazing. Christian all the way, so probably not appropriate if you want secular. Just wanted to note that. But, they ARE fabulous!
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