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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. You know, I questioned the use of the word "associative" after I walked away from the computer. I really don't mean because of his associations we should think ill of him. Carefully now: The people Obama has consistently associated himself with during his political years (not formative) give me concern about *his* perceptions and judgement. Does that clarify it a little better? I really don't care about Rev. Wright, crazies are a dime a dozen and come in all sorts of flavors (like you point out), but Obama has the very real potential of sitting across the room from Kim Jong-Il one day- I don't just want him "thoughtful" I want him shrewd, does that make sense? I also want to point out that McCain is the first to say he was a jerk at the Academy. He is pretty honest about just "coasting" through life until he had all that time to reflect after being shot down. I guess am trusting in the refining from that experience. I really am having trouble being concerned about his reported anger issues- but then I'm a huge fan of Teddy Rosevelt (hit me with your best government interference in corporations jokes now:D). Jo
  2. He brought us through war- that was popular. I can appreciate his popularity rating on that one. Ahhhh, for a militarily strong nationalist Democrat again....:) His socialist policies have had long term effects that I could do without....which now that I think about it is a perfect segway back to our incredible looming national debt problem. ;)
  3. Still channels? This is heresay, right? Buddies, who I'm sure have no political position, have brought up a nickname from prep school and you actually putting that in the "con" column? His first marriage? The affair, right? Yeah, that stunk. Are we allowed to dig up marriage issues on all candidates now, because...well...that wouldn't be pretty (except maybe whatsisname, the guy from MA? He was pretty squeaky clean). It just seems somewhat petty. Especially in the light of other associative flaws in Obama that we are so very, very, very willing to overlook. Jo edit: btw, Pam. You are one of the least petty people on this board, which is what compelled me to address the issue. Coming from another I wouldn't have bothered. It is out of deep respect that I require clarification.
  4. I don't like to think about it...but, honestly? I think they do. Mine gives me a headache too- and I have an incredibly high pain tolerance. Now with the latest study on cell phone use and pregnancy I'm even more ansty. If I really want to worry then I think about wi-fi too....:glare:
  5. Positions are not soundbytes. Some on the list above are more opinion than position (the judge issue for instance is highly subjective), but as for number 6, this one is the most easily supported: http://www.cagw.org/site/VoteCenter?page=congScorecard&congress=109&location=S&lcmd=prev&lcmd_cf= That is the Citizens against Government Waste report. I recognize that you are a supporter of Obama's and therefore you are more likely to overlook areas that don't jive with your personal beliefs (vouchers), but that doesn't make number 1 on the list inaccurate or a "soundbyte". These are six areas that the poster pointed out differences between the candidates. Your answers were just as subjective. Keep that in mind- I usually admire your clear thinking on issues.
  6. I like your post. It states your position. But.... a Libertarian voting for Obama? :svengo::blink::blink::svengo: :D Jo
  7. I agree that saying END THE WAR is not equal to being anti-troop. Who doesn't want to end a war? Really? Here I am to shout: I want this frickin' war over! Over! Over! Over! But I find it naive and foolish to say that "leaving the area" equals "over" or peace. That is the problem I have with both Obama and Clinton. And I definitely have a problem with candidates wanting to talk their way out of international dispute/conflict. This is usually stated by people who think the world will respect Obama more than they did Bush because they think Bush is an "idiot"- right, Phred? Afterall they've been listening to our own congress say it for eight years. And if Obama becomes president they will probably hear the Republicans in congress calling Obama ineffective/inexperienced/naive etc. for the duration of his term- and I will call those congressmen/women who insult our president unpatriotic too! My public criticism's of the presidential candidates will end in November. And then I will begin fighting for issues through my representatives, and correspondently (okay, I completely made that word up) slapping them around ;) if necessary. Jo
  8. I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding about the effect of raising corporate tax rates. The companies will just leave. They are already leaving. Other countries are lowering their taxes for corporations while we raise ours. We can call them evil all day long- creating more competition is the only way to keep corporations self-correcting. The government can't take away a CEO's salary anyway, so how does any candidate expect to change that? Off-shore loop holes? Why do you suppose they put it there? Because the US government wants to grab more of their wealth. Competition is the answer! How about tax incentives for companies to put their profits into charities, ex-prisoner reform/hiring programs, research, etc. Things that actually do help the country (as opposed to the government programs that aren't effective....ever). And as for our debt- I have a really hard time swallowing that somehow raising our taxes, anybodies taxes- putting more money in the government's hand- is going to fix anything! The Democrat and Republican's spending is out of control, why would I give them more money to overspend? I'm sorry to have answered out of turn---I'm certainly no Obama supporter. Jo
  9. Okay! Apparently I have a way with smileys.....;) But I remember another one. The day my dh's command soccer team played the Navy Seals I was the absolute only girl on the field (of battle). After a few plays these fellas were a little miffed that a *girl* was able to hang with their physical style of play, so they stepped it up a little to keep their egos intact. After a particularly rough tackle on me I went down in a heap with one of the SEALs- he had slide tackled me with his cleats up and I was pissed!! A little scuffled occured as I was trying to detangle myself and I ended up flipping the guy over my shoulder onto the ground- pure adrenaline, I was so mad. After I jogged off my one of my teamates came running up to check on me and yelled over my shoulder to the guy, "And she's three months pregnant! How you like that!?" :D And can't remember if we won...it didn't matter. Jo
  10. still digging. And if I have to dig this hard, then I am defeating the purpose of this post. :glare: Maybe by the time the kids are in bed.... Jo
  11. :iagree: It's taken my dh a few too many years to convince me of this. But I can't be who he wants if I'm modeling off of someone else. Jo
  12. Coveting! Coveting! I would love that compliment. That would make my year too. I don't think I have a fresh compliment to compete. I'm going to be inspired by yours, k? Jo
  13. I found *my* planner this year. I needed to see the whole week, every subject, and all the kids on one spread. This is what I use: http://www.amazon.com/Mead-Teachers-Plan-Book-11in/dp/B00006IDM1 I got it at my local drugstore- of all the places! I put subjects down the left Bible Math Latin Language Arts (has two squares) History/Geography Science Electives In each box I write the child's initial and assignment. Example: Monday 5/19 Math R: Singapore 6a exer 1/ Lesson 7A,B,C C: 27 B,C T: Test 14 N: Chart counting, M&M math All my kids check the plan book for their independent work in the morning and put a small check over their initial when it is completed. It's only taken me 7 yrs to figure out what works for me. ;) Best wishes to you on finding the planner that works for you
  14. We do family meetings, but they are fairly informal and usually topic specific. If we have decisions to make as a family, or there are things we need to announce. ;) We just gather em' up on the couch, we say a little something and offer up the floor for comment. It's a great way to train the kids to respect one another while speaking. I'm not sure if this is the same thing you are suggesting. These "meetings" are different than family devotionals which we do more regularly. Jo
  15. Good job!! I'm exhausted reading your list. I'm still trying to figure out what to plant in my container garden- it's hard to be motivated when you aren't living *where* you eventually *will be*. Do I really want to haul gihugeous [spelling doesn't count for made up words, right?] pots all over? I hope to have a full garden one day- I really am designed to have a garden...it's the job that isn't. ;) But I truly am impressed with your efforts. I pray your harvests will be abundant. Jo
  16. Oops. I see you want to display both sides. That was a tough decision for my mom to decide which side was most attractive- I suppose you could rotate periodically. Jo
  17. My parents have a really inexpensive coffee table that had just enough of a lip that they had a piece of glass fitted to go on top and the best of their collection sits underneath on a piece of felt. It is really a simple, inexpensive solution and the table is a great conversation piece. Jo
  18. Oh you are so right. Having them all sick at the same time is much, much better. I usually operate on adrenaline for the first couple of days. Keep up the good work- you've earned a new badge on your imaginary mom-sash! I'm glad your dh will be home soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Jo
  19. How cool. We used to be frequent fliers at the jax zoo when we lived in Kings Bay, GA. My kids loved the video! They were quite fired up by the end- "get em'! get em' Whahoo!" Jo
  20. PCA here. Our last sheperding elder made an appointment to come over and brought a big pot of corn/cheddar chowder with him and his wife. We just sat on our couch and he asked, point blank, "tell me about your spiritual journey." So there! He was a wonderful, old, retired marine and I adored him. He was real, shared his faults, and sympathized with ours. He took a real interest in our family (and all "his" peeps). That really was the most significant thing- and it was really significant. Right now we don't have a sheperding elder and although the church is much smaller we still feel a little disconnected after 5 months. We have a large family that doesn't smoothly fit into any small mid-week groups or Bible studies, so Sunday morning is our only contact with the congregation- which is wonderful, but not quite enough to build deeper fellowship. Just my thoughts. Jo
  21. I threw it across the room. Really. My dh said that the book was making me act "weird" and if it made me feel better he would "forbid" me to read it:lol:. He's never forbade me to do anything. I'm just not *that* sort of excellent wife- but when I'm my dh's sort, everyone's happy. Jo
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